Television series from supernatural to sci-fi

Waaay back in October 2010, I brought up the old TV series “Friday the 13th” as an enjoyable little trip down to memory lane: I used to watch the show back when it first aired in the late ’80s late night on CBS.

Something of a small guilty pleasure tinged with nostalgia when all the bad guys were supposedly from South of the border (Noriega, Escobar et al.). We’re now down to the last couple discs of the series, so it’s time for some more reviewing and suggesting.

The third and last season of the show saw Ryan Dallion (John D. LeMay) replaced by another character named Johnny Ventura (Steven Monarque) and due to some weak writing, Ventura has about as much appeal as an old Mercury Grand Marquis. I know ‘cuz I drive one. The energy of the three original characters (Micki, Jack and Ryan) never really amounted to “magic” but it did keep you engaged in the happenings. Not so in the 3rd season which of course turned out to the last. Conclusion: watch the first two, maybe until the episode explaining Ryan’s “disappearance”, don’t bother with the rest.

More modern fare, interestingly set during the Dust Bowl, “Carnivale” ran for two seasons from 2003 to 2005. “Carnivale” follows young Ben Hawkins (Nick Stahl), who possesses healing powers, on his collision course with Brother Justin (Clancy Brown).

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Friday Night Cats Blogging: Paraskevidekatriaphobia

Paraskevidekatriaphobia, the irrational and morbid fear that something really, really, but really bad is going to happen when the calendar turns to Friday the 13th.
Irrational? But there is a greater fear about a more definite and immediate threat of getting your head ‘sploded by cats. And there’s no name for that yet.

Friday 13 Tito and Maz
0927 hrs - 1/13/2011: they stopped speaking as I walked into the kitchen

Even Miss Jenny was excluded from their conversation… Whatever, man… ‘Spect the ‘stache…

Walrus? Walpurgis? Tom Selleck?
Walrus? Walpurgis? Tom Selleck?

Eventually, Maz ambled back into the living room and “parked” himself in front of the television until…

melon go kablooie
I make melon go kablooie

Maz being nothing if not excessive, he ‘sploded another head, lifting his paw under the strain. Either that or he was passing gas.

Kapow Maz blows hedds
See what I did there? No? Watch again!

For those who haven’t mastered their powers yet, and I pray they don’t, Tito recommends starting with something easy like the photobomb…

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Golden Gate Park and the Murphy Windmill

When I moved here back in 2002, I knew about the Dutch windmill. I didn’t know about the Murphy windmill. The Dutch windmill, also known as the North windmill is very popular with tourists and has a wonderful tulip garden.

Dutch windmill
Dutch or North Windmill
Dutch windmill

Not having been raised here, I was unaware of the Murphy windmill. Also known as the South Windmill, it had fallen into disrepair. It was designated landmark 210 and efforts were made to save it.


The Murphy and Dutch windmills pumped the water that fed Golden Gate Park. After electric pumps were installed in 1913, they were neglected. By 1993, the Murphy had lost its sails, fan tail and deck. When I moved here, this was all that was left as the rest had been sent to Holland for repairs.

Murphy windmill 2007
Murphy windmill 2007

This last year, the restored parts came back to San Francisco and the Murphy windmill was restored to its original glory. It was a sight to behold.

Murphy Windmill
Murphy Windmill

Be sure to visit both windmills should you ever come to our lovely city.

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Manic Monday: Happy Endings Starring Dogs

Our kittehs don’t want you to think they are snobs when it comes to dogs. Today, they are presenting you with a couple of stories that have wonderful happy endings. We and the pointy eared people hope you enjoy them.


The first video is of a guy out kayaking. If kayaking and fishing are something you enjoy, please go see his Youtube page. This vid has no fish in it, as you will see.

While this story had a happy ending for Barney, it didn’t for his human. You can read about it here. It does more or less solve the mystery surrounding the vid.

This other video is just plain old cute and adorable. wiggly puppies are wonderful. bltmic’s Youtube page can be found here.

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Friday Night Cats Blogging: Love is in the Air

It’s Friday night and time for our pointy eared people to shine. Miss Nightshade Jenny is now fully integrated into the JBoD household. Tito and Kitsy are completely wrapped around her little paws. The cooing and trilling around here is enough to make person ill with the overwhelming sweetness of it all. In other words, they are happy. It’s all good. Our boys were happy before she came home with us. They are happier now.

