Caturday: Peace at last

The flea problem has eased up. The kitties are free of them and the apartment is mostly clear. The food grade diatomaceous earth has worked very well. I think it will take a while before they completely relax, but they’re rebounding quickly. The construction next door is still noisy, but I think they’ve adjusted to it somewhat.

Miss Jenny is as snug as a bug in a quilted kitty bed. The bed was a gift from Auntie Grace.
Miss Jenny is as snug as a bug in a quilted kitty bed. The bed was a gift from Auntie Grace.
Here's Titan looking rather dapper and mellow.
Here’s Titan looking rather dapper and mellow.

And now for something cute and funny

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3 Replies to “Caturday: Peace at last”

  1. Yay! So glad the fleas are gone! The Advantage Two is great stuff! There are cheaper alternatives, but they stink and leave an oily mess on the cats. I found one that even had BENZENE as the dispersal agent. Benzene is a carcinogen! The label for Advantage Two says each dose is for one month. For really bad infestations, we have used it again after only 10 days and had no problems…and that really knocked out the remainder of the fleas. It is worth the money IMO!

    Here’s hoping you find a new home ASAP. Maybe something with a tree outside the window for live Bird/Kitty TV? One can dream. 🙂

    1. We’re fine here. We were awake for it and really felt it roll. No problems for us though. We’re about 40 miles SSW of the epicenter. I feel bad for Napa though.

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