Titanescu and Tito have been testing the waters, so to speak and Miss Jenny is spending more time on the bed.
Tito: heh! heh! heh! … heh! heh!Tito: heh! … heh! heh! heh! BOOP! Titanescu: дерьма собирается получить реальную, сынок.Miss Jenny expressed her opinion. Pttttttthhhhhhpppppppp!
For my friends who have had to endure what seems like a never ending winter, here are some funny critters in the snow. I hope that spring comes soon for you.
We are still getting rain off and on which is great. California could do without the mudslides, but the rain is surely needed. Tito and Miss Jenny do NOT like the sound of rain on the skylight. They tend to run and hide. We managed to keep them in the room with us instead. Still, we managed to get a few pics.
Tito perfecting his art of camouflageTitanescu looking dramaticMiss Jenny and her glamour shot
Speaking of Miss Jenny and the miracle. I’m not sure it was as minor as I first thought. Miss Jenny was fairly feral when we adopted her. I don’t think she was handled much when she was young, so as a result, while she loves good scritchings, she won’t be picked up and she’s not a lap kitty. She runs and hides when we’re moving around the apartment or if strangers are present. The other night, she crept up on the bed between Lastech and I. She got fairly close to Titanescu and then settled down to sleep. It was a first. While she’s been known to go into a blanket cave made by Lastech, she’s never slept on top of the bed.
Last September our friend Grace sent the pointy eared people a box of goodies. The were rolling in mouse toys, crocheted toys, snacky bits, and yummy gushy noms. Imagine my surprise when Thursday turned out to be our turn. 🙂 We received a lovely card, some beautiful cat ornaments and some of the best cookies ever!
Thank you Grace!
I intend to find a place to hang the ornaments as they are lovely year round. Now, in keeping with the heart motif, here are the pointy eared people.
TitoMiss JennyTitanescu: He may have a heart around his head, but he’s still a curmudgeon.
Many many thanks to the lovely Grace for her delightful gifts.
Love and bonks from Rudha-an, Lastech, Tito, Jenny and Titanescu
When we sit on the bed to watch tv or read with the blankets up over our knees, the pointy eared people dive in. It’s their cat cave. If we’re not under the blanket, one of them will paw and claw at the blanket until we comply.
Miss Jenny in her caveTito enjoying his cave
I don’t have a good photo of Titan in his cave. Being black makes it even harder to get good pics. However, I do have a pic of what I face every day. It starts an hour or more before feeding time. Normally, I’m at the computer desk and rather than staring, Titan comes and sits in front of me. He sits in front of me and alternates between nibbling on my arm and licking it. Nibble nibble lick lick. However, if I move my arm, he BITES it followed by the licky licks. He never breaks the skin. It’s just far less gentle than the nibbles. Miss Jenny sits on the floor, mews plaintively and jabs claws in my butt. I refuse to let them win. 🙂
Noms? Feed us Noms? Nao? NOMS RIGHT MEOW!
And now for something different. Zefrank is a favorite. It’s borderlined NSFW (language) but so much fun. 🙂
It’s finally raining! It won’t be enough to hold off the drought, but anything is better than nothing. The pointy eared people are using the rain as an excuse to sleep. That’s not exactly true. They use ANY excuse to sleep.
Tito is being a contortionistTitanescu decided that Miss Jenny had a flavor
In the meantime, this is what Lastech is dealing with today at work.
You might remember the Wave Organ, this acoustic sculpture at the end of a jetty near the San Francisco Yacht Club. We had visited before, but our timing always seemed to coincide with the tide going out. This time, we took advantage of the king tide and went back to listen for a bit.
The organ pipes are made of pvc and cement. In the 1940s, when San Francisco’s cemeteries were moved to the suburb of Colma, unclaimed headstones and monuments were reused in various places from Golden Gate Park to this location. This is how the organ sculpture was created, with some of that carved granite and marble.
The Wave Organ with Alcatraz in the background. Photo by Lastech
A visitor listening at one of the pipes
Two of the organ pipes
More pipes
The dark squares visible in the recess are more pipes
While the curving pipes reminded us of the “Yellow Submarine”, the waves lapping from below actually sound like a chorus of gurgles and squeaks, even occasionally like a wine bottle being uncorked.
Titanescu is especially sad. His hero, Colonel Meow, has passed away. The Colonel was a rescue who was found abandoned by the side of the road. He was later adopted by Anna Marie Avey aka Slave Beast. His rise to power began when his pictures were posted to Instagram. From there, he extended his power to Facebook. On top of his rise to power, The Colonel also holds the Guinness World Record for the longest fur (9 inches). He accomplished much in his short time on this earth. We’re sure he’s finding new minions beyond the Rainbow Bridge and living by his motto:
Enjoying life, one scotch induced nap at a time.
Jarrett Bellini of CNN has written a wonderful and humorous obituary for The Colonel and you can find it here.
Colonel Meow will be missed greatly and we wish to extend our condolences to Anne Marie and ALL of his friends and minions. With much love from Titanescu, Tito, Miss Jenny Nightshade, Rudha-an and Lastech
Well, no. This IS San Francisco and the home of the Maltese Falcon, but not this time.
We went to the Japanese Tea Garden to soak up a bit of Zen. Instead, the main pond had been drained for maintenance. Bummer. Still, we decided to walk around it to see what might be blooming. Then we found this:
Red shouldered hawk
This is not the same bird that we saw across the street at the Arboretum. I meant to take only a couple of pics, but it turned into a regular photo shoot. The birdie was working it for the camera.
From the tree, the hawk dove down to catch a crawdadWowOm nom nom nomAfter eating, the hawk flew over to sit on a lantern and modeled for usLooking coyThis is my good side!
I think I took about 90 pics. These were the best. I’m still in awe.
Here’s a vid that Lastech took with his new phone. The sound is awful, but I’m too impatient to edit it out for now, so hit the mute button. 🙂 We’ll get better at this. We just need practice.
Yesterday we ran off to the park to test Lastech’s new phone as we wanted to see how well the navigation worked. We decided to visit the Arboretum in the hope that there might be some wildlife in addition to the magnolias that were blooming.
We rounded a corner to find 3 other people staring at a tree. This is why.
HawkCloseup of the hawk
I found it amazing that several people walked by and never even wondered (or noticed) what we were all looking at. The hawk was sitting in a tree next to the walkway. It was only about 7 feet off the ground.