It’s JBoD’s Birthday!

One year ago today, we made our first post, Welcome to JBoD.  The blog has been a work-in-progress ever since.

Tito's jellybeans
Tito’s jellybeans

For those who may not know, jellybeansofdoom is named after our kitties and their jellybeans, that come with claws attached.

These beans belong to a very sweet natured, but very paranoid kitty named Tito. Tito is a domestic shorthair and we found him (as a kitten) at the SFSPCA. It was love at first sight.

Tito's baby picture
Tito’s baby picture

These beans, on the other hand, belong to the class clown named Kitsune. Kitsune is fearless to the point of lunacy. We would find him hanging from the chandelier if we had one.

Kitsy's beans
Kitsy’s beans

Kitsune, also called Kitsy or Mazuzu Whang? has no baby picture as he was an adult when we brought him home.  His wrinkly breed is called Sphynx.


Of course, none of this would have happened without the bestest kitty on the planet. We lost him to lymphoma a couple of years ago, but he is still a part of our lives.

The Boober, soaking up the sun
The Boober, soaking up the sun

A friend made this for us. It’s so very true.

The Boober
The Boober

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Calling Alfred Hitchcock

We were driving around Stow Lake at Golden Gate Park looking for wildlife when we found it. I was hollering “whoa” and Lastech was muttering something about a gagglef@&k of birds.  🙂

Of course, the Mary Poppins song “Feed the Birds” came to mind, but Hitchcock memories overruled. At least we weren’t at Bodega Bay for this one.

Stow Lake
Pigeons and gulls and ducks. Oh my
Stow Lake
Feed the birds… Tuppence a bag…
Stow Lake
The Birds are waiting and watching
Stow Lake
Mine, mine?, mine, mine? mine!

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Summer Fog, Naked Ladies and Big Birds

Bernalwood from Twin Peaks hiding in the fog

It is summer in San Francisco,  meaning lots of fog and cool temperatures. We returned to Twin Peaks to check out the view and this is what we saw.

Twin Peaks
Same shot in June. Bernalwood from Twin Peaks

Later, we went to McLaren Park to visit the duck pond. That’s when I saw the naked ladies. No, not the porn variety. The flower variety. 🙂 They are popping up all over the city and providing a wonderful splash of color against the summer browns and golds that prevail at this time of year.

McLaren Park
Amaryllis belladonna also called Naked Ladies
McLaren Park
A closer view of the Naked Ladies

Also at the duck pond…

McLaren Park
Queen Anne’s Lace
McLaren Park

I don’t want to forget the big birds. I could hear the hawk having a conversation of sorts with another one that I couldn’t locate. The crow was just being a crow and posed nicely for me.

McLaren Park
McLaren Park

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Friday Night Cat Blogging with Lastech

Time for the boys to shine.

Tito with laser eyes
Tito with laser eyes
I'm in the bag
I’m in the bag

This is the city. I carry a badge. Okay, a holographic access badge, and I work nights. Many of my ‘encounters’ involve wildlife, raccoons, skunks, possums and feral cats, beasties whom I’ve grown fond of…

I love my job. At night, ‘laser eyes’ stare back at me as I throw scraps of food at them. I never knew raccoons ate yogurt, but there you go. My apologies, I digress…
The area I work in covers about 10 square miles, and my favorite corner is ruled by a black cat I call Mack, as in Mack The Knife. Mackie Messer.

Mack the Knife
Mack the Knife before the Jack the raccoon

I have no idea how old Mackie is, that mildly scruffy black cat with his entourage: Pirate Jenny, another black cat which I assume is female, Jack, a young raccoon who backs down every time Mack stares at him, and Paulie, the nervous skunk.

Mack the Knife facing raccoon
Mack the Knife facing Jack the raccoon

Yes, I feed them, but not in such a way as to make them dependent on my visits. I do enjoy the look of recognition from Mackie and respect the pecking order he has created.The shots show Mackie alone, then approached by Jack, and finally Mackie alone after Jack backed off, as I dispensed food….

Mack the Knife after Jack the raccoon
Mack the Knife after Jack the raccoon

Curious about Mackie..? here is the original video from “Three penny opera”.

Here is the Pirate Jenny song as done by Marianne Faithfull. The original is great, but this is also well done.

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Tuesday Anniversary, Birthday, and Humor

Two years ago today, Lastech and I made an important decision. We quit smoking. I had wanted to quit, but Lastech wasn’t there yet and I wasn’t going to bug him. I brought home a book from the library. It was called The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr, and it was a short and easy read. Lastech started reading it while I was cooking. I read it the next day. The day after that, we had our last smoke. We have had two years of freedom and no intention of ever lighting up again. 🙂 Hooray for us.   If you wish to read the book, your library will probably have it. Most of them do. The price at Amazon is fairly cheap, as hardcovers go (see link). While the method in the book is cold turkey, it doesn’t matter. It’s a very good read even with nic replacement. In the end, it doesn’t matter how you quit.

I wouldn’t remember the day we quit smoking  except that the day before (August 1st) was my mom’s birthday. She is now an octogenarian. Happy birthday to mom!

Birthday flower for mom
Birthday flower for mom

Now for some humor to celebrate the day.

BD b

This is what can happen to the human tin opener.

BD c

Gotta have a dog in here.

BD d

Last, but not least is a wonderful but strange video about sheep.

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