I’m sorry that we’re not around as much. Life is a case of hurry up and wait. I’m still busily going through stuff and donating or dumping and we still don’t know how long we’ll be in this apartment. At this rate it could be one month or another year (I hope not).
The NWS is predicting rain for Easter. While I don’t want the egg hunts rained out, we desperately need it. Our governor has imposed strict water regulations on us. This is great and much needed. However, he managed to leave agriculture unregulated along with the water bottlers. All the regulations in the world won’t help unless they are included. No matter. Lastech and I are doing our share and cutting every gallon that we can manage. We’re hoping for rain in spite of Easter.
Grace commented in our last post asking about photo editors. I decided to include a couple of links. The one I used last week was BeFunky. I used “underpainting” with a few adjustments. Another one that I like a lot is Pixlr Express. It has some fun settings to work with. Last, but not least is iPiccy. I use this one mostly for adding text to my photos. The text section is easier to work with than on the other two. All three are free to use. You can pay to upgrade and get more options, but I’m content to stick with the free stuff.
Now for the pointy eared people. I didn’t use any of the above programs this week as Lastech got some good shots.

As you know, I’m constantly complaining about the housing crisis here in San Francisco. Every so often some joker posts a funny Craigslist ad in response to it. I’m usually late to the party, but I found this one this morning while I was researching apartment listings. I’m posting the screenshot as the post will wind up being pulled anyway. Have a giggle. Click on the pic for the larger version.