The Golden Gate at Sunrise

On Saturday, we got to see another glorious sunrise. We love the Marin Headlands as they provide a stunning view of the the Golden Gate, The Golden Gate Bridge, and the San Francisco Bay. For some reason we saw no wildlife with the exception of birds. It was odd as we usually see dozens of black tailed deer, not to mention the squirrels and bunnies playing murder ball in the road.

Still, the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco skyline looked beautiful in the morning light.

The Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco skyline

Even the chert had a pretty red glow that morning.

Red chert

I do wish we had seen more wildlife. Maybe we’ll get lucky next time.

Black-tailed deer from a previous trip

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Caturday: Accounting for Tastes

Loikes and disloikes:

Tito likes:
The space between drape and window
The magic fluffy blanket sent by Flumptytail
Playing fetch
Bach at low volume
Light playing on the ceiling
People’s feets
Being carried around


Shoes with feets in ’em

Tito the Class Act
Tito the Class Act

Mazuzu likes:

Food. Preferably stolen
Wearing light fabric shirts loose at the pits
Laying turds astride the edge of the box
Chasing red dots
Gut rubs
Being clean
Hamming it up for pics
Soaking up photons


Being Cold
Hiss of the soda bottle when the cap is popped

kitsy aka Maz Whang starring in "To Catch a Nom"
kitsy aka Maz Whang starring in “To Catch a Nom”

Miss Jenny likes:

The boyz!
Farting on Daddy
Chasing the boyz
Grooming the boyz
Chin rubs from Daddy
Chewing on shoes
Shredding paper
Daddy talking gibberish
Snuggling with Daddy

Shoes with feets in ’em
Being picked up
Litterbox “accidents”
Daddy going to work

Miss Jenny: Paper, remote, rock rock
Miss Jenny: Paper, remote, rock rock

This is just too sweet for words.

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Tsula: A Happy Corgi

In the last year, we have had to write two sad stories about the passing of two wonderful Corgis. This is a happy story about the their pal Tsula, a Corgi who is still keeping her daddy company. Our friend Abra Crabcakeya misses his two Corgis fiercely, but Tsula provides comfort and companionship. She adores him and the feeling is mutual.

Tsula the happy Corgi

Tsula was born on August 15, 2005. She went to live with Abra when she was ten weeks old. She learned quickly to sit up on her rear with her paws up so that she could be seen when she wanted something. I wish I could see that. I had a dog that would do that. It was cute as heck.

Tsula's yard with daffodils

Tsula has a great yard and has plenty of opportunity to engage in her favorite sport. She loves to chase chipmunks, rabbits and squirrels. She always takes time for a nap right after breakfast. She has to keep her energy up for the chase. Her number one favorite thing is being daddy’s girl and spending her time with him.

Tsula watching for squirrels

This was Tsula’s time to shine a bit. She’s such a lovely and happy little dog, that she deserved a bit of the spotlight. May she have many more days of varmint chasing ahead of her.

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A Return to Cataract Falls

Timing and weather finally permitted us to head back North to Marin County to visit Cataract Falls again.  We wrote about our first trip back in October of 2010. They are located on the West end of Alpine Lake on the Northwest slope of Mt. Tamalpais. We weren’t sure if the falls would be flowing or not as we are way behind on our rain for the season. However, we had two good rainfalls just before we went, so we were in luck.

Cataract Falls

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Manic Monday and Good Advertising

I’ll be honest. I’m a Madison Avenue nightmare. Not only do I ignore most advertising, when I do pay attention I don’t bother to remember WHAT company was being advertised. Once in a while I surprise myself. I don’t jump to buy the product, but I pay attention. This advert from The Guardian, got my attention. It’s well done and smart. It stars the Big Bad Wolf and The Three Little Pigs.

Big Bad Worf and kitty

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Caturday: It’s Official

Friday Night Cats Blogging is now Caturday. It’s a schedule that should work better for us. This way, we can escape the city on a weekday and enjoy the trails without a crowd and we don’t have to worry about missing a post.

Tito was his normal polite self.

Tito being watchful
Tito being watchful

The other two were something else. Kitsy woke me at 3:30 am begging for noms. Miss Jenny was egging him on. He doesn’t just yell. I sleep on my side and I wake up to find him standing on my arm and ribcage. He’s a bloody velvet wrapped mace. Miss Jenny helps by standing on my hip. She’s a lot lighter than Kitsy. They did NOT get their noms until 6am. I didn’t get any sleep, but I didn’t give in either.

Miss Nightshade Jenny practicing the art of camouflage again
Miss Nightshade Jenny practicing the art of camouflage again
Mr. Kitsy Wrinklepuss trying to look innocent
Mr. Kitsy Wrinklepuss trying to look innocent

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Fake Tales of San Francisco: Name That Movie

Over the years, the city of San Francisco has starred in quite a few books, movies and tv shows. Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood have driven its streets. Dashiell Hammett also made San Francisco the stage of The Maltese Falcon. One can even take a 4 hour Dashiell Hammett walking tour. Contagion was one of the more recent movies that was filmed here. It is also the host of the headquarters and council chambers of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet.

Not long ago we watched a movie starring our wonderful city.  Watching it, I realized that I had photos of almost every place that was important to the story and I decided to play a little game. I’m going to post the photos and maybe you can figure out which movie we watched. I don’t think it will be difficult for the movie buffs out there.

Lloyd Lake
The Pillars of the Past is the first landmark mentioned in the movie, though not shown
900 Lombard was the home of the leading male character
Nob Hill
The Brocklebank building at 1000 Mason on Nob Hill was where the leading female character lived

The characters visited other places in and out of The City. I present them in no particular order.

Mission Dolores
Mission Dolores, the site of a mysterious grave
Legion of Honor
The California Palace of the Legion of Honor was home to a mysterious painting
Muir Woods
The two lead characters paid a visit to Muir Woods, North of San Francisco
Palace of Fine Arts
The movie couple took a stroll around the Palace of Fine Arts
Fort Point
Fort Point, the site of major drama. The chain link fence was erected after 9/11 and was not present in the movie

If you have figured it out already, good for you. For those still struggling, I have placed several photos below the fold that should provide the answer.

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Midnight Movie Madness: “we are what we are”

“We are what we are” – (90 minutes, Mexico, NR)

We are what we are” is largely about what it takes to keep a family together and that thing here isn’t love. “We are what we are” is a Mexican film written and directed by Jorge Michel Grau whose career so far shows promise, mostly documentaries centered on culture, the arts and education.

we are whar we are poster

It helps to know this as this work of fiction has strong sociological themes, rather specific to Hispanic culture, Mexican in particular.

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Manic Monday: Speaking of Noms…

Our last post was about the 3am terrors that I suffer at the paws of Maz Whang. When he wants his noms, he can be pushy (understatement). Well, here are some kitties who really want their noms. Cats have figured out how to manipulate their humans and they are perfecting the art.

Example 1: Turning on the cuteness

If that doesn’t work, try sign language

Then, if all else fails, they act like they are evil and possessed


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