Caturday: go figure…

Note from Rudha-an: Lastech wrote most of this post. I wrote the bit about Titanescu. It was a joint effort, but he did most of the work. 🙂

Miss Jenny has been picking up an annoying habit lately. Some time at night, she’ll pick up one of her balls with her front paws then toss it or just drop it.  The sound of her hard plastic toy with the pieces of tin inside hitting the floor wakes me instantly.

I now hide the toy in question every evening. But that got me thinking about all the odd stuff the pointy eared ones do. Once in a while I’ll find a present on the bed near my pillow. Nothing gross, just odd… Jenny leaves me the occasional wine cork or curiouser yet, the odd potato.

Miss Jenny: Dreaming of taters, birdies and mayhem
Miss Jenny: Dreaming of taters, birdies and mayhem

Why? What goes on behind those blue peepers? The Boober had his own eccentricities. Like loving my singing Corsican songs to him. From across the room he’d look up wide eyed then amble over to sit on my chest purring. I couldn’t begin to tell you how we started this routine, he and I, let alone why he only reacted to this particular type of song.

Kitsy the Space Oddity rabbit kicked me the first time I blew raspberries on his gut, but he grew to enjoy the attention. With him, it wasn’t just one odd thing. The way he did everything was strange and entertaining.

Rest in peace our babies. We miss you

Tito likes to spoon water off the fountain with his paw to drink it. And when he begs for food it’s usually for another cat. Go figure…

Tito's big yawn
Tito’s big yawn

Rudha-an: Titanescu is still showing us who he really is. His real oddities will shine through at some point.

Titanescu having a nap with dad. This is very dangerous. If Lastech wishes to move, he must do so VERY slowly or risk multiple lightning fast paw strikes. Titanescu does NOT like to be disturbed
Titanescu having a nap with dad. This is very dangerous. If Lastech wishes to move, he must do so VERY slowly or risk multiple lightning fast paw strikes. Titanescu does NOT like to be disturbed

Why are the pointy eared people so weird at times? The video says it all. 🙂

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Caturday: An adorable milestone

It’s Caturday again and Time for the pointy eared people to shine.

Tito is as good natured as ever
Tito is as good natured as ever

If you visit often you’ll know that we adopted a crotchety older kitty earlier this year. We alternate between calling him Titanescu and Titanus Grumpicus Bunny Butt. He spent the first month hissing and swatting at the other two. Then it was reduced to the occasional half-hearted swat. Finally, they could sleep within a foot of one another for at least 10 minutes without a slapfest.

Then I saw this:

The amazing thing is that Jenny and Titanescu are facing each other. To date, the only did this with their backs to one another.
The amazing thing is that Jenny and Titanescu are facing each other. To date, they only did this with their backs to one another.

Then it went to this:

Yes, they slept face to face. The stayed that way for an hour and there was never any slappy paws.
Yes, they slept face to face. They stayed that way for an hour and there was never any slappy paws.

The above is a milestone as this pic shows what Titanescu is normally like. 🙂

Mouse toy lol

Cute warning! Be sure watch until the end though. My thanks to a Facebook friend who shared this with me. 🙂

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Caturday: Cute and rude

I’m hoping to post more often now. I started a project almost a year ago that took up far too much time but I finally finished it. I have a new project, but there’s no time limit and I can do a bit here and there. I’m hoping to have the rest of the pics from our Angel Island trip posted soon.

Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine.

Tito is always cute
Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny can be adorable. Not this time. She has her WMD aimed at Lastech

Titanescu, on the other hand…

Вы думаете, что я симпатичный. Прикасайся ко мне! Смею вас! Тогда вы узнаете, насколько мило я на самом деле.

This is just a random bird pic. I was at the park a while back and this Steller’s Jay collecting peanuts.

Steller's Jay
Steller’s Jay

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Caturday: Love is in the air?

Having love in the air is better than Miss Jenny’s farts, that’s certain. 🙂

Tito and Miss Jenny
Tito and Miss Jenny sharing a quiet moment

There’s something missing from that photo though, and here it is:

Tito, Jenny and Titanescu
While not exactly lovey, Titanescu is sharing the cushion with Tito and Jenny. He IS trying to pretend that they aren’t there however.

This is a major step for our little grumpy Titanescu and it’s happening more and more. Our pointy eared people are spending more time in close proximity to one another.

