Caturday: Construction blues

Howdy folks. We managed to get some pics of the kitties but it’s getting harder. Caturday may possibly become a bit more sporadic as a result of the construction going on next door. When I say next door, I don’t mean 25 or 50 feet away. I mean inches away from our building. This is what it’s like here.

San Francisco gas explosion and fire
Our building is on the far right. You can see how close all the buildings are

The above pic is from a previous post about some builders who tried to burn down the block due to some sad stupidity. I still suffer from paranoia as a result and the current construction makes me nervous. This is the view out my kitchen window. The window is on the side of our building and it will be going away soon.

This mess will become five 4-story buildings.
This mess will become five 4-story buildings.

I really shouldn’t complain. I’m coping. The poor kitties are NOT having a good time. Miss Jenny goes into hiding during the day and won’t come out until the loud noises stop. Tito alternates between hiding in my closet and hiding in the blanket tent under my knees. Titanescu doesn’t hide, but he doesn’t like it either. The Feliway is really helping the recovery time in the evenings and the pointy eared people also get a good dose of nip as a reward.

And now, here they are:

Tito soaking up a rare sunbeam (it's the foggy season)
Tito soaking up a rare sunbeam (it’s the foggy season)
Miss Jenny rolling in her nip
Miss Jenny rolling in her nip
Here's Titanescu going out of his way to be adorable. Don't be fooled. World domination is his hiss and paw slap at a time.
Here’s Titanescu going out of his way to be adorable. Don’t be fooled. World domination is his goal…one hiss and paw slap at a time.

And now, for a very funny vid. It’s Elvis doing Blue Suede Shoes…with no music. 🙂

And yes, here’s the full vid with music. I’ll never look at it the same way again.

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4 Replies to “Caturday: Construction blues”

  1. Awww. Poor kittehs. It’s too bad they don’t make earplugs that kittehs can wear. I wonder if one of those white noise machines would work. I just got one at work – you can program it to do all kinds of nature sounds. I haven’t used it yet. I just got it yesterday. But I’ll let you know how it works.

    That Elvis video is hilarious without the music. I never noticed until now that without music, he actually dances a lot like me! 🙂

    1. I don’t think a white noise thing would work. The whole building shakes. They ripped off all the stucco on the wall outside our bedroom. Then they spent the next day nailing up boards to it with a nail gun. There’s nothing to cover that kind of noise. The kitties are enjoying the fact that it’s the weekend. They did a bit of work today, but it was erecting a wall on the first building (farthest away in the pic). It wasn’t so noisy. 🙂

  2. poor furbabies. i hope they have good boltholes or, they allow themselves to be calmed by the humans they own. good thoughts to you all. (i’d still snag that hitachi and drive it into the bay, i’ll bet i could do it before they figure out it is missing). 😀 have a wonderful day.

    1. Aw, thank you Labby. We’ll do ok. My only symptom is being a nasty tempered sonamag. I don’t take it out on Lastech or the kitties, so we’ll survive. 🙂 I’m grateful that you know what we’re going through (stress-wise).

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