Holy crudmosis! At least no one died

Holy crudmosis is the word. Seriously. CRUDMOSIS! dangit! We’ve missed several Caturdays because of the holidays and then life went really goofy on us. Lastech was putting in bunches of overtime and Pepi and I went off to house sit, and then…

In the midst of all that, the crudmosis kicked in. My mom fell and broke her hip. She had gone outside to the porch when she fell down the steps. She landed on the bricks under the roof valley. It was night and it was pouring rain, which meant she was in the path of the heaviest flow off of the roof. It was also very cold and rain was just short of icy. Daddy and a friend rushed to find an umbrella to shelter her until the paramedics showed up. Since they live in the desert and normally get little rain, umbrellas are not a normal household item. While in the hospital, she had surgery, after which she developed a case of delirium. It was more commonly called ICU psychosis in the past, but delirium is the more proper term for it. She finally got past all that and is in rehab. She’s sounding a lot more like her old self.

Just before I went house sitting, Lastech developed a rash on his face. It was getting better by the time I got home again. Then it got worse. A LOT worse. He got home from work on Sunday morning and his face was swelling, so we called the doc. He was in the doc’s office for less than 5 minutes. They walked us straight over to the ER. They kept him until noon on Monday, pushing meds through IV and orally. Between the dermatologist and Lastech, they were able to figure out the cause and treat it, so it’s healing nicely now. Oh and they also put him on meds for diabetes. Holy crudmosis all over again.

Last, but not least. Pepita went in for her spay yesterday. She did fine and will not have to cope with being in heat ever again. Our sanity (and hers) are saved for the moment. Sanity is subject to change at any moment.

While I don’t have any good pics of our beasties at the moment, I did take pics of my friend’s fur babies. 🙂

This is Zsu Zsu. She is modeling her new raincoat. She absolutely hates the rain. What a sweetie.
This is Zsu Zsu. She is modeling her new raincoat. She absolutely hates the rain. What a sweetie.
This is Ranger. Once he got used to me, he turned into a purring, head bonking lover.
This is Ranger. Once he got used to me, he turned into a purring, head bonking lover.
This is Sparkie. She's also a sweetie. She's got long fluffy hair.
This is Sparkie. She’s also a sweetie. She’s got long fluffy hair.
This is Booda. Supposedly, he hates everyone. He and I had quite a discussion about that, as you can see. He was so funny. He would hiss at me and change it to a meow in mid-hiss. He's got magnificent whiskers.
This is Booda. Supposedly, he hates everyone. He and I had quite a discussion about that, as you can see. He was so funny. He would hiss at me and change it to a meow in mid-hiss. He’s got magnificent whiskers.

This song sort of sums up the last couple of weeks.

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Happy critters, or We haz heat!

Yes, the critters are much more happy. Last week we got a small oil-filled radiator. It helped a lot, but we needed a second one. It arrived on Friday. It’s a bigger one and we moved the small one to the bathroom. Happy happy joy joy!

Titanescu: I lubs you heater and you shall be mine!
Titanescu: I lubs you heater and you shall be mine!

I would yell bah humbug! but we made a wee nod to the season.

a wreath

Now for the happy critters.

Tito: Who me? I didn't make that mess
Tito: Who me? I didn’t make that mess
Miss Jenny is warm and happy
Miss Jenny is warm and happy
Titanescu basking in warmer days
Titanescu basking in warmer days

As for Pepi, she’s happy to have more heat too. That’s much better than being IN heat, which is over, thankfully. I should add that the wiley little rascal figured out how to do a Houdini and escape the harness. Oh joy. I don’t like it, but we’re using a Martingale collar now, when we walk. If she escapes while at Lime Ridge, it’s not so bad. However, we live right next to a very busy street. We’re being very careful as being part Dachshund, she could suffer damage to the trachea.

Who can resist Pepita's smile?
Who can resist Pepita’s smile?

I’ve heard of catfish, but a fishcat?

Hooray for Canada! We need to do this everywhere!

