The National AIDS Memorial Grove: Grief and Beauty

Located in Golden Gate Park, the National AIDS Memorial Grove is a testament to love and grief. According to the website:

The National AIDS Memorial Grove, located in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, is a dedicated space in the national landscape where millions of Americans touched directly or indirectly by AIDS can gather to heal, hope, and remember. For all the promising prospects on the horizon, AIDS continues to invade our lives, violate our past, and rob us of our comfortable assumptions about the future. The sacred ground of this living memorial honors all who have confronted this tragic pandemic both those who have died and those who have shared their struggle, kept the vigils, and supported each other during the final hours.

National AIDS Memorial Grove
Circle of Friends

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Caturday: glam edition!

Time for Mazuzu and Jenny to share the limelight, since Tito isn’t so much into posing. Maz continues to improve, even though it will take time to recover the weight he lost, and Jenny helps him along.

Kitsy Rolling Stones cover
Yep, still magic and demonic at once

When he sleeps under covers, she likes to dart in and out to check on him, farting as she goes. We call that “trailing mines”… But she’s oh-so cute.

Jenny cover girl
Get your masks on…

As for Tito, his influence runs deep…

Tito in the pool
That’s a tall drink of water all right…

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Friday the 13th double matinee: tales of a killer song

It’s a mystery to me
the game commences
Dire Straits –  “private investigation”

Another Friday the 13th rolls around, time again to look at some baaad luck, double-matinee offerings from foreign parts.

Here we have two works of fiction, inspired by the same (mostly true) story, and yet they couldn’t be more different. The song at the heart of both stories has a haunting quality, and provides a very intriguing starting point for these mysteries.

The piece.

In 1930s Paris, a Hungarian songwriter named Rezső Seres composed a song entitled “the end of the world”.

Without speculating as to Seres’ inspiration, it was widely regarded as a downer. A downer of such proportions that despite various interpretations and growing popularity, the song was blamed for causing several suicides.

ill fated composer Rezso Seress
The ill-fated composer Rezso Seress

Continue reading “Friday the 13th double matinee: tales of a killer song”

Caturday: Lazy Days

Another Caturday rolls around and