It began at 0412 this morning. I sleep on my side. As any cat, dog or child person knows, this position would be better called the protecting-the-bladder position. Moving objects bouncing off your bladder at a high rate of speed at that hour is nightmarish. So there I was. Sleeping. I was dreaming away and then it happened. I awoke to find Titanescu creeping from his normal spot on my hip (yes, he sleeps there) to my ribcage. Tito was perched on my hip (oh joy) and Miss Jenny was playing Queen of the Mountain and standing on my head yelling “mee ou”. Then it happened. Titanescu reverted to butthead mode and decided to have a major slappy paws moment with Tito. Biff! Bam! Smack! At that moment, Jenny hopped over to the nightstand. Just as I got the boys to quit trying to slap the crap out of each other, she jumped. She landed right in the middle of them, ricocheted off to bounce OVER Lastech and jetted off down the hallway, but only after smacking into the wall heater with a loud crash. Tito and Grumpy Butt followed. Evil buttheads!
They were hungry, of course. Lastech slept through it.
Yes, I fed them. The original feeding time was 0530. However only humans deal with the idiocy called Daylight Savings Time. Cats have their own clock and by their reckoning, they know that feeding time is now 0430. They’re gonna make darned sure I don’t miss it.
And now for some cute corgi puppies.