Caturday: After the storms

It’s not raining right now. It’s an amazing thing. While we were safe enough, there were floods and rock slides and trees falling all over. It was a mess, to say the least. We had horizontal rain and hail thanks to high winds. Tito was NOT amused and spent a lot of time hiding as a result. He’s happier now.

Tito lurked nervously after the last storm
Miss Jenny
Meanwhile, Miss Jenny got over her fear and settled in to watch the seagulls that were taunting her.

Our thanks to for this one.


Christmas Movie Madness: “rare exports: a Christmas tale”

The evil of Farther Christmas has been unleashed upon the world once more. Can a small group of reindeer herders catch him in time to sell it to the Americans?

Rare exports: a Christmas tale” – (2010, Finland, 84 minutes – rated R)

Like all industries, Christmas is made up of many businesses, the more unsavory and dangerous ones, the more “interesting” the folklore.

The hunters
The hunters

While NORAD pretends to track Santa’s sleigh every year, the real hunting takes place on the frozen ground of Northern Finland, Lapland to be exact. There, rough men practice skills honed over generations, working in groups of three: the tracker, the marker and the sniper. Their quarry is the Wild Father Christmas, an elusive and savage predator pouncing on reindeer and naughty children alike. The following video is NSFW:

In “Rare exports: a Christmas tale“, Mount Kurvatunturi, the site where Father Christmas was entombed is being “excavated” with explosives  by an American company, Unwittingly, they unleash the ancient evil. It is now up to local reindeer herders and father and son Rauno and Pietari Kontio (Jorma and Onni Tommila) to capture the beast and sell it to the Americans.

Rare Exports

based on  the 2003 short “Rare Exports, Inc.” posted above, “Rare Exports: a Christmas tale” is another highly enjoyable example of dry, dead-pan Nordic humor, in the vein of “Trollhunter” or “the sound of noise“. Monty Python lives…  And…

… Father Christmas is out there, ravenous, nasty and lethal. Until the tame final product, result of hard work and hours of beatings, is fit for shipment around the world. “Rare exports: a Christmas tale” is where it begins…

Rare Exports: a Christmas tale” gets five jellybeans. They should show this in schools.

5 beans

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Caturday: Two kitties and a recipe

We’re not doing anything exciting for Christmas. We picked up a leg of lamb and some fancy taters. With luck, Miss Jenny won’t be able to steal one and bring it to bed like the last time. We might go off to the park or the beach for a good walk though. 🙂

I would like to apologize for not posting lately. I’ve been doing some major maintenance on the blog (behind the scenes). I should have it all tidied up soon.

It has been raining and raining here. I don’t mind. As you can see here, it makes our hills a very pretty shade of green.

Here are the beasties.

Miss Jenny was using Tlito as a pillow
Miss Jenny was using Tlito as a pillow

Here are our two “angel” kitties.

Our sweet and comical food thief. Kitsy is missed
Our sweet and comical food thief. Kitsy is missed
The Boober
The Boober. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body. We miss him too.

And now for the recipe. I love pumpkin bread, but most times I find it dry and mealy. This recipe is NOT dry. It’s moist and wonderful. My mom and dad have made it for years.

Mom and Dad’s Pumpkin Bread

5 cups pumpkin (1 large and 1 small can)

2 cups white sugar

2 cups brown sugar

1 cup oil

1 tsp salt

1 tsp cloves

2 tsp cinnamon

4 tsp baking soda

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup nuts

5 cups flour

Mix all the ingredients well.  Makes 2 large bread loaves, or up to ten smaller loaves.  Bake at 350 for 1 hr. and 5 minutes.  May take longer.  Bread is done when a toothpick is inserted and comes out clean.

We always greased the pans and sprinkled them with sugar (rather than flour).  We also sprinkled a bit of sugar on top as it made the top crunchy.

Obviously, this is NOT diet food. 🙂

This is why we do NOT have a Christmas tree in the apartment.



Coastal Batteries: Mendell, you are there

We decided to go out and play again on Friday afternoon. The Marin Headlands are full of coastal batteries. Most were placed as a result of WWII, but some, like Battery Mendell were built before WWI. Old and dilapidated, they are both an eyesore and a thing of beauty. No longer owned by the military, they are now a part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA).

Battery Mendell
Battery Mendell as seen from Battery Wallace by Rudha-an. This photo was from a previous trip

Continue reading “Coastal Batteries: Mendell, you are there”


Caturday morning mania: It’s NOT Pon farr

No, I am NOT a Trekkie. The proper term is Trekker, thank you. That said, the playtime of Tito and Miss Jenny bears a close resemblance to Klingon foreplay. Pon farr? Not so much. Be aware, Tito is neutered and Miss Jenny is spayed. We are responsible kitty people. I figure that whoever wrote about the Klingons and their sex life had to have had a fascination with cats, big and small.

Jenny as Klingon
jIH dok !!!
Tito as Klingon
maj dok !!!

After the playtime and violence that occurs, this is the result.

Tito and Miss Jenny as Klingons
Tlinghan jIH !!!

Miss Jenny, as an orphan did not have a jinaq. Tito didn’t mind.

Ok, here’s a bit of humorous Christmas music. It may not be safe for work, so beware. This is brought to you by rathergoodstuff at Youtube.


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Caturday: World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. Today is a day for people around the world to come together in the fight against AIDS. In that spirit, Tito and Miss Jenny are wearing their red ribbons and encourage their fellow felines the world over to join them in the fight. If you are able, please consider a donation to help the fight.

You can read about World Aids Day here.

Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny

Clicking on the photo below will take you to our post about the National AIDA Memorial Grove here in San Francisco. It’s a very beautiful place, but we hope for a day when no more names will need to be added to the list of those lost to this horrible disease.

National AIDS Memorial Grove
The Circle of Friends in the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park

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The Coastal Trail: Before the Storm

On Tuesday the 27th, we went for a walk along the Coastal Trail near the Golden Gate Bridge. We knew there was a storm coming, so we wanted to get some time outdoors before it hit. It turned out to be a wonderful little jaunt that was full of surprises.

Golden Gate
Lastech looking out across the Golden Gate. Point Bonita (on the Marin Headlands) is visible in the distance

I wanted to break up the trip into two posts, but it just wasn’t going to work. We had some very nice surprises along the way.

Continue reading “The Coastal Trail: Before the Storm”
