It’s Monday and No Longer Raining Cats and Dogs

We had a few good storms and it rained cats and dogs. I think it rained a guinea pig or two as well. Monday is here and it’s the day before taxes are due. Yeah, sorry for the reminder. This Monday is a good example of the need to escape. I decided to help you escape with cats, dogs, and some good music.

Many of you will remember the Ultimate Dog Tease video by klaatu42 at YouTube. Well, here is the Ultimate Cat Tease by the same. If the screen goes wonky and sputters, it’s deliberate. Just wait. It’s worth it.

It’s time for the dogs. Here is OK Go with a wonderful song and video starring dogs and OK Go, of course.

Here is a LOL from Cheezburger cute enough to make your head ‘splode.

dogs and cats

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Caturday: Friday the 13th follow up…

The night of Thursday into Friday the 13th, a night of celestial mayhem, turned out to bring Tito and I ever closer…

lightning strikes San Bruno avenue
Storm re-enactment

A storm was moving through the Bay Area, with lightning strikes precise enough to hit not only the Bay bridge but a plane in flight. The plane had to dump fuel and returned safely to the airport.

Tito scared by thunder

At home, as we turned off the computer and prepared to do the same with the TV, I caught something strange from the corner of my eye: a rug shimmying straight for the kitchen. A second look showed Tito hugging the floor and running for a kitchen cupboard to hide in.

I have to say, the storm was probably one of the most violent to hit the Bay Area in years.

Mazuzu sleeps through storm
Wake me up when it's ovah, dahling...

Maz, while none too pleased, was comfortably wrapped in a heavy blanket on the bed and didn’t budge. Jenny herself was sitting on the bed with a bit more nervous discomfort than he and watched Tito darting away.

Nightingale Jenny
Nightingale Jenny will make it all better...

While I don’t particularly fear that the sky will ever fall, like my ancestors the Gauls, Tito seems to be afraid of it for the both of us. The only spot he considers a refuge is the lower cupboard in the kitchen next to the stove top and behind a crock pot.

This storm kept on moving through, fortunately, and Jenny helped Tito recover with tender grooming and copious amounts of catnip she shared… Tito the Gaul. Wow. We are kin!

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Between the Storms

I’ve mentioned before that winter is normally our season for storms. It didn’t happen this time. Sadly, San Francisco remained dry and well behind on the annual rainfall. Spring has tried to make up for it. We have had quite a few storms come through already and more are on the way. I can’t complain as I love everything about rain. I love the sound of it on the skylight. I love the smell of wet soil and tree leaves. I even love to walk in it. On Sunday, we were between storms so we went for a walk in McLaren Park.

McLaren park
McLaren park reservoir

Continue reading “Between the Storms”


Twofer Tuesday: Birthdays

It’s twofer Tuesday and we have two birthday wishes to extend to friends of JBoD. On Sunday, labwitch celebrated an Easter birthday. Yesterday, it was flumptytail’s turn. Labwitch is a doggie mum and flumptytail is the mum of many cats. Both are wonderful animal people and friends of the blog.

From JBoD to both of you…


In no particular order, here are some funny photos brought to you by icanhascheezburger.

dog birthday wishcat birthday

dog birthdaycat birthday

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Jacky and the rest of them…

Ah. The movies. And to dream of being more than what we are, or less, maybe even other…

Hugo” – (126 minutes, USA – PG)

I had really been looking forward to watching “Hugo” because Martin Scorsese is one of my favorite directors and his latest film competed directly with “the artist” at the last Academy Awards.

Both films express a passion for movies at a time when much of the public shuns theaters for at-home viewing, like us here at JBoD. I frankly can only think of two films in recent memory which passed the “windshield rule”: “we are what we are“, Terrence Malick’s “the tree of life“, perhaps even Lars Von Trier’s “Melancholia“.

