Caturday: Lazy critters

Before we show off the pointy eared people, we want to give a shout out to all our friends in the flood zones of Colorado. We are fervently hoping the rains end soon and that there are no more losses, human, or pets. There is a Facebook page where they are posting pets lost or found in the flooding. I’m unable to post a link, but it’s called Colorado Disaster Wildfire / Flood Lost & Found Pets.

Another Caturday has rolled around and the pointy eared people are being lazy as usual. There are times when I really envy a cat’s ability to nap all day. I’m still on a massive cleaning and reorganizing binge, so I’m not around as much these days. I’ll be back eventually.

In the meantime, I’m busily cleaning around the fur people. I’ve managed to do it without bringing out the evil sucking machine. I’ve even made it a point to move furniture in slow motion so that they don’t go deep into hiding for hours, if not days.

Tito is seen here perfecting the art of being lazy
Tito is seen here perfecting the art of being lazy
Miss Jenny: Hey! no cameras! I'm trying to be lazy here!
Miss Jenny: Hey! no cameras! I’m trying to be lazy here!
Ленивый? Я занят, наблюдая за моей территории.
Ленивый? Я занят, наблюдая за моей территории.

Some of my cleaning has resulted in scenes similar to this. 🙂

lazy lol

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4 Replies to “Caturday: Lazy critters”

  1. i may not always comment, but it’s always a pleasure to visit your blog and i try to do so often. always makes me feel good and the pix are wonderful.

  2. Where did Titan get that cute little bed? I just love it! 🙂

    My cats can actually squeeze under my couch – so, their toys don’t get stuck under there for very long. But the frig is another story!

    1. Grace, my dad found that baby bed for my dolls when I was around 4 yrs. old. I’m sure it was second hand when he got it. The shiny brass finish was wearing off even then. I haven’t kept too many things from my childhood, but that’s one of them. I put padding on it and put it next to the window for the kitties. Titan and Jenny like it. Tito prefers the cushion in the second pic or my bed.

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