Bleeping weather, fecking smoke, and Pepi

The smoke from the fires has blown in and is awful. Back to that in a minute. First, the weather

A very odd thing happened Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was hotter in Concord, CA than in El Centro, CA. El Centro sits near the Mexican border in the Sonoran desert and is below sea level. These temps are normal there. Not so much here. San Francisco broke an all-time record with 106 degrees on Friday and we topped out at 109. Blech! We did the same on Saturday. In plain English, the weather is hotter than hell.

The fecking smoke was almost worse than the heat. It was blowing in from the fires up North. Then it blew in from the fires to the East. I couldn’t get two feet away from the inhaler, but I was ok. I used it when I needed it.

Lastech took this photo of the smoky sunrise

This is the view from the entrance to the RV park. Mt Diablo is invisible and it’s only 5 miles away.
This is the normal view with Mt. Diablo visible in the distance. Pardon the numbers. It was from back when a car went “bowling for trees” in the median.

The weather has been so awful that I put a large dog dish outside and kept if full for the birds, squirrels, cats, and any other creature that happens by. I started that during the drought when water was less available.

Lucky for us, the air conditioner has performed well. A good friend offered us shelter in the event of a power outage, but that hasn’t happened…yet.

Speaking of weather, I feel bad complaining when I look at what my friends in Texas are dealing with. My heart goes out to all.

This weekend is an anniversary. Two years ago on Labor Day weekend, Pepi was found in a recycling dumpster. The rest is history.

Pepita (little pumpkin seed)
The recycling dumpster she was found in.
Thirsty girl
Napping while waiting for her ride to Concord
Why yes, I was about to hump my doggie bed

We haven’t forgotten the pointy-eared people. It’s their turn to shine.

Miss Jenny
Titanescu and get a load of those claws
Tito looks like he’s singing the song of his people
Cat TV

In the middle of all this, Lastech’s phone announced that it was going to die, forcing us to get a new one. We got two. The phones aren’t too fancy, but the camera works well.

Another smoky sunrise taken with Lastech’s new phone.

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