The San Francisco Pride Parade is this weekend. Part of me really wants to go. The other part freaks over the idea of the huge crowds. I’m not sure which part is going to win this year. My heart will be there even my body isn’t.
I was paying a visit to YouTube when I discovered a wonderful video. It’s almost 18 minutes long, but it’s worth every second. If you can spare the time, please watch the video and then read the rest of the post.
We should all take time to smell the roses. However, until computers come in scratch ‘n sniff, we’ll have to make due with a few photos. We went to Golden Gate Park early, as usual, so we had to play “dodge the sprinklers”. It’s worth it though as the park is quiet at that time.
Here are my favorite pics from that trip. I have named the roses where I could.
On Wednesday, I posted about the awful gas line explosion and fire that happened a few doors down from us on our block. I may have thought it was bad, but our pointy eared people thought it was a lot worse. When the gas ignited, there was a “whomp” that we could feel underfoot. The kitties immediately scattered, diving under furniture and hiding in closets. My fast pace to get outside and see if we needed to evacuate didn’t help any. After that, it was a cacophony of sirens, air horns and people yelling. They were scared, and I don’t blame them.
The poor kitties have been jumpy ever since. Today, they are finally relaxing. While they still startle a bit easier than they did, they are happy to relax and spend time with us again.
We have always appreciated our firefighters. This week showed just how much we rely on them.
We leave you with another photo of our firefighters in action. This was a grass fire that occurred on June 5, 2012.
Yesterday, with tongue firmly in cheek, I made a post and called it Terrible Tuesday is Terrible. I was wrong. I was so very wrong. What I had to complain about was merely a headache. The day took a dramatic and possibly tragic turn. I was merely a bystander, for the most part. Lastech was at work on an odd day shift and the poor guy was left waiting for my updates.
Yesterday I was fighting some serious browser problems. I took a break and walked North a block to the post office. Then I walked back home. I had to walk past a construction site. They have been remodeling an apartment building for quite a while. Today, they were working on some pipes out front.
I had just posted my Terrible Tuesday pics when I felt a firm “whomp!” under my feet, followed almost instantly by the sound of screaming and the smell of smoke. I looked out the window to see people running past the apartment. I immediately went out to check and found that the construction site was in flames and a gas main was broken. It was only a few doors away. I got a few important papers ready to go and the cat carrier was out in case I had to evacuate. It didn’t come to that and we’re all fine.
The construction site that I had walked past, had ignited gas from a broken main. It was awful. Sadly, the construction worker who caught the brunt of the explosion is in critical condition. JBoD is keeping the worker and his family in our thoughts. The dental office next door was able to evacuate everyone. I talked to them. They said it was terrifying because the gas and flames were only a few feet from the door.
This wasn’t a huge gas line, but it was big enough. Also, as you’ll see from the pics below, the buildings in our city are separated only by an inch or two. As a result, instead of fighting fires from the outside, our brave firemen and women fight the fires from inside the building. A miracle happened and there were only a couple of minor injuries to our firefighters, thank goodness.
In all, I saw at least 8 (there were more) engines and ladder trucks. There were multiple rescue squads and ambulance crews. There were LOTS of police officers. I’m grateful to all of them. The damage was contained to two, maybe three buildings. I’m sure I’ll know more later and I’ll update then.
You can see a news report here. I should add that while the smoke doesn’t look that bad, it really was bad. The wind was really howling down our street. It was good in that it dispersed the leaking gas quickly. I normally despise wind, but I’m grateful to it today.
Also, on Sept. 9, 2010 there was a massive gas line explosion on the San Bruno pipeline. That occured a few miles South of us. It also happened on a San Bruno Ave. in the town of San Bruno. Ours was on San Bruno Ave. in San Francisco. Are you confused yet? I can add to the confusion. The line that blew up in San Bruno wasn’t involved today. However, it passes by our apartment about 100 ft (33.48 meters) to our South. I’m very comforted by that. Yes, that was heavy sarcasm.
Anyhow, with luck, I’ll have something more uplifting soon. I’m still feeling a bit somber at the moment.
I got up this morning planning on making a post to the blog as I neglected to make one yesterday. Instead, I wound up wearing my computer tech hat and trying to find out why my browser kept crashing. I turned the air blue and even the poor kitties went into hiding. Instead of accomplishing that, I downloaded another browser. Terrible Tuesday was terrible after all. Ok, no one died. The kitties are well and have had extra scritchings and everything. There was still a lot of cursing and gnashing of teeth.
Sooooooo, here are a few photos from one of our outings in The City. We wandered over to the old shipyards on the South East side of town. There are plenty of old abandoned buildings that might be considered urban blight, but I think they have character.
This could also be called the “what the heck?” edition. As you all know, Caturday is for the pointy eared people. We mention them at other times, but Caturday is their day. Tito isn’t really a lap kitty.
He’s extremely affectionate, he just doesn’t jump into laps unless you’re sitting on the kitchen floor, but that’s another post altogether. Lastech was attempting to make his way from the kitchen to the front room.
Tito was doing the famous cat dance and weaving in and out in front of him. He decided to pick up Tito and have a short snuggle. Tito loved it. Then he proceded to climb up and over Lastech, who had to bend over to accommodate him. Tito has all of his claws, so it was necessary as a falling cat can do a lot of damage. I managed to grab the camera.
Kitsy has always been cold. He loves to sleep wrapped in a blanket. Now that he’s too skinny, he’s even colder. Miss Nightshade Jenny has been transformed into Miss Nightingale Jenny.
This next video, about best friends, has been approved by the pointy eared people. It’s sweet as vanilla beans. It is came to us via littlepigfarmuk at YouTube. Go give them a visit.
No, it’s not the zombie apocalypse. It’s just life dropping bombs on us and getting in the way. We suddenly found out we needed four new tires for the car. OW! Anyhow, the car is at the shop.
Enough of that. It’s Caturday and time for our pointy eared people to have the spotlight.
This is an older photo of Kitsy. He was sick and while he’s doing much better, he still looks far too skinny. He’s eating and eating, so I think it won’t take too long to get him back to normal.
Today we’re going back to the San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum. That last trip provided me with plenty of beautiful flowers and foliage to admire. Hopefully these photos will make your day a bit brighter.