Yahoo! It’s Caturday yet again and yes, we’re having a heat wave. Of course, this is normal for Concord, but not for us, we’re having to adjust to temps that are 30 degrees warmer than what we’re used to dealing with. Thank Cthulu for air conditioning.
Life in The Endurance is coming along nicely. We are slowly emptying out the storage unit and getting things stowed away. The pointy eared people are adjusting and OMG! there’s parking in Concord!
The Safeway parking lot.
Sorry about that. When one is used to hunting for parking and then making highly technical maneuvers in order to use it, open spaces like that are a wonder. Saving time and gas enables us to accomplish more each day. When we find a way to power The Endurance’s environmental controls with tiny cat farts, we will have it made.
Yes, it’s now time for the pointy eared people.
Tito staking out territory on my pillowTitanescu checking out the new cat tower. Their lair has been moved to the top bunk.Miss Jenny: My God! It’s full of stars!
Someone once told me that online friends weren’t real friends. As a result, we joke about them being “imaginary” friends. I’m sure that’s true of some of them. I’m here to tell you that we have a bunch of friends online that are very real and very dear to us. Without their help, encouragement, and advice, we wouldn’t be moving into our own place. One of those friends will be here later this morning to help us haul some large items to Goodwill. Another is helping us to find a pet friendly hotel to stay in for a few days for the transition. Another will guide us in setting up our trailer and learning how it all works. A bunch of other friends got together to help us in other ways. We appreciate every single one of them.
This is our new home. It shall be called “The Endurance”, shown here with the front cargo bay door open. She’s a beauty, Captain..! Our goal is to have it in place and move in by the 31st. Caturday may or may not happen for a week or so. We’ll see. In spite of all the stuff I’ve gotten rid of, I still need to get rid of more. I’m getting there. 🙂
The Endurance
Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine. They are NOT amused by the kerfuffle, but we managed a photo or two.
Tito is passed outTitanescu showing off his nubbie and green eyesMiss Jenny looking a tad nervous, as usual
I don’t have any funny vids this week, but here’s a little fat robin I found at the park.
Yes, Sunday is Mother’s Day. 🙂 My poor mom isn’t getting a card this year. I think she understands. She’ll get a phone call at the very least. We want to wish all the mums a happy day. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mum to a human or a pet. All are worthy.
Last Wednesday, we took a day long road trip and went to the Central Valley to look at trailers. We saw two that we really liked and we’re going back, on Wednesday, to look at them again. I didn’t take many photos because the view was mostly semi trucks on the freeway. Ugh! In the meantime, I’m doing even more packing as I’m taking everything from the kitchen that we can live without and boxing it. The rest of the apartment is 98% done.
Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine.
TitoMiss JennyTitanescu
Since tomorrow is Mother’s day, here are two vids about a great surrogate mum.
Here is a bit more about Bobbi and her adopted bobcat kittens.
Ok, almost escape velocity! It’s Caturday, time to finally announce that we’re moving. The blog isn’t moving, the bloggers are. 🙂 This has been in the works for more than a year, during which the apartment has grown untenable. Now, I know I’ve mentioned the Tiny House movement and dropped hints about moving, but nothing more. We have a 5-year goal for a tiny house. For now, we’re going to purchase a ‘gently’ used travel trailer that’s 24 to 26 feet long and live in an RV park for a while. Program launch is scheduled on or before July 30. For now, I’m furiously packing. I’ve done most of the preliminary work of getting rid of everything we don’t need. Now I just want everything ready so that we can move with 48 hours notice. Escape velocity is imminent.
This entire process has made us reconsider many things, one being how to become more efficient and reducing our footprint, while also increasing our mobility. This will give direction to jellybeansofdoom as well, of a more adventurous bent. Stay tuned.
The pointy eared people are not amused, but they’re coping. I have one Feliway diffuser and I’m bringing in another one along with the spray. It works very well for them, and they romp around the now mostly empty rooms with abandon. I also try not to move too much stuff around at a time. I’ll move things and then wait until they recover. This apartment has been their whole world and we’re causing upheaval. In spite of that, they’ve been posing nicely for us lately.
Tito’s green eyesMiss Jenny’s blue eyesTitanescu’s stinkeye
Speaking for me, I feel a bit like this baby rhino (Gertjie) and his goat friend (Lammie). I haz a happy.
In case you’re curious, here is the story of Gertjie (Little G), the rhino.
Last night, we listened to the heavy patter of rain hitting the windows. It was a wonderful sound, different from the thunderous stampede three cats make at night, aka “the Devil’s galop”. I don’t know how much we got, but it wasn’t a light rain. It was probably wasn’t much but it was a beautiful thing as we need rain more desperately than ever.
If you didn’t notice, there are two posts below this one on the page. Yes, we managed to get out AND take pics while the kitties basked in the sunlight by the windows, recharging their batteries.
Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine
Tito looking elegantMiss Jenny and the stuffed sheepTitan is relaxing with Tito trying to look sexy in the background
To keep things happy and lighthearted, here are some owls.
