Fake Tales of San Francisco: Name That Movie

Over the years, the city of San Francisco has starred in quite a few books, movies and tv shows. Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood have driven its streets. Dashiell Hammett also made San Francisco the stage of The Maltese Falcon. One can even take a 4 hour Dashiell Hammett walking tour. Contagion was one of the more recent movies that was filmed here. It is also the host of the headquarters and council chambers of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet.

Not long ago we watched a movie starring our wonderful city.  Watching it, I realized that I had photos of almost every place that was important to the story and I decided to play a little game. I’m going to post the photos and maybe you can figure out which movie we watched. I don’t think it will be difficult for the movie buffs out there.

Lloyd Lake
The Pillars of the Past is the first landmark mentioned in the movie, though not shown
900 Lombard was the home of the leading male character
Nob Hill
The Brocklebank building at 1000 Mason on Nob Hill was where the leading female character lived

The characters visited other places in and out of The City. I present them in no particular order.

Mission Dolores
Mission Dolores, the site of a mysterious grave
Legion of Honor
The California Palace of the Legion of Honor was home to a mysterious painting
Muir Woods
The two lead characters paid a visit to Muir Woods, North of San Francisco
Palace of Fine Arts
The movie couple took a stroll around the Palace of Fine Arts
Fort Point
Fort Point, the site of major drama. The chain link fence was erected after 9/11 and was not present in the movie

If you have figured it out already, good for you. For those still struggling, I have placed several photos below the fold that should provide the answer.

Here are the pictures that should give away the movie.

Mission San Juan Bautista
The Mission San Juan Bautista, located near Monterey was the site of the final scene of the movie. It looks slightly different then. Can you figure out what is missing?
Vertigo Hotel
The old Empire Hotel, this was also the home of Judy
Vertigo Hotel
Called the Empire Hotel, when Judy lived there, it has since been renamed The Vertigo Hotel

If any of you haven’t seen it, Vertigo is probably Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest masterpiece. It’s a creepy tale of love and obsession and probably one of the great ghost stories as well.


7 Replies to “Fake Tales of San Francisco: Name That Movie”

      1. Way cool. I guess you’re glad to be back home again. 🙂 Hubby and I are off to climb a mountain today and take pics, of course. I’ll check in later.

        1. Ha, of course! Not there yet, though. Leaving Portland on March 15, and moving in there on the 19th. I can make it in half that time but there’s no rush now since I have to be out of here the Thursday after this one, and the place in Philly won’t be ready until the 19th anyway, so I can take it easy. Broke as always though, so I can’t really do anything along the way. If the timing’s right, I wouldn’t mind spending a few hours just wandering Cheyenne, WY. Maybe Boise. Omaha? Youngstown, OH? I get to geek out over maps soon and explore the possibilities, so that’s fun too! 😀

          1. I’m a cartophile. I have tons of maps as we have AAA insurance and membership, which makes the maps free. GPS is fine, but I love my maps. GPS is only good for telling you where you are. It sucks for figuring out where you want to go. 🙂

  1. It is… Entertaining listening to her get into verbal arguments with the GPS…
    -“Say a command.
    – NO, $%^#*&@!!!
    – Remain on the right in – …
    – Wrong! It’s another two miles!
    – Prepare to exit on – …
    – I don’t wanna go there!”

    I cleaned up the language of course.

    1. Heh. And yeah, agreed on maps. I don’t even like online maps. I want a book or a large unwieldy piece of paper in my hands! 😉

      We used to drive a lot for an old job, and the one guy who relied solely on GPS (he refused to use maps, or even the very precise written directions we had to all of our clients and field sites) used to always, without fail, ALWAYS call from some weird place the unit directed him to, at least once a month, inexplicably like miles from where the actual work site was.

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