OMG! We had rain!

At a bit less than two inches, it wasn’t nearly enough rain, but we enjoyed it. We went off to go play in it of course. We walked around without an umbrella until we were wet and soggy. It felt wonderful.


Rosy Monday

We should all take time to smell the roses. However, until computers come in scratch ‘n sniff, we’ll have to make due with a few photos. We went to Golden Gate Park early, as usual, so we had to play “dodge the sprinklers”. It’s worth it though as the park is quiet at that time. …


Wednesday Walk in the Rain

Winter is coming soon and with it will come the rains. I love the rain. That might be because I grew up in the desert, but no matter. Hubby and I are just as happy to walk in the rain as we are walking in the sun. Actually we prefer the rain
