Caturday: It’s quiet today

The construction next door is coming along slowly but surely. Miss Jenny still hides when they’re working, but she’s out and talking to the birds today. I even managed to get a few pics.

Tito let me get a closeup
Tito let me get a closeup
Miss Jenny is stoned on nip
Miss Jenny is stoned on nip
Titanescu is watching over his domain
Titanescu is watching over his domain

As for the construction, I still have a kitchen window and this is the view.

The big orange monster is still outside my window.
The big orange monster is still outside my window.

And now for some giggles. Be sure to watch it with the sound up as it’s the commentary that makes this so funny.

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4 Replies to “Caturday: It’s quiet today”

  1. they are widening the loop that runs behind my home. most days i see about 50 men milling around and seemingly walking about purposefully. i’m sure someone is working, but they must be invisible elves because it is getting done i’m just not seeing anyone actually working. πŸ˜€

  2. i just love Miss Jenny stoned! of course, Titanescu is completely absorbed in his domain. if you’re going to be a dictator you must be always vigilant! thanks for the fun Rhuda-an and a big HAPPY BIRFDAY WOOF fwom da pwintheth wabwadowr Mith Wee ta Mith Jenny! be thur ta make da hoomins give ya lots of nip! howcum we doggieth doan have nip? dith ith dithcwiminathun!

    1. Aw, thank you Miss Lee. I’ll pass on the wishes.

      The workers never seem to be idle, unless it’s lunchtime. Then you’ll see them sitting around. πŸ™‚

  3. i’m sure the workers here are doing something, because the work is progressing, i just never actually see them. weird. πŸ™‚

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