Tito: I will hug her and lick her and....
Tito: I will hug her and lick her and….
Kitsy and Jenny having a warm snuggle in the basket
Kitsy and Jenny having a warm snuggle in the basket

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Holy Flying Devil Rays!

I know that pelicans fly. They’re kind of made that way. After all, they are a giant sea bird with wings. An incredibly graceful bird in flight and on the water, they have a big appetite to go along with that massive wingspan.

Crissy Field
Brown Pelican at Crissy Field in San Fancisco

I never knew that devil rays went airborne. The footage of the pelicans in this video is stunning. Equally stunning are the devil rays flying, filmed in the Sea of Cortez. When I was young, we used to travel the coast of Baja and we saw plenty of the brown pelicans, but never a ray. Enjoy!

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Happy Birthday to the Cat Girl at Nekoneko’s Movie Litterbox

Today is the birthday of a friend of JBoD.  Her blog is Nekoneko’s Movie Litterbox. If you love horror movies from around the world, her site is the place to go. It has great reviews, good humor and the occasional recipe.

Here’s a cool birthday vid for a fellow cat lover.  🙂

Oh, and since you said that your name means “happiness” or “beautiful snow” I thought I would add a vid from Japan that seems to show both at the same time. It’s also food related as it shows white radishes being freeze dried.


Here’s Lastech’s recipe for pappardelle, bacon and cabbage he cooked for my birthday:

there are several variations of this, but the basics remain the same: pasta, cabbage, garlic and bacon.

For the pasta, buckwheat pappardelle’s the best. The texture and flavor of the buckwheat pappardelle really blends with the other ingredients here.

For two people, I used about a third of a pound of bacon and cooked that first. Pancetta’s recommended in many recipes but it feels to fat (bit grisly) to me, and bacon’s a perfect substitute. Save the bacon grease for biscuits and gravy later…

While cooking the bacon, I boiled the half head of cabbage cut in medium strips (to match the wide cut of the pasta) along with two (maybe three) heads of garlic. You cannot have too much garlic… Ever.

While the cabbage and garlic finish softening at a simmer, take the bacon for a quick trip to the freezer. This’ll harden it and make it easier to crumble into the mix.

Pappardelle cooks quickly, between 5 to maybe 8 minutes in boiling water. But since it will continue cooking in the cabbage/bacon/garlic mix, you can shorten it’s time in the water by maybe a couple minutes or so. This way it’ll continue to soften as it absorbs the flavors of the mix and also release its own, without turning mushy.

For best results, use a bit of the bacon grease and melting butter as you stir everything together.

Adding sliced mushrooms adds a lot to the earthy flavors of the dish. Not necessary, but extremely enjoyable.  Since we didn’t have mushrooms, I added an onion (caramelized). In addition, Brussels sprouts work great in place of cabbage. 
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Miss Nightshade Jenny Has Shown Her True Colors

We have always said that our kitties earn their names. As a result, we don’t normally name them right away. In Miss Jenny’s case, we did it differently. Her name at the SPCA was Nightshade, a perfectly poisonous, yet wonderful plant. It can be so deadly and yet it gives us potatoes and eggplant, not to mention chile peppers. The name Jenny came from the Three Penny Opera and the Pirate Jenny song. Miss Jenny has now shown her true colors and her name is perfect.

Don’t let her innocent face and lovely blue eyes fool you. She can be murderous. We have found the evidence. It’s appalling, I tell you. We didn’t really do anything for the holidays. We did get something for our pointy eared people. It was a couple of catnip fish with feather tails. I’m sure they are designed to totally confuse the kittehs, but that’s another story.

I awoke the other morning to total carnage. Miss Jenny had wreaked havoc upon the toys. The destruction wasn’t quite complete, but it was awful.


I know it was Jenny. I caught her in action and here is the evidence.

More carnage

Albert Camus said it best:

Murder is terribly exhausting.

He was correct.

Carnage complete

To see why the Pirate Jenny song is so perfect, just follow along below the fold to read the lyrics.

Continue reading “Miss Nightshade Jenny Has Shown Her True Colors”
