Friday night cat blogging: all is NOT quiet on the Western front

Time again for the boys to shine, and share the spotlight with the wildlife I work with at night. And I am talking wild life.

But first, Kitsy showing off his magnificent wrinkles:


Then, Tito contorting himself in pleasure while sleeping…


Now, a couple of nights ago, while at work, I had to go break up a fight. Usually things are pretty calm, even if a bit weird.

Yeah. It's like that.

I heard one hell of a ruckus over by the foothill bordering the campus, and rushed over yelling for whoever was involved to stop right @#$%# NOW!

I suspected trouble was brewing when I saw the usual Eldritch gang members making a show a couple hours earlier:

Palmer Eldritch and two of his "stigmatas"

Most likely, they were sky-high on something. This one in particular was barking mad. No, really, he was actually eating the bark off a tree.

Nomming the trees

While there’s usually some form of truce in effect, as when Mack the Knife shared a meal with of Palmer’s stigmatas,

Noms and peace

there’s always a troublesome element trying to create a real stink, such as Pike and his Wild Bunch.

Elvis Pike, a.k.a. "the fermented one"

The fight broke up before I could make my way through the pampas grass, but I did see three stigmatas (stigs) of Palmer’s gang taking off in different directions. I found this particular stigmata lounging by the pool after taking a bath, making me suspect he may have tried washing off the stink off one of Pike’s members…

Try tomato juice, pal...

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5 Replies to “Friday night cat blogging: all is NOT quiet on the Western front”

  1. Wow!! Fuzzy critters galore…

    Glad it was you on site for this one and not me, my leg gives me lil’ twinges just thinking about a nocturnal encounter with those guys. I think I’ve already had all the “fuzzy varmit wrasslin'” I could ever want…. 😉

    1. Hee hee. He’s fascinated by the critters and finds them entertaining. I should have added a disclaimer though. “Critters appear closer than they are”, thanks to cropping. He keeps a healthy distance. He hasn’t forgotten what happened to you. He’s in more danger of a skunking than anything as he’s come around a few corners to suprise one in the grass. No skunky hand stands yet though, thank goodness. I’m not sure the cats would forgive him.

      1. Yep… skunky stink certainly is the “gift that keeps on giving”…. and giving… and so on.

        We had a friend who got dosed while camping years ago… and despite all attempts to do something about it, we all had to live with it for three days till we came out of the woods and got some extra-strength deodorizer. And a power washer at the car wash…. 😉

        1. The feral cats prowl the parking lots and spray cars with their very own fragrance. A couple nights ago, I saw one getting ready to spray my car, so I made the alarm chirp loud enough to send the bugger running flat out back in the bushes.
          I’ve learned to ‘cut the pie’ when walking outside building: I round each corner giving a wide berth to ‘whatever’ might be on the other side. I once found myself looking down at a skunk three feet away. We both had an “oh s**t” look, but I backed away fast enough to avoid a soaking.
          With all I see at work, but also in our outings in the Bay Area, I have to say there appears to be a major resurgence of wildlife. Someone told me last night at work there is an area on the peninsula with 500 mountain lions spread over 20 square miles. That’s a lot…
          BTW, really enjoyed your review of ’13 assassins”.

          1. So glad you liked it! It was a fun action movie worth a peek. 🙂

            It’s also one of the odd things that have conspired lately in my life to make me re-visit old childhood dreams of wanting to learn Martial Arts. I’m really starting to think something is trying to tell this goofy lady something important.

            (I just hope that it’s not Fate’s way of trying to prepare me for the Zombie Apocalypse or somethin’….) 😉

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