On my daily commute, especially in the summer months, I get to enjoy both sunset and sunrise, a benefit of working nights. And so I got to wonder just how many films are really worth watching on anything larger than a car windscreen. By and large, especially with high definition TV, I feel most movies fail the test.

Continue reading “Jacky and the rest of them…”


Night feeding the cats: Cloverfield, Jurassic Park and the Alamo

This just happened. Oh, in the last 40 minutes or so.

Maz: “- Mmmmraw…. Meeeeewe….

Rudha-an: – Unnnh.nnuh. Nno baby, wut time is it..?

Me: – Hrrumph… I’ts… Four thirty. Jesus.

Maz: – Hmmraow. Rrrweee. MRAOW.

Rudha-an: – Not now baby, it’s too – (another body landed on the bed)

Me: – T-Tito what the @#$%? [He takes off]

Rudha-an (as a result of being trampled by Maz): – Would you stop..? Christ almighty. No I’m not going in there. ‘Course I love you too but Jeesus.

Me: – [BONK] Sh*t, who did I kick off the bed..?

Rudha-an: – Musta been Tito.

Me: – No it felt lighter than – [cats are heard romping through the apartment: TROMP-TROMP-TROMP-MMMMMREEEWEEEE!-TAGADA-TAGADA-TAGADA-TSOIN-TSOIN! I dunno… Suddenly one lands next to my feet before taking off at warp speed, claws raking my ankles] AAAGH!!! @#$#^%&!!!!! F*****G $%&*&##@@!!!!!!

Rudha-an: – Told you to cover your feet….

Me: – [for the umpteenth time] THEY GET WARMJoder!!! [Yeah, ’cause I cuss in other languages too…] Bastards!

Maz: – Rrrrrewweee!!! MmROW!

Me: – Hey f***k you pal. [I grab him and wrap him in the blanket against me. As I grab him his legs stiffen out, kicking every which way, like hypnic jerking, one claw nailing Rudha-an in the arm]


Rudha-an: – DAMMIT!!!! $#@^%&*!!!!

I’m holding on tight to Maz, petting him as he tries to burrow an escape tunnel. He turns and MMMRAOWS in my face. I gotta come up for air: I just smelled the entire Seattle fish market fill my nose. Blech.

Jenny, I can tell from the weight before she even utters a chirrup, leaps on my shoulder, slides and rakes my neck with a claw. The Deguello echoes loud in my head. Flesh wound. I’ll live.

Fierce creature...
Fierce creature…

From a corner of the room, not sure which, I feel Tito either orchestrating the mayhem or perhaps waiting to come in and save us… Who knows, both things have happened in the past.

Someday these fangs will come for blood...
Someday these fangs will come for blood…

YES! He jumps next to me and grabs at Jenny who suddenly takes off!

NO! he climbs on my gut and takes a flying leap from there.

I fart. That’s it, I’m awake now…

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Caturday: cold Easter edition…

We’ve seen worse, but recent days have seen the thermometer dip to about 40 at night and it takes longer for the sun to warm everything up in the morning.

I took this picture a few weeks ago at about 7 a.m.

2012 shoreline sunrise
Looks cold..? It is.

That means more cuddling time for Miss Jenny, Marshal Tito and the f****g fascist depicted in the banner, pardon my French…. It also means more noms for calories and Maz has now taught Jenny to wake mommy up for them. Lots of pawing, standing on hips, face-licks with hellish breath, etc…

Tito is the only one not begging for food anymore…

Tito face close up
Weather looks cloudy with a heart of gold

Every so often, I do forget and leave food unattended. Maz never forgets.

cat eating pizza
Pizza? Why not, s'long as there's no peppers...

Wonder what they dream of… The cat version of “the King and I”? Complete with coo’s and chirrups?

cats cuddling
He is mine and I wuvs him and I shall call him my Lake Titicaca

Or maybe they dream of centipede bunnies crapping skittles. Who knows?

easter centipede
Mmmmh... Skittles.

Naturally in the real world, cats would devour the bunnies, resulting in… Well, just watch.

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