The fleas are dying and the kitties are much happier. We got them some Advantage and I dusted the apartment with non toxic food grade Diatomaceous Earth. It works well. We also have (thanks to a friend) a couple of flea traps set out. The nearby construction has been on hold, thank goodness. The poor kitties have been through enough.
In the midst of all this, poor Titanescu must have pulled a muscle or something. His right hind leg was hurting him to the point that he cried and limped. Titanescu doesn’t cry, so I know it was bad. Lucky for all of us, he’s already much better today.

Speaking of Miss Jenny… If you remember, she took up tater stealing a while back. She decided to expand her horizons.

When I went to clean up the mess, I decided to carefully pick up the shredded roll with a sheet of paper. I placed it on the table and looked at it. It was a work of art!