We lost our wonderful Kitsune/Kitsy/Mazuzu Whang? to FIP today. This isn’t a proper post for him. I’ll do that when I’m in a bit better shape. I’m just too damned sad right now. Rest in peace baby boy. Mom and dad will love you forever.
Monday Funnies: Of Flatulence, Felines, Humans,and Giggles
The last week has been full of awful news. This is my attempt to provide you with a momentary diversion. As disgusting as it is, we find flatulence funny [Lastech: it’s only disgusting when somebody else does it, non?]. We find it funny when Maz Whang? (Kitsy) does it. We find it funny when Miss Jenny does it.
Imagine our glee when watching an interview that happened on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Dax Shepard and Kristin Bell were guests. Part Two of their interview had us in stitches. We had published another interview with Kristen Bell where she described her meltdown over a sloth. This time, they’re discussing…yes you guessed it! FLATULENCE!!! Enjoy…
The National AIDS Memorial Grove: Grief and Beauty
Located in Golden Gate Park, the National AIDS Memorial Grove is a testament to love and grief. According to the website:
The National AIDS Memorial Grove, located in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, is a dedicated space in the national landscape where millions of Americans touched directly or indirectly by AIDS can gather to heal, hope, and remember. For all the promising prospects on the horizon, AIDS continues to invade our lives, violate our past, and rob us of our comfortable assumptions about the future. The sacred ground of this living memorial honors all who have confronted this tragic pandemic both those who have died and those who have shared their struggle, kept the vigils, and supported each other during the final hours.

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Another Visit to the Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park
In June, I posted about a trip to the Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park. We went there for a second visit and saw many more roses in bloom.

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Racing on the Streets of San Francisco
One of the most famous movie car chases took place on the streets of San Francisco. Now, DCshoesFILM presents Ken Block’s Gymkhana Five. Wow
Caturday: Lazy Days
A Bit of Friday Absurdity
It’s Friday and the start of the weekend for most of you. I came across a couple of photos that made me laugh. My most important survival skill is my ability to laugh. Life can be a pain in the tuchus, so it’s good to be able to laugh about it whenever possible. It beats the alternative, at any rate.
Here’s a State Trooper’s nightmare.
I love this one
Last but not least is a talk given at TED by Charlie Todd, the creator of Improv Everywhere. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
California Academy of Sciences Part 4: Sustainable Design
In my earlier posts about the California Academy of Sciences, I introduced you to the Steinhart Aquarium, the Osher Rainforest and the Kimball Natural History Museum. Now it’s time to show a bit more of the technology that went into the building.

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Golden Gate Park: Unexplored Trails
At 1017 acres, Golden Gate Park is the largest park in San Francisco. It’s even bigger than Central Park in New York which is 843 acres. We have brought you pictures from our adventures in the Arboretum, Stow Lake, and the Japanese Tea Garden. Winding around the park between all those areas are a multitude of little unexplored trails and park gems. Well, they’re unexplored by us, at any rate.
This little trail is located near the Conservatory of Flowers.

California Academy of Sciences Part 3: The Rest of the Museum…Almost
I had been planning on posting part 3 of our trip to the California Academy of Sciences, but we had a fire to deal with. That was followed the next week, by a firm statement of where we stand in regards to our GLBT brothers and sisters. Now we’re back on track with part 3 of the California Academy of Sciences.
The California Academy of Sciences Part 1, was about the Steinhart Aquarium. Part 2 was about our visit to the Osher Rainforest. Part 3 includes parts of the Kimball Natural History exhibit and the Naturalist Center.

Continue reading “California Academy of Sciences Part 3: The Rest of the Museum…Almost”