Caturday: Love rules the day

Rudha an: The post below was written by Lastech and I’m adding my bit up here. Yesterday was nothing short of amazing to me. Love certainly ruled the day. I spent the day watching my Facebook and Twitter feed and sniffling with happiness. Finally! It’s now just marriage. It’s not “same sex marriage” or “gay marriage”. It’s just marriage for all. Hooray! This is Pride weekend here and it has taken on a whole new meaning.

Castro flag

In addition, thanks to the confusion of our move, we neglected a very important celebration. On May 14th of last year, our friend Catgirl married the love of her life, Carolyn. We want to wish them all the happiness they can handle. Catgirl writes great reviews of horror films from around the world for her delightful blog, Nekoneko’s Movie Litterbox.

Lastech: As it turns out, living in a trailer with cats is like traveling through space with Klingons. They play, they fight while singing the songs of heir people and romp all over us , not so much at high speed for lack of room, but take flying leaps. By the way, this is how they demand to be fed. No tact.

The fabric covering the furniture seems pretty sturdy considering how often and how violently they claw at it. The window blinds are not so resilient. No matter, eventually they’ll have destroyed all of that and we’ll have to replace it.

They do enjoy watching the world outside the windows or the screen door, especially when there’s a ray of sunshine to lay upon. They are excited by the wind stirring through the leaves outside and lust for bloody murder as robins fly by on their way to the bird feeder. Speaking of birds, these flying piglets go through birdseed like there’s no tomorrow.

And if the catonauts had their way, there would be no tomorrow, just half digested feathers in the litter box… The best Tito could do yesterday was to pull a Renfield and gobble up a fly before we had time to get up and yell “gross!”
He did groom himself after that….

Tito staking out a spot by the window
Tito staking out a spot by the window
Miss Jenny making love to Rudha an's sandals
Miss Jenny making love to Rudha an’s sandals
Titanescu being lazy in the bunk
Titanescu being lazy in the bunk
Bird watching. They love it when the weather is cool enough to keep the door open.
Bird watching. They love it when the weather is cool enough to keep the door open.

Now for a little music showing how we feel this week. 🙂


Caturday: Furballs in hiding

Yes, the furballs are hiding, at least during the day. I spend several days a week trying to unpack boxes and the furballs are NOT amused. I only do a few boxes at a time and I try to avoid sudden moves. Sadly, I keep having to reorganize constantly. Going from an apartment to a trailer is a challenge. There is plenty of storage here, but not all of it is easy to access. Figuring out what we need easy access to vs. what we can stash away is the tricky part. The poor pointy eared people are getting tired of it already. They remain in hiding until I quit for the day. I do try to work for a couple of hours and then break for a while, so they can feel comfortable using the litterbox and getting a stretch. We avoid doing much unpacking at all on Lastech’s days off. It gives us all a break.

In other news, I’m happy as a pig in erm… stuff! The produce market is just wonderful. It’s too hot to cook indoors, so we eat a lot of salad and cold veggies. The fruit selection is stellar too. While they don’t have beef or pork, they do carry a good selection of fish. We use the grill on Lastech’s days off, so we tried the Mahi Mahi. Yummy!

Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine. As they’ve been hiding, getting pics has been awkward. Only Titanescu hangs out with me during the day. He spent so much time in the gulag, he’s not scared of much.

Tito: She's watching, isn't she?
Tito: She’s watching, isn’t she?
Titanescu: Da! She's watching
Titanescu: Da! She’s watching
Jenny: Why you do this to me Dimmy? Why?
Jenny: Why you do this to me Dimmy? Why?

Lastech managed to get this cool pic last night

From bottom to top: The moon, Venus, and Jupiter
From bottom to top: The moon, Venus, and Jupiter

And now for a lullaby to an elephant

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Caturday: Heat and parking

Yahoo! It’s Caturday yet again and yes, we’re having a heat wave. Of course, this is normal for Concord, but not for us, we’re having to adjust to temps that are 30 degrees warmer than what we’re used to dealing with. Thank Cthulu for air conditioning.

Stars heatwave

Life in The Endurance is coming along nicely. We are slowly emptying out the storage unit and getting things stowed away. The pointy eared people are adjusting and OMG! there’s parking in Concord!

The Safeway parking lot.
The Safeway parking lot.

Sorry about that. When one is used to hunting for parking and then making highly technical maneuvers in order to use it, open spaces like that are a wonder. Saving time and gas enables us to accomplish more each day. When we find a way to power The Endurance’s environmental controls with tiny cat farts, we will have it made.

Yes, it’s now time for the pointy eared people.

