The Marshal has been annoyed with the neighbors lately. You see, Titanescu spends most of his evenings on the bed with us, and glares towards our front door whenever their baby can be heard or nails are hammered, like the other day.

He is generally cranky, and can go from 0 to Pissy in less than two seconds but he kept staring at the window with a look that said: “Твою мать!”
And I made the mistake to reach out to pet him on the head.
It was like a scene from a bar fight: he spun round to stare at my outstretched hand with a pissed off look and smacked it with an audible “whap!”
Sounded like a handful of putty thrown hard against a wall, no sh*t. It echoed through the room.
Unfortunately for Rhuda-an, he was sitting on her chest as she started laughing.
When Titanescu gets mad, everyone needs to be real quiet for a while. Those guffaws pissed him off all the more and he snapped his jaws at her hand before rearing his head back, mouth wide open in the longest hiss I’ve heard since 1979, exhaling a cloud of fetid fish breath at her.
His lips curled, some spittle blew forth, some just dribbled out and it lasted so long he almost coughed at the end… Right in her face.
Because we couldn’t stop laughing uncontrollably, he jumped off and ambled into the kitchen with his weird walk, ankles together, feet kicking outward.
We followed him in there, but there’s one more thing about the old coot: when you piss him off, he shuns you. He turns his back to you and will ignore you completely. A little bit like this:
It took him maybe another 20 minutes to cool down enough that he could come back and be with us…
…and we love him.
That is pretty funny. Your description is great.
Hee hee. The hubby’s description is rather accurate. LOL He’s mellow today, so far.
That’s good. h
He’s lucky to have two people who love him no matter what.