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Caturday: Frosty days

Yep, we’re having frosty days. Living in San Francisco, it rarely got that cold. Now that we’re thirty miles away, we get frosty days. It’s nowhere near as bad as other places, but it’s going to take getting used to. It doesn’t help that the furnace crapped out on us in the middle of it. We’re getting a portable oil-filled radiator and it should arrive on Tuesday. Lucky for us, the trailer warms up nicely as soon as the sun comes up. In the meantime, the kitties spend their time pretending to be moles and hiding under the blankets. At night, Pepita’s crate is covered with a double layer of blankets and a couple of hot water bottles.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lastech had to work, so we didn’t do anything special. We’ll make up for it later.

Tito imitating a mole
Tito imitating a mole
Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny
Titanescu and Lastech
Titanescu and Lastech

Ask you can see from the next two pics, Pepita and Tito are getting along rather well. Pepi remains on a leash indoors as I don’t want her chasing the cats.

Nom Nom Nom
Nom Nom Nom
Evidently, Pepita has a flavor
Evidently, Pepita has a flavor

And now, for a bit of the Trololo dog herself. Here is Pepi singing to another dog that she spotted.

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Caturday: The batty edition

I’m going batty. Pepita is in heat, as you know. She’s past the icky stage and into the “gimme boys” stage. In her frustration, she managed to completely destroy her dog bed. It was NOT an expensive dog bed, thank goodness. Now she’s reduced to a few throw blankets. 🙂 Taking her for walks is an endeavor. We need to keep her away from other dogs as much as possible. We found a spot where we can see other dogs from a good distance and manage to avoid them. We won’t go back until Monday though as the weekend means far too many dogs. In the meantime, she constantly begs to go out. I’ll be batty, but I’ll live.

The kitties aren’t suffering all that much. Titanescu is being his normal cantankerous self. Tito has decided that he really likes Pepi. They aren’t quite snuggling yet, but that’s only because Pepi is a tad excitable. She’s learning. Miss Jenny hasn’t pooped on the bed recently, thank goodness.

Tito watching over everything
Tito watching over everything
Miss Jenny and her beautiful blue peepers
Miss Jenny and her beautiful blue peepers
This is an older photo of Titanescu. That's because he's burrowed under the blankets, making picture-taking difficult.
This is an older photo of Titanescu. That’s because he’s burrowed under the blankets, making picture-taking difficult.
Goofy Pepita on her walk yesterday.
Goofy Pepita on her walk yesterday.

I got to watch this live the other day. It was this same camera view too. This is part of the old span of the Bay Bridge that has been replaced. They created a water cushion that you can see surrounding the pier. It just looks like a donut of foamy water. It was there to prevent debris from going all over the bay. You can see at the very end, that it worked very well. 🙂

Thank to our friend Dani showing us this vid, I’ve decided it’s now our theme song. 🙂


Kitties, a dog, a sunset, and a bird

We missed Caturday again. Life gets strange. We’re making up for it this time, with kitties, dog, sunset AND a beautiful bird. Aside from still adjusting to graveyard shifts, we’re prepping for a short move. For whatever reason, to be designated as an RV park (as opposed to a trailer park), no one can stay beyond 6 mos. without moving out for a day (two nights). It’s a bit of a PITA, but our little abode will be towed out to the street behind the park for that time, after which we’ll return for another 6 mos. It’s worth it.

I can’t believe that it’s been almost 6 mos. already. We haven’t killed each other living in such a small space. In fact, we’re adapting well. I’m still getting rid of stuff. I avoid buying anything new (other than food stuffs) without seriously thinking about it first. I’ve done odd things like dump my two pyrex measuring cups and replace them with a plastic 2-cup measuring cup. Enough little things like that and it really lightens the load. I think the only glass or ceramic items we have left are our coffee cups, the Melitta coffee pot, and the cat food dishes. We no longer buy in bulk, except for the canned cat food. Both of us are still MUCH happier than we were before.

The kitties are happier too. In spite of adding a dog to the mix, they have adapted and learned to relax a lot more than before. Even though trailer walls are anything but soundproof, it’s much more quiet here. They like that. Speaking of kitties, here they are. Miss Jenny’s pics are a short series. They aren’t perfect photos, but we thought they were funny.

Tito: Yes, I'm slowly shredding the window dressings. Is it a problem?
Tito: Yes, I’m slowly shredding the window dressings. Is it a problem?

Miss Jenny


Noooooo, you don't say
Noooooo, you don’t say
Thath thilly
Thath thilly
Titanescu: Hungry eyes. I would say evil eyes, but he wasn't on nip at the time.
Titanescu: Hungry eyes. I would say evil eyes, but he wasn’t on nip at the time.
Miss Pepita: Gimme the cookie! Gimme the cookie!
Miss Pepita: Gimme the cookie! Gimme the cookie!