Titanescu and Miss Jenny
Titanescu and Miss Jenny. They ARE touching and it didn’t result in a slap fest.

LOL dog farted

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Caturday: Bed hogs…I mean cats

As anyone with cats knows, they spend most of their time sleeping followed by going berserk for about ten minutes. Sadly, their manic moments usually occur at 0400 when we’re sound asleep at which point we become trampolines. As a result, it’s usually easy to get pics of them being lazy, but not playing.

Tito is now spending more and more time on the bed, rather than hiding in the other room.
Jenny loves the big dog bed we put in front of the window
Jenny loves the big dog bed we put in front of the window
Titanescu has such a funny look on his little fur face that I giggle just looking at it.

For your amusement (or horror) I now present a video by cyriak. It begins with cobwebs, but in true cyriak fashion, it ends up with a lot more and gets very weird. 🙂

Just in case the video creeped you out, here’s some cuteness to make the “ick” factor go away.


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Caturday: It’s all in the eyes

Another Caturday rolls around and we’ve gone from having a heatwave to having a very cool spell. The pointy eared people are happier, at any rate.

This post is running late as Tito wanted lots of attention and it’s impossible to type around a cat with terminal elevator butt. Of course, he got a lot of scritches and pettings. As you can tell from the title, the theme is “eyes” today.

Here’s Tito looking calm and quite lovely
Miss Jenny
Lastech managed to get this photo by pretending to take pics of Tito.
Lastech took this pic of Titanescu. It’s amazing as Titan has his eyes wide open instead of half shut and looking grouchy. He really IS a handsome tyrant.

I couldn’t resist this vid by simonscat at YouTube.


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Caturday: New toys

Yes, there are new toys to play with. I’m not referring to the wonderful new toys that our friend Grace sent to the fur people. I’m referring to a couple of new photo editing sites that I’ve been using to make posters for the pointy eared people.

The photos below were made using PhotoFunia, a free site that is easy to use.

Miss Nightshade Jenny
Miss Nightshade Jenny

The new banner was made using a combination of PhotoFunia, Funnywow, and photoshop. Both sites are free. 🙂

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Caturday: Fall has arrived…sorta

Fall is here. The weather is very confused. Summers in San Francisco are generally cold and foggy. Fall is supposed to be warm and sunny. Karl the Fog can’t seem to make up his mind if he’s coming or going. The other day at the beach (previous post) it was sunny but very windy and cold. We got so sand blasted that I was pulling sand out of my ears. Tonight, Karl returns and tomorrow we may have rain.

The weather isn’t consistent, but the pointy eared people are. They’re consistently strange, sleepy, or cute. Take your pick. 🙂

Tito: I will play with you and play with you and then I will put you in the bathtub.
Miss Jenny: Sssluuuurrrrpppptttthhhhh
Titanescu: Не прикасайся ко мне!

And from ShoKo (Shorty and Koko) at Youtube, you have this video proving that cats are strange. 🙂

Kitten pffffft

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Caturday: Heavy equipment edition

My mad housekeeping came to a screeching halt this week. I was being careful not to terrorize the pointy eared people too much, but the addition of heavy equipment next door made that impossible.

This is the view out my kitchen window

Missing from the pic are the huge dump trucks. Due to some major water main and sewer main replacement in the area, they have been bringing dirt in and taking it back out. The dirt is full of concrete chunks and makes awfully loud crashing noises when it’s dumped in the truck. Most times, the truck is parked on the street out front for loading. That pretty much puts it under my living room window.

Miss Jenny despises the dump trucks. When they’re parked out front, she growls continually until they go away. Then she runs and hides.

After the equipment shuts down for the night, Miss Jenny tries to crash the laptop by sitting on it.
After the equipment shuts down for the night, Miss Jenny tries to crash the laptop by sitting on it.

Tito hasn’t gone to hide, but he won’t let me get more than a foot away from him.

Since Tito won't sleep while it's noisy, he makes up for it after it goes quiet.
Since Tito won’t sleep while it’s noisy, he makes up for it after it goes quiet.

Titanescu is unmoved. He just doesn’t care.

Titan didn't like the noise, but it didn't bother him too much
Titan didn’t like the noise, but it didn’t bother him too much

It wasn’t quite as musical as this.

The video above is from one of our favorite movies, The Sound of Noise.

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