It’s Caturday and time for our furbabies to shine. This time, they have been working on a magazine cover. They both went and picked out their own magazine covers. Tito wanted a soothing restful theme. Miss Jenny decided that her tater wrangling was so inspired that she went in that direction.
Tito chose a lounging shot for his cover photo. He’s a pretty laid back dude, after all.As you can see, Miss Jenny decided on the tater theme. She chose this photo to show off her beautiful blue eyes.
Miss Nightshade Jenny pulled an interesting trick last night. She got bored. As you know, cats can be downright dangerous when bored and Miss Jenny was no exception. At some point, she decided to make me a part of it by bringing me a gift and BLAAARRRRPING it out onto the bed.
Don’t let those innocent blue peepers fool you
It all started when I was sitting in bed reading my book. I glanced over and saw Miss Jenny coming through the hall on her way to the bed. Along the way she dropped something that went THUD!. It was too dark to see what it was, but it sounded like a heavy rubber ball. She wrestled with it for a few minutes and finally managed to pick it up again. Then she jumped up and BLAAARRRRPed it onto the bed. WTF? A gift? For me? Really? WTF?
This is the gift that Miss Nightshade Jenny brought to me
Miss Jenny is an extraordinary thief. She steals pens and corks and other assorted items. This is the first time I’ve seen her wrangling taters. That wasn’t the only tater she wrangled. I found this when I went to the kitchen.
Floor tater
Evidently, Miss Jenny was having a ball playing with taters.
More floor taters
There were several other floor taters and I was still finding them this morning. I have since Jenny-proofed the tater bag. Miss Nightshade Jenny the tater pirate. What a riot. I’m still suffering from a terminal case of the giggles. I didn’t forget my manners and I remembered to thank Miss Jenny for the lovely gift.
Counting down to Halloween on this gloomy Tuesday morning, let’s stroll through Autumn, Ray Bradbury’s country.
I hope you’ll enjoy these photos as I do, taken between the beaches of San Francisco, Golden Gate Park and the Shoreline at Mountain View, CA.
“That country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars, sub-cellars, coal-bins, closets, attics, and pantries faced away from the sun. That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts. Whose people passing at night on the empty walks sound like rain.”
I had a few photos that I like because of the perspective. Sadly, one or two have some serious purple fringe from heck, but I can live with it. I just wouldn’t hang them on my wall. Someday, I’ll have a DSLR with some good filters. Before I do that, I need a computer that can handle the memory usage.
Pierce Point Ranch dairy barnFort Point in San FranciscoPierce Point Ranch dairy barnBattery Wallace in the Marin HeadlandsPierce Point Ranch dairy barn
Not that the pointy eared ones really care, but today’s post is about belated birthday wishes for them. If it wasn’t for the fact that they sleep, oh say about 17 hours each day, their parkour play moves and Klingon-style luvvin’ would make you think they’re burning the candle at both ends.
Our wish is for them to meow long and loud and for many years to come. Happy birthday, you little @$#%*&#!
In fact, if they were human, I think they might be Swedish percussionists running from the Law in the JBoDmobile (more on that later)…
I remember when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon in 1969. Our TV had died and we had to run to a friend’s house to watch it. I remember the first shuttle launch in 1981. I was watching when we lost the Challenger and now I’ve seen Endeavor airborne for the last time. Endeavor was riding atop a 747, and they did a slow flyover of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was magnificent.
These photos aren’t perfect, but I don’t care. I was there and I got to see it! Lastech deserves extra thanks for the trip to see it. He didn’t get near enough sleep and had to go to work this afternoon. I married a heckuva guy.
Space Shuttle Endeavor by Rudha-anSpace Shuttle Endeavor by Rudha-anSpace Shuttle Endeavor by LastechSpace Shuttle Endeavor by Lastech
We have just received 5 autographed photos from the famous cat blogger, Nofuratu. It’s so exciting to be acknowledged by such an important celebrity.
Many thanks to Nofur, his siblings, and his mom and dad for the wonderful signed photos.
We discovered his blog Adventures of a Naked Cat a couple of years ago, and he inspired us to adopt our own naked kitty, Kitsune. Sadly, we lost our sweet boy to FIP. However, we still follow and adore Nofur and his siblings.
Please Note: The following photos are owned by Nofuratu and used with his permission.
