Well, it’s another Friday. Tonight we have some trivia, some humor, and the boys, of course.
First, the cat trivia:
Cat Sìth (Scot.) or Cat Sidhe (Irish) comes from Celtic mythology. According to Wikipedia:
Legend has it that the spectral cat haunts the Scottish Highlands. Some common folklore suggested that the Cat Sìth was not a fairy, but a transformed witch.
According to Celtic Myth Podshow:
The cat, whether wild or domestic, is sacred to the Goddess in Celtic tradition, appearing in Irish, Welsh and Breton folklore. But it is in Scotland that is found a particularly powerful connection. A number of Scottish clans held the cat as their totem animal: those of MacIntosh, MacNeishe and MacNicol the domestic cat, and the MacBain the wild cat. The cat-people, a Pictish tribe known as the Kati, lived in Caithness, the ness or promontory of the cats, and in Sutherland in Gaelic is the Cataobh – cat country.
Note: The MacBain in bold is my doing. It’s my clan. The clan motto is touch not the catt bott a targe which translates to touch not the cat without a shield. 🙂
Sooooooooo what happens when we mix that with a bit of Star Wars? Well, instead of Cat Sìth we get Sith cats.

For those with short attention spans… SQUIRREL!!!!
Hmmmmm, so what does Tito think of all this? As a young kitten he bored easily and fell asleep. He just wasn’t a Star Wars fan.

Kitsune, on the other hand, adores Star Wars as do I.