Midnight Movie Madness: “Burke and Hare”

Burke and Hare” – (91 minutes, UK, 2010)

Funny story. Two Irish guys, both named William, go to Edinburgh circa 1827 and… Well, “Burke and Hare” tells of William Burke (Simon Pegg) and William Hare (Andy Serkis), scraping by in a city experiencing a sort of Renaissance in scientific studies, particularly medicine. As it happens, two rival surgeons, Doctors Robert Knox (Tom Wilkinson) and Alexander Monro (Tim Curry), are in stiff competition for fresh human meat to dissect.

Burke Pegg Hare Serkis
Burke (left) and Hare (right)

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Friday Night Cats Blogging: the crapture

… Los Bastardos, those high priests of malevolence, Maz “the mace” Whang and Miss Pirate Jenny, continue their re-enactment of “children of Dune” on an 18 by 24 inch stage…

No spice and no worms (thank Ceiling Cat), only disastrous leavings draped or laid in odd places like the edge of the litter box or the floor. I’ve actually watched Maz back up in the box and drop a load on the floor…

I wonder whether Salvador Dali had cats… That could explain this:

Dali clock painting
Like soft cat leavings. Thanks guys...

Cleaning up these messes is no fun and brings Rudha-an close to horking. Sigh… So I’ll do my best to try and keep my cookies down as I pick up the horrid turds.

I'm tidy..!
I’m tidy..!
I fear this. Very much
I fear this. Very much
"Because I can..."
“Because I can…”

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Miss Nightshade Jenny and the Art of Kibble Tossing

Kibble kibble everywhere
Kibble kibble everywhere, even in the water dish

Yes, Miss Jenny is a kibble tosser. She has made an art of it. Sadly, our feet are suffering. Kibble just isn’t fun to step on in the dark. It took a while before we saw how she did it. We knew it was her because we never had to clean up kibble before she came to live with us.

Caught in the act
Caught in the act

One day, I walked into the kitchen and caught her in the act. She stands IN the kibble bowl to eat. When she’s done eating, she makes a large leap to get out and the kibble flies everywhere. What a silly little kitty.

Non Sequitur warning

This was just too funny

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Justice and Terra are Together Again

On Monday, January 23, 2012, Justice, a handsome Welsh Corgi, crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join his lifelong friend, Terra

Terra and Justice
Terra and Justice reunited

Justice was born on June 24th, 1996 and took up residence with our friend, Abra Crabcakeya when he was 8 mos. old. His prior life as a show dog ended when he was disqualified (for the third time) for objecting strenuously to a male judge checking him for the required equipment. While his coloring is properly called “tobacco brindle with white points” Abra just calls him “the brown one that’s drooling.”

Justice, loyal and loved

In his younger days, Mr. Justice, along with his pals Tsula and Terra loved to go on trips to the Reservation for a bit of fishing and a good trout dinner. Justice had his favorite foods too. He loved anything Italian and deer meat. According to Abra, Justice learned how to spell.

The first word Justice learned to spell was “lasagna”, defeating all attempts the rest of his life to hide information from him. He really could spell, or recognize a lot of words when spelled out loud, and learned synonyms faster than a lot of people.

Watchful little Corgi

Over the years, he went from boating and fishing to preferring car rides and long naps. He enjoyed his cheeseburger treats on road trips. He also went from chasing deer to sitting still and watching them. According to Abra, he was a good mouser in his day and he loved to chase other varmints as well.

For more than 15 and a half years he was a most loyal and loving companion. Now he waits at the bridge with Terra so he can greet his friends Tsula and Abra when they arrive.


I’m not quite sure of the reasons, but we felt that this beautiful version of a children’s song was rather appropriate. So here is a song for Justice.

Rainbow bridge

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Friday Night Cats Blogging: Noms and Naps

Another Friday night rolls around and it’s time for our kitties to shine. Miss jenny continues to make changes in the household. The morning and evening rampages are a sight to behold. They also sound like a herd of elephants. When they aren’t rampaging, they like to hang out in the kitchen and soak up the sun.

Tito is waiting for his noms
Tito is waiting for his noms
Kitsy being a window kitty
Kitsy being a window kitty
Miss Nightshade Jenny practicing the art of camouflage
Miss Nightshade Jenny practicing the art of camouflage

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“Don’t be afraid of the dark”: don’t be afraid to blow raspberries

Don’t be afraid of the dark” – (2010, USA/Australia/Mexico, 99 minutes – rated R)

This definitely has Guillermo DelToro’s fingerprints over it, but despite the occasional clever touch, this adaptation of a 1973 teleplay falls way short from the original.

In this version, the medicated offspring (Bailee Madison) of a divorced yuppie couple is sent to live with her father (Guy Pearce) and his girlfriend (Katie Holmes). Daddy and the girlfriend are renovating the auld mansion of Emerson Blackwood who disappeared mysteriously shortly after his young son about a century ago.

Continue reading ““Don’t be afraid of the dark”: don’t be afraid to blow raspberries”


Friday Night Cats Blogging: Happy Kitties and a Happy Dog

Another Friday night has rolled around and it’s time for our pointy eared people to have the spotlight. Ok, it’s only Friday afternoon, but what the heck. Here they are enjoying their favorite pastimes. We have always had happy kitty cats. I think they are even more happy since Jenny’s arrival.

Tito hiding in the box
Tito hiding in the box
Kitsy clutching his tail
Kitsy clutching his tail
Miss Jenny snuggling with papa
Miss Jenny snuggling with papa

Now we would like to share this happy dog video. I think happy is an understatement.

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A Windmill and a Sunset: Part 2

The other day, I posted Windmills and a Sunset: Part 1. Today I’m posting part 2. We enjoyed the sunset so much that we went back the next day. I managed to take a few more photos of the newly restored Murphy windmill.

Murphy windmill
Murphy windmill
Murphy windmill
Windmill fantail
Murphy windmill
Hawk resting on the windmill sail
Murphy windmill
Millwright house next to the windmill

From there, we drove about a block West to Ocean Beach to watch the sunset.

Ocean Beach
Ocean Beach sunset
Ocean Beach
Sunset watchers and surfers

Once the sun dropped below the horizon, the colors went from golden orange to a stunning pink and purple.

Ocean Beach
Beautiful colors reflected in the surf
Ocean Beach

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Windmills and a Sunset: Part 1

In a previous post, I had discussed the newly restored Murphy windmill at Golden Gate Park. The other day, while we were out, we went to Sutro Heights. I wanted to get a photo showing the Dutch Windmill and the Murphy Windmill in the same photo.

Sutro Heights
The Dutch Windmill (left foreground) and the Murphy Windmill (back right)

With that accomplished we walked over toward the parapet to look out over the Pacific Ocean. That is when we realized that the sunset might be a good one. We headed down to  Ocean Beach to watch. It was beautiful.

Sutro Heights
Sunset and Ocean Beach from Sutro Heights
Ocean Beach
Sunset and surfers at Ocean Beach
Ocean beach
Ocean beach and sunset watchers
Ocean Beach
Surfer and sunset at Ocean Beach

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