Caturday: Kits, a dog and a singing fish

Yes, today we have the kitties, the new doggie and yes, even a singing fish. LOL

Things are moving along in lives of cats and dogs. It will take a while, but I’m teaching Pepita to be nice to the kitties. It’s slow, but she’s learning. The kitties are showing less and less fear of her. Titanescu has already smacked her a couple of times. No claws as near as I can tell. She’s a tad skeered of him. We got a bit of rain this week. We didn’t get much here, but it rained on the fires which is good. Now we’re having another heatwave. Lastech is also adjusting to graveyard shift, so that’s a joy. I don’t mind the shift. It just takes a bit of adjustment is all.

Tito is still looking annoyed about his diet
Tito is still looking annoyed about his diet
Miss Jenny being watchful
Miss Jenny being watchful
Titanescu having a snuggle with dad
Titanescu having a snuggle with dad

And of course, the dog. The most amazing thing is that in the two weeks she has been here, she hasn’t peed or poopied inside the trailer…knock on wood. She also has a much better harness.

Pepita says it's HER froggie toy
Pepita says it’s HER froggie toy

And now for that singing fish

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