Sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands

No matter how long I live here in San Francisco, I will never get tired of looking at the Golden Gate Bridge. The view from the Marin Headlands is magnificent and from there, one can see the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco skyline. On the weekends, it’s full of tourists. On the weekdays, at dawn, it’s much more peaceful, with only a few people.

Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

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The Amazing Transformation of Crissy Field

Crissy field is an amazing place to go play, gather for picnics, or just walk the dog. It’s hard to believe that it was once a military airfield located in the Presidio between The Palace of Fine Arts to the West and the Golden Gate Bridge to the East. It wasn’t always like this.  Once it looked like the photo below.

Crissy Field
Arial view of Crissy Field in 1921. It was still an airfield terminal. The Palace of Fine Arts can be seen in the upper left.

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Manic Monday Mish Mash

I was digging through some photos and found a sampling worthy of sharing.

Lastech is the first one up. He took the next two photos.

Ice by Lastech
Colors in the rain by Lastech

The fun thing about driving around in San Francisco is finding streets we haven’t explored. That way, there’s something new around every corner.  That’s how we found these colorful houses.

Pretty Houses by Rudha-an
The Haight
Medusa of The Haight by Rudha-an

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Manic Monday and Yoda

Not long ago, we went to explore the Presidio in San Francisco. Located on the North East corner of the Presidio is Letterman Digital Arts Center, home of Industrial Light & Magic and LucasArts. The campus is beautiful with very nice landscaping touches.

Letterman Digital Arts
Letterman Digital Arts

Of course, going there meant paying a visit to Yoda.

Letterman Digital Arts
Master Yoda

Annnnd, since it’s Monday and everyone needs a good laugh, here’s a Star Wars video by OkGo.

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