Duck, duck, goose, goose, goose!

Here are just a few ducks and geese I’ve found at Golden Gate Park. 🙂

Mallard duck
Mallard duck (male)
Female Mallard ducks
Female Mallard ducks
Juvenile Mallard (male)
Juvenile Mallard (male)
Juvenile Mallard and Canada Goose
Juvenile Mallard and Canada Goose
Canada Goose
Canada Goose
Another goose
Another goose
yet another goose
yet another goose
Last goose (for now)
Last goose (for now)

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4 Replies to “Duck, duck, goose, goose, goose!”

  1. earlier in the spring a pair of mallards thought our pool and backyard might be their spot … then … Ms. Lee! i know they probably found a much better spot as there is a nature reserve close by with a huge pond and creek with running water.

    1. We have a quite a few different ducks that visit the city. Mallards are the most common though. I want to go back to Stow Lake with my Canon as I saw little birdie that I’m not familiar with. I need a good pic so I can look it up. We’re going to “try” to get out for sunrise on Thursday. Maybe we’ll see coyotes or hawks or… any wildlife will do. 🙂

    1. Thank you Nofur! I didn’t know that fun fact. My cousin had a pen full of Tom Turkeys and one of them was gay. He also stole my tortilla at our picnic, which had nothing to do with his sexual orientation but, rather, his need for constant noms. LOL

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