Yes, I forgot to brain. I had folded up my exercise machine, aka Gazelle Supra, and Lastech was taking it out to the porch so that I had more room indoors for all the packing we’re doing. He was wearing slippers. I was barefoot. I stepped out the door for 3 seconds and the wind blew it shut. It was locked.
I didn’t have a key. Lastech didn’t have a key.
The landlords don’t have a key. We pondered the situation. Then we had the only bright, shining (?) idea anyone might have in that situation.
This is the door after I repaired it
It took Lastech about five kicks to crack the paneling (with a lot of cussing) and I punched through the rest of the way. My bad. My very bad and the kittehs weren’t amused.
In addition, PG&E rang our doorbell this morning. There was a major leak (their words) downstairs where the meters are. Now I’m sitting around waiting for the service guy to come turn my gas back on and make sure all is well. I just love having a heart attack before my first cup of coffee. Aaaarrrggghhhh! On side of better news, it looks like we might be moving sometime in the next 90 days or so. 🙂
Yes, it’s Caturday and now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine
Watchful TitoMiss Jenny looking lovely as usualTitanescu and Miss Jenny’s jellybeans
Now for something hilarious. This raccoon wish wash everything you love. LOL I don’t like the very end, but it didn’t seem to affect him adversely.
Happy Caturday everyone! It’s a sunny day here. I hope your weather is good where you are. I know there was some awful weather in the Midwest the other day. I miss the rain, but I’ll settle for a sunny day.
The microwave (16 years old) went off the rails and made some really creepy noises. Rather than risk the thing becoming sentient and taking over the world, we chose to pull the plug. Its lonely carcass sits on the porch awaiting a journey to the recycler. We’re not planning on buying a new one.
Today, the pointy eared people have been given another artistic treatment. This time, Lastech used the PaperArtist app on his phone. It’s available for i-Phone and Android.
TitoMiss JennyTitanescu
Now for a bit of fun. Simon’s Cat is back with another episode.
I’m sorry that we’re not around as much. Life is a case of hurry up and wait. I’m still busily going through stuff and donating or dumping and we still don’t know how long we’ll be in this apartment. At this rate it could be one month or another year (I hope not).
The NWS is predicting rain for Easter. While I don’t want the egg hunts rained out, we desperately need it. Our governor has imposed strict water regulations on us. This is great and much needed. However, he managed to leave agriculture unregulated along with the water bottlers. All the regulations in the world won’t help unless they are included. No matter. Lastech and I are doing our share and cutting every gallon that we can manage. We’re hoping for rain in spite of Easter.
Grace commented in our last post asking about photo editors. I decided to include a couple of links. The one I used last week was BeFunky. I used “underpainting” with a few adjustments. Another one that I like a lot is Pixlr Express. It has some fun settings to work with. Last, but not least is iPiccy. I use this one mostly for adding text to my photos. The text section is easier to work with than on the other two. All three are free to use. You can pay to upgrade and get more options, but I’m content to stick with the free stuff.
Now for the pointy eared people. I didn’t use any of the above programs this week as Lastech got some good shots.
Tito hunting for a toyMiss Jenny looking so very lovelyTitanescu with a somewhat relaxed stinkeye
As you know, I’m constantly complaining about the housing crisis here in San Francisco. Every so often some joker posts a funny Craigslist ad in response to it. I’m usually late to the party, but I found this one this morning while I was researching apartment listings. I’m posting the screenshot as the post will wind up being pulled anyway. Have a giggle. Click on the pic for the larger version.
Ok, it’s not that artistic. However, this is what you do when the pics are substandard or the backgrounds just really suck.
I found it hard to get enthusiastic this week as the the news was just awful. First there’s a plane crash and then Indiana makes their attempt at taking us back to the Jim Crow era. I’m happy to see the blow back on Indiana. Warning to all bigots: I believe in equal rights for EVERYONE. Yep, I mean everyone. If you operate a business in order to serve the public, then you should NOT get to choose which public you serve. I may not be fond of Mayor Lee, but I was happy to see our city announce a boycott. I hope it sends a message to other states trying the same thing.
Ok, now that I’m done ranting, it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine. 🙂
The poor kitties. I’m glad we have Feliway. I’ve been moving furniture. Most of the furniture is going away, but I’m doing it in stages. The pointy eared people are not amused. However, they ARE happy that I put the cat tower by the window.
As for Lastech and I, our 11th anniversary was on Thursday. Due to his work hours and my thrashing about the apartment, we snuck out on Wednesday evening to celebrate with some good diner food. I had a burger, fries and a real milkshake. Lastech had a Reuben. Then we went to Sutro Heights Park to walk it off.
That was our week. Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine.
Miss Jenny looking lovelyTito getting scritches from dadTitanescu watching over his domain
Lastech posted this vid on my Facebook wall. I love it so much I have to post it here. There are quite a few versions of this dancing bird out there, but this is my favorite. The Brazilian music is perfect.