After sleeping and listening to some rain off and on, we went off to watch the sunset last night.

The nearby hills were aglow
The nearby hills were aglow
Beautiful color
Beautiful color

While watching the sunset, we saw a pair of birds hunting. They were not as large as the hawks I’m used to watching and their color was different. However, they are incredibly beautiful and manage a very graceful hover before diving on their prey. I didn’t know what they were so I asked some friends on FB and was told that they were White-tailed Kites.

White-tailed Kite
White-tailed Kite

I went off to find a vid that would show the beautiful hovering and found two videos by a local documentary maker named Alex Burke. Both were filmed in the East Bay hills and are a joy to watch. Both vids end with the Kite eating its kill, so if that bothers you just avoid the very end. 🙂

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Caturday lost

Caturday got away from us. Lastech pulled a 12 hour graveyard shift followed by hauling Pepita to the Contra Costa Animal Shelter to get her shots and license. She’s legal now. However, after standing in line for a couple of hours, we were pooped when we got home and we slept for the rest of the day.

So now for the news. Pepita is now ours, and we, hers! We can take her places where she can safely interact with other doggies. As for Titanescu, as Lastech posted, he purrs! It’s a silent purr, but if you lay your hand on his neck or head, you can feel the faint flutter. I’m thrilled as today was the first time I got to experience this. Tito and Pepi have played a bit of slappy paws. Pepi is a tad too exuberant though. She’ll calm down eventually. Tito kind of likes her, I think.

Tito milking the "cute" moment
Tito milking the “cute” moment
Beautiful Miss Jenny
Beautiful Miss Jenny
As Pepita "yips and yaps and yodels" Titanescu mutters to Tito "собака мудак" (dog is asshole), To which Tito replies suavely: "you might well think so, dear Marshal, but I couldn't possibly comment."
As Pepita “yips and yaps and yodels” Titanescu mutters to Tito “собака мудак” (dog is asshole), To which Tito replies suavely: “you might well think so, dear Marshal, but I couldn’t possibly comment.”
Pepita making friends in the line at the shelter.
Pepita making friends in the line at the shelter.

And now for the original (and best) Francis Urqhart of House of Cards

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Lime Ridge Open Space

I’ve posted a couple of photos from the Lime Ridge Open Space, but they didn’t really show enough. Here are a few more photos to give a better scale. This ridge runs from the base of Mt. Diablo (about 5 miles away) to less than a mile from our place. As close as it is, we don’t walk there as there’s no rail crossing nearby. As a result, we drive to the parking lot about two miles away. The trails are used by runners and dog walkers as well as anyone wanting a bit of fresh air. In the summer and fall, the grass is brown and there are cracks in the ground here and there. Given the drought, it’s worse than usual. I’m hoping I’ll have some pretty green pics come spring. 🙂

Pepita aka Stick Dog. She picks one up and carries it for a short while, then drops it to pick up another one. She'll go through a dozen sticks on one walk
Pepita aka Stick Dog. She picks up one and carries it for a short while, then drops it to pick up another one. She’ll go through a dozen sticks on one walk
Some of the trails run behind houses
Some of the trails run behind houses
Mapache! We found this carving along side the trail
Mapache! We found this carving along side the trail
Just a tree on the ridge
Just a tree on the ridge
The contrail over the ridge was interesting too
The contrail over the ridge was interesting too
The cloud between the contrail and the ridge looks like bird or butterfly wings
The cloud between the contrail and the ridge looks like bird or butterfly wings
Looking back at Mt. Diablo
Looking back at Mt. Diablo
View from the trail
View from the trail
Looking West from the top of the ridge. This is only a mile from home
Looking West from the top of the ridge. This is only a mile from home
Another view from the top
Another view from the top
Heading back down.
Heading back down.

That hike covered a bit over two miles. It’s good for the dog and even better for me. I’m finally losing some weight and in the right way. 🙂

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Caturday: Furbutts, rain and walks

Happy Caturday everyone. This week has been interesting. The furbutts are not yet integrated and suffered a mild setback of sorts. We had a bit of rain and we’re getting out for better walks thanks to Pepita.