Nofur is a daring adventurer and activist. You can read about his adventures at his blog. Right now, he’s on a fundraising mission. He is going to participate in the CA-R-MA walk.
According to Nofur, this kitty is named Pebbles and she won first place for raising $640 in pledges last year.
Cat Rescue Maritimes strives to improve the lives of the homeless cats around us. Our immediate goal is to humanely reduce the number of unwanted cats and kittens dying needless premature deaths and to place non-feral homeless cats and kittens in responsible homes. We accomplish this by operating TNR (Trap Neuter Return) programs where colonies of stray, abandoned and feral cats exist under the care of a care giver. We also assist care givers in providing food, shelter and minor medical care for animals in their colonies.
Nofur working extra hard this time because it became very personal. CA-R-MA assisted his family when they wound up with two stray moms with kittens (10 in all). CA-R-MA neutered and spayed four of the kitties and Nofur’s family managed to find homes for all of them. That was nothing short of amazing. Nofur is working very hard to help them in return. Nofur is receiving pledges at his mom’s PayPal account:
If you can find it in your heart to donate, please do so. Nofur only has 5 more days for pledges.
This isn’t Nofur’s first walk. He made a blog post about last year’s walk here.
Here is Nofur wearing his Team Azrael T-shirt (made by his daddy) and his cool sweatbands that his mom got for him. He’s quite the athlete.
I’m sure that any pledges will be greatly appreciated by Nofur and his family. JBoD managed a small donation. We’re hoping that some of our readers can too.
These are just a few of our favorites. There are plenty more adventures to read about. Nofur has been to New Orleans and to The Desert of Maine and other exciting places. You can also visit his Facebook page.
The last time we went to Baker Beach, it was nice soft sand. Two other times it was rocky and I’ll admit that was an interesting surprise. By rocky, I don’t mean a few pebbles here and there. I mean really rocky.
The smallest rocks here are about the size of my little pinky nail. The largest measure a couple of inches.
Yes, it’s Caturday, but first things first. The proper pronunciation for evil in this context is the same as in the old classic horror films. Instead of pronouncing it as in the name Evel Knievel, it should be pronounced EEeee vill . The first half should be long and drawn out and the second half rhymes with bill. Got it? Good on we go.
Evil lurks in this house, erm, apartment. It has four legs and fur. It also has beautiful baby blue eyes.
Aw, isn’t it sweet and adorable? They love each other
Don’t let the fart monster’s beautiful blue eyes fool you into complacency. She’s evil.
I found Tito hiding in the bathtub with a look of fear on his little kitty face
Why fear? Well, he found this! [cue the theme to Psycho’s shower scene].
Evil Jenny lurks
No wonder Tito is scared. I’m scared too. This morning I awoke to find her nibbling on my eyebrows. Then she farted.
So that you don’t have nightmares after that last photo, I’m including an adorable English bulldog named Porter. He doesn’t like his leash. It can be found on cobrakiel’s YouTube page.
On Wednesday, Lastech and I spent the day in the Marin Headlands. It was a foggy, but beautiful day. I only wish it had ended that way. On the way home, we stopped to take a few pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. I had taken several pictures when I heard the Coast Guard helicopter. I watched it fly under the bridge and it was at that point that I saw the flare on the water.
Flares on the water to help with the victim search
When someone jumps, a flare is dropped on the water to show the searchers the direction of the tide. Someone lost a friend, a lover, or a family member that day. It was a painful reminder that I’ve lost two friends to suicide. This post is dedicated to Candy and Dora. It’s too late for them, but not for others.
Disclaimer: jellybeansofdoom is not associated with the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. We deeply appreciate what they do.
To reach the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, call 1-800-273-8255. For Veterans, to reach the Veterans crisis Line, call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. If you are in distress or a friend or family member of someone who is, then please call the number.
The following signs may mean someone is at risk for suicide. The risk of suicide is greater if a behavior is new or has increased and if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. If you or someone you know exhibits any of these signs, seek help as soon as possible by calling the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves.
Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
Talking about being a burden to others.
Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
Sleeping too little or too much.
Withdrawing or isolating themselves.
Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
Displaying extreme mood swings.
The Lifeline is there for anyone. If you are in distress call them. If you have lost someone to suicide and need help then call them. Don’t suffer alone.
Please please please seek help if you need it. The ribbon will take you to the Lifeline.