Caturday: What a week!

This week has been amazing. Proposition 8 was wiped out by the Supreme Court and the 9th Circuit Court surprised everyone by dropping the stay on marriages early. Now Pride week in San Francisco has taken on a new meaning. Marriages have resumed and the City Hall will remain open this weekend.

San Francisco is expecting record crowds for the Pride Parade tomorrow and I’m sure it’s going to be a fabulous party.

Love? We haz it and now everyone can haz it AND marriage too!

Congratulations to ALL the newlyweds and to those will soon be married!

Miss Jenny: Mmmm Tito, I luvs you. You haz a flavor
Miss Jenny: Mmmm Tito, I luvs you. You haz a flavor
Tito: I luvs you Miss Jenny and I won't let you go
Tito: I luvs you Miss Jenny and I won’t let you go

As for Titanescu…

Равенство брака? Да, но убирайтесь с моего газона!
Равенство брака? Да, но убирайтесь с моего газона!

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9 Replies to “Caturday: What a week!”

  1. love and hugs to all the kittehs and their hoomins. dith ith fwom me, mz. annabel wee. mama wet me typded dith. mama? ah want fumbth!

  2. I feel sorry for Titan – he’s like a third wheel or something. I think you need to adopt another kitteh so that he can haz some love too. 🙂

    1. Titan is happy, believe it or not. He has been romping with the other two. The romping has become one or two wrestling matches too. He’s mellowing a lot, especially with them. They don’t snuggle yet though. I get that honor. Titan has claimed ownership of my hip since I sleep on my side. If I roll over, he just climbs back on. He also spends a lot of time snuggled up between hubby and I. He only gets really pissy if we try to pet him anyplace except his cheeks or the top of his head. 🙂

  3. Does he act like it hurts if you pet him on his back? Someone at the shelter told me that when cats have kidney problems their backs hurt and they won’t let you stroke their back. Did they ever do any blood work at the shelter where you got him?

    1. He’s ok when we touch his back. Once is fine. Twice is “Nyet”. He doesn’t seem to be in pain. I suspect he’s been mistreated in the past. The shelter did a full workup on him. They have a wonderful 24/7 vet clinic in the building. That’s where we took The Boober and Kitsy. He’s just a curmudgeon. Given his age (guessed) I keep an eye on him for changes though. 🙂

      I’m working on a little slideshow of the playtime he has with Miss Jenny. Hopefully I’ll have it up this week.

      Thank you for sharing the info on back pain/kidney problems. I’ll keep that in mind in case it really does apply at some point.

  4. I posted that comment right before I left for the shelter and just by coincidence I met a new cat at the shelter who won’t let anyone touch her back. She would let me stroke her chin and both sides of her face but as soon as she would see me lift my hand to pet her body she would raise her front paw and push my hand away. I asked one of the the regular staff there about her and she said that the kitteh is in perfect health but she lived with a child who was too heavy-handed. Apparently, that’s one of the reasons she was brought in – she started to try to bite the kid to keep him away. So, maybe that was Titan’s situation too.

    1. Wow! That sounds exactly like our grumpy boy. He’s snuggled up to me as I type. He’s affectionate and lovey. He bonks, weaves around our legs and rubs his chin on us. He purrs, but so quietly that it’s hard to tell. He’s just picky about his pettings. We can be accommodating.

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