Well about that furbutt integration setback… Miss Pepita was worn out from a long walk, so she was in her crate and minding her business. Tito decided he wanted to play and threw his paws around Titanescu in an attempt to wrestle. Did he smack Tito and tell him to fark off? Nope. The little tyrant wrenched free and marched over very calmly to Pepi’s crate and smacked her on the nose. He’s an a$$hole, after all. He didn’t use claws, but he upset her. The other two are getting closer and closer to her. This episode set them back a bit as she’s more nervous now.

We got a bit of rain this week. It wasn’t much, but it was so nice, we took the dog for a walk at Lime Ridge. It’s a hilly ridge that runs from the base of Mt. Diablo all the way out to where we are. It’s been too warm and sunny to walk there much. With the clouds and rain, it was great. The weather is starting to cool, so we’ll head out there more often. The walks are great as it lets Pepi use up a lot of energy and it gives the pointy eared people a break. It’s not hurting me either as I seem to be shrinking. It’s a combo of better food (more veggies and salad) and more exercise.

Latech and Pepita in the rain with Mt. Diablo in the background. Distances are deceiving. It's only 5 miles to the road up the mountain.
Latech and Pepita with Mt. Diablo in the background. Distances are deceiving. It’s only 5 miles to the road up the mountain.
While not a real clear pic, we found a Great Blue Heron hunting bugs and gophers.
While not a real clear pic, we found a Great Blue Heron hunting bugs and gophers.
This is the same trail the next day. The clouds were beautiful
This is the same trail the next day. The clouds were beautiful

Here are the pointy eared people. I managed to get some pics, but needed to tweak them a bit artistically to make them presentable. 🙂

Tito watching the birds
Tito watching the birds
Miss Jenny keeping dad's side of the bed warm
Miss Jenny keeping dad’s side of the bed warm
Titanescu looking like his normal stink-eyed-tyranical self.
Titanescu looking like his normal stink-eyed-tyranical self.
Pepita with a stick on the Lime Ridge trail
Pepita with a stick on the Lime Ridge trail

And now for a delightfully happy bird and dog

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Caturday: Kits, a dog and a singing fish

Yes, today we have the kitties, the new doggie and yes, even a singing fish. LOL

Things are moving along in lives of cats and dogs. It will take a while, but I’m teaching Pepita to be nice to the kitties. It’s slow, but she’s learning. The kitties are showing less and less fear of her. Titanescu has already smacked her a couple of times. No claws as near as I can tell. She’s a tad skeered of him. We got a bit of rain this week. We didn’t get much here, but it rained on the fires which is good. Now we’re having another heatwave. Lastech is also adjusting to graveyard shift, so that’s a joy. I don’t mind the shift. It just takes a bit of adjustment is all.

Tito is still looking annoyed about his diet
Tito is still looking annoyed about his diet
Miss Jenny being watchful
Miss Jenny being watchful
Titanescu having a snuggle with dad
Titanescu having a snuggle with dad

And of course, the dog. The most amazing thing is that in the two weeks she has been here, she hasn’t peed or poopied inside the trailer…knock on wood. She also has a much better harness.

Pepita says it's HER froggie toy
Pepita says it’s HER froggie toy

And now for that singing fish

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Caturday: Diet, drizzle, and fruit flies, oh my.

Tito is officially on a diet. He’s used to free feeding, so it won’t be easy. Now, I only put a wee bit of dry food in the dish. To be honest, we’re ALL on a diet with less sugar, fat, sodium, and more. In addition, we survived a week long heatwave. Today we woke up to drizzle and cooler temps. It’s humid as all heck, but I don’t mind that as much as the heat. Combined with the heat, I’ve also discovered the downside of bringing home lots of fruits and veggies from the produce market. FRUIT FLIES!. I made a trap with cider vinegar, sugar, and soap and it’s taking care of the problem nicely. When I have a couple more small jars, I’ll make a couple more traps.

My happier news of the week though, is finding out that our friend “B” in Puerto Rico survived hurricane Erika. He and his rescue animals are all safe. I hope they remain that way as the hurricane season isn’t over yet.

Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine

Diet? I think not
Diet? I think not
Jenny: WHAT! I'm eating here!
Jenny: WHAT! I’m eating here!
Titanescu in a sunbeam
Titanescu in a sunbeam

Now for an interesting octopus

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