Miss Nightshade Jenny and a Major Breakthrough

Miss Nightshade Jenny still has a long way to go, but she has made a major breakthrough. It started with the laser pointer. I managed to get her out from under the dresser to play. Then she got brave enough to stay out to eat and play some more. Once in a while, she would remember that I was there and dart back under the futon.

Last night, a minor miracle occurred. I was parked on the futon with a blanket covering me and I was reading. I was watching Jenny out of the corner of my eye, but my main goal was just getting her used to my presence. Something made me look down by my feet. Jenny was on the Futon! I left her alone to explore and relax a bit. Eventually, I worked my hand down to her and touched her cheek. Oh my. A scritching fest and a lot of purring followed. Once in a while, she would forget herself and hiss at me, followed by head bonking. She even came up to my face to butt my head and nibble on my eyebrows.

Wow! She still gets scared and dives under the futon in fear, but she’s getting better. Here are a few more photos that I managed to get. Please forgive the blurry ones. She’s not used to the camera yet and I didn’t want to use the flash.

Miss Jenny on the futon
Miss Jenny on the futon
Chin rubs
Chin rubs
Attacking the camera (play)
Attacking the camera (play)

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4 Replies to “Miss Nightshade Jenny and a Major Breakthrough”

  1. she’s so beautiful and she’s coming along so well. you and your husband, tito and kitsune, are going to work out being a perfect family once the little lady gets over her fear. you’re a great kitteh mama!
    beautiful nightshade jenny.

  2. Love her attacking the camera ! What a sweet face she has-and I have to laugh at dad sleeping in the same room as her.

    1. It’s cute. That room is used mostly for storage. We have a futon in there, so that helps. She has gotten used to me somewhat, but Lastech works graveyard and hasn’t spent as much time with her. He’s off tonight and tomorrow, so we can work on getting her used to him too. Then things will start going a bit smoother and she’ll settle in better. 🙂

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