Caturday: Heavy equipment edition

My mad housekeeping came to a screeching halt this week. I was being careful not to terrorize the pointy eared people too much, but the addition of heavy equipment next door made that impossible.

This is the view out my kitchen window

Missing from the pic are the huge dump trucks. Due to some major water main and sewer main replacement in the area, they have been bringing dirt in and taking it back out. The dirt is full of concrete chunks and makes awfully loud crashing noises when it’s dumped in the truck. Most times, the truck is parked on the street out front for loading. That pretty much puts it under my living room window.

Miss Jenny despises the dump trucks. When they’re parked out front, she growls continually until they go away. Then she runs and hides.

After the equipment shuts down for the night, Miss Jenny tries to crash the laptop by sitting on it.
After the equipment shuts down for the night, Miss Jenny tries to crash the laptop by sitting on it.

Tito hasn’t gone to hide, but he won’t let me get more than a foot away from him.

Since Tito won't sleep while it's noisy, he makes up for it after it goes quiet.
Since Tito won’t sleep while it’s noisy, he makes up for it after it goes quiet.

Titanescu is unmoved. He just doesn’t care.

Titan didn't like the noise, but it didn't bother him too much
Titan didn’t like the noise, but it didn’t bother him too much

It wasn’t quite as musical as this.

The video above is from one of our favorite movies, The Sound of Noise.

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4 Replies to “Caturday: Heavy equipment edition”

  1. I’m sorry you and the pointy-eared ones are having to contend with all that noise. The view from your kitchen window suggests it may take a while for all that work to get done too.

    Speaking of “work” — that’s where I am right now. I’m trying to complete a project that’s due tomorrow morning. 🙁

    (BTW, I posted some pics of my sister’s kittehs on my blog the other day.)

    1. It’s a long running project, so it will take a while. The propery owners are going to build apartments and businesses there eventually, which means I’ll lose my kitchen window. I’ll live. LOL The view isn’t that great anyway.

  2. Well, that’s a shame! I’m sometimes horrified at how quickly and often new apartment buildings go up around here. They’re never small, tastefully built buildings either — they are always huge monstrosities. I sure hope the noise isn’t bad every day. The kittehs need their 18 hours of sleep! 🙂

    1. It’s a long story, but San Francisco is having a major housing/apartment bubble. People have gotten into bidding wars for apartments. The median rent on an apartment is totally out of range for blue collar workers. It’s that way all over the area. The only thing saving our butts is rent control.

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