Tito staking out territory on my pillow
Tito staking out territory on my pillow
Titanescu checking out the new cat tower. Their lair has been moved to the top bunk.
Titanescu checking out the new cat tower. Their lair has been moved to the top bunk.
Miss Jenny: My God! It's full of stars!
Miss Jenny: My God! It’s full of stars!

Now for a laugh…

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Caturday: The right stuff

We completed docking procedures the other morning by connecting the Endurance’s black water tank to the sewage inlet pipe, using what is affectionately called a stinky slinky… Last week, power and water were enabled by our good friend D.

Home c

As to the pointy eared crew, Jenny’s set up shop under the sofa, though she’s emerging more often now. The first few nights, she’d barely venture out to eat and drink before dashing back into hiding. We’re having to remove the blinds as she would effectively destroy them, trying to reach the little birds chirping happily right outside the Endurance’s bays. On our second night, she made several passes at the head of the bed, rubbing against our heads and farting.

Home Jenny b

Tito does better overall but digs furiously at the blankets, trying to hide under our knees when something makes him nervous. He seems to take rather well to our new surroundings, though, occasionally laying down on the floor, looking up at us for pettings.

Home Tito

All three catonauts are eating and drinking normally, something we have been keeping a very close eye on.

Titanescu’s sense of comfort is pretty basic. He just needs a human arm to curl up against, with the occasional foray under the blankets. He enjoys looking outside, laying in front of the screen door and his body language is already more relaxed that it has been since the mission began.

Home Titanescu

The cross airflow moving through the Endurance’s bays and roof vents are very welcome relief from our previous accommodations, as is the immediately available hot water. Environmental controls perform flawlessly. The three days spent at a hotel before the move were not so much fun for any of us, but Miss Jenny in particular completely freaked when we corralled her into her carrier for transport. We’ve got the scars to prove it. I think Titanescu may have feared either a trip to the vet or worse, being returned to the shelter.

Home a
Awning deployed and a BBQ/smoker that was a wonderful housewarming gift. 🙂

The really awesome thing about all three cats is that despite their quirks, they managed to comfort each other during each phase of the whole operation. Even Titan reached out to Jenny, stretching to touch her and grooming her when she was in hiding.

Edit: The catonauts have their own bunk. All of their blankets, toys and even the little orange “hut” came with us. Thank you for the toys and hut Auntie Grace. The pointy eared people still love it.

This is the lower bunk. Soon, they will have access to (and move to) the upper bunk.
This is the lower bunk. Soon, they will have access to (and move to) the upper bunk.

And now for some different Catonauts

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Caturday: Losing my marbles

Ok, I lost them already. When we took a load to storage, I accidentally tilted a game box and there was a major marble spillage. Although I found most of them, the silly little things rolled everywhere and I’m sure I’ll find more when I empty the storage unit.

This may be the last Caturday for a couple of weeks. I’m not sure we’ll have much internet access right away. Tuesday evening we will hand over the keys and head for the hotel. We are scheduled to have our trailer delivered on Thursday, if all goes well. Our goal is to have it set up so we can move in on Friday. I’ve managed to change our address with the bank, the DMV, insurance, voter registration, etc. I have more to do, but it can wait a few days.

With all the changes, the pointy eared people are laying low. We haven’t managed any new pics. Instead, I pulled out a few of my favorites.


Move Tito b

Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny

Move Jenny b


Move Titan a

Here are three pics of the inside of our new home.

It's hard to tell, but the colors are a soft olive and tan
It’s hard to tell, but the colors are a soft olive and tan
These bunks will become the main area for the the pointy eared people and double as storage
These bunks will become the main area for the the pointy eared people and double as storage
Our bedroom is nice. The bed is a full standard queen instead of the short ones usually found in RVs. I like the frosted glass too.
Our bedroom is nice. The bed is a full standard queen instead of the short ones usually found in RVs. I like the frosted glass too.

With luck, the next time we post we will be living in the city of Concord. 🙂

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Caturday: Happy Mother’s Day

Yes, Sunday is Mother’s Day. 🙂 My poor mom isn’t getting a card this year. I think she understands. She’ll get a phone call at the very least. We want to wish all the mums a happy day. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mum to a human or a pet. All are worthy.

Last Wednesday, we took a day long road trip and went to the Central Valley to look at trailers. We saw two that we really liked and we’re going back, on Wednesday, to look at them again. I didn’t take many photos because the view was mostly semi trucks on the freeway. Ugh! In the meantime, I’m doing even more packing as I’m taking everything from the kitchen that we can live without and boxing it. The rest of the apartment is 98% done.

Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine.

Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny

Since tomorrow is Mother’s day, here are two vids about a great surrogate mum.

Here is a bit more about Bobbi and her adopted bobcat kittens.

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Caturday: Escape Velocity!

Ok, almost escape velocity! It’s Caturday, time to finally announce that we’re moving. The blog isn’t moving, the bloggers are. 🙂 This has been in the works for more than a year, during which the apartment has grown untenable. Now, I know I’ve mentioned the Tiny House movement and dropped hints about moving, but nothing more. We have a 5-year goal for a tiny house. For now, we’re going to purchase a ‘gently’ used travel trailer that’s 24 to 26 feet long and live in an RV park for a while. Program launch is scheduled on or before July 30. For now, I’m furiously packing. I’ve done most of the preliminary work of getting rid of everything we don’t need. Now I just want everything ready so that we can move with 48 hours notice. Escape velocity is imminent.

This entire process has made us reconsider many things, one being how to become more efficient and reducing our footprint, while also increasing our mobility. This will give direction to jellybeansofdoom as well, of a more adventurous bent. Stay tuned.

The pointy eared people are not amused, but they’re coping. I have one Feliway diffuser and I’m bringing in another one along with the spray. It works very well for them, and they romp around the now mostly empty rooms with abandon. I also try not to move too much stuff around at a time. I’ll move things and then wait until they recover. This apartment has been their whole world and we’re causing upheaval. In spite of that, they’ve been posing nicely for us lately.

Tito's green eyes
Tito’s green eyes
Miss Jenny's blue eyes
Miss Jenny’s blue eyes
Titanescu's stinkeye
Titanescu’s stinkeye

Speaking for me, I feel a bit like this baby rhino (Gertjie) and his goat friend (Lammie). I haz a happy.

In case you’re curious, here is the story of Gertjie (Little G), the rhino.

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Caturday: rain and shine

Last night, we listened to the heavy patter of rain hitting the windows. It was a wonderful sound, different from the thunderous stampede three cats make at night, aka “the Devil’s galop”. I don’t know how much we got, but it wasn’t a light rain. It was probably wasn’t much but it was a beautiful thing as we need rain more desperately than ever.

If you didn’t notice, there are two posts below this one on the page. Yes, we managed to get out AND take pics while the kitties basked in the sunlight by the windows, recharging their batteries.

Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine

Tito looking elegant
Tito looking elegant
Miss Jenny and the stuffed sheep
Miss Jenny and the stuffed sheep
Titan is relaxing with Tito trying to look sexy in the background
Titan is relaxing with Tito trying to look sexy in the background

To keep things happy and lighthearted, here are some owls.

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Caturday: “Heeeere’s Johnny!”

Yes, I forgot to brain. I had folded up my exercise machine, aka Gazelle Supra, and Lastech was taking it out to the porch so that I had more room indoors for all the packing we’re doing. He was wearing slippers. I was barefoot. I stepped out the door for 3 seconds and the wind blew it shut. It was locked.

I didn’t have a key. Lastech didn’t have a key.

The landlords don’t have a key. We pondered the situation. Then we had the only bright, shining (?) idea anyone might have in that situation.

This is the door after I repaired it
This is the door after I repaired it

It took Lastech about five kicks to crack the paneling (with a lot of cussing) and I punched through the rest of the way. My bad. My very bad and the kittehs weren’t amused.

In addition, PG&E rang our doorbell this morning. There was a major leak (their words) downstairs where the meters are. Now I’m sitting around waiting for the service guy to come turn my gas back on and make sure all is well. I just love having a heart attack before my first cup of coffee. Aaaarrrggghhhh! On side of better news, it looks like we might be moving sometime in the next 90 days or so. 🙂

Yes, it’s Caturday and now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine

Watchful Tito
Watchful Tito
Miss Jenny looking lovely as usual
Miss Jenny looking lovely as usual
Titanescu and Miss Jenny's jellybeans
Titanescu and Miss Jenny’s jellybeans

Now for something hilarious. This raccoon wish wash everything you love. LOL I don’t like the very end, but it didn’t seem to affect him adversely.

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Caturday: Sunny day edition

Happy Caturday everyone! It’s a sunny day here. I hope your weather is good where you are. I know there was some awful weather in the Midwest the other day. I miss the rain, but I’ll settle for a sunny day.

The microwave (16 years old) went off the rails and made some really creepy noises. Rather than risk the thing becoming sentient and taking over the world, we chose to pull the plug. Its lonely carcass sits on the porch awaiting a journey to the recycler. We’re not planning on buying a new one.

Today, the pointy eared people have been given another artistic treatment. This time, Lastech used the PaperArtist app on his phone. It’s available for i-Phone and Android.

Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny

Now for a bit of fun. Simon’s Cat is back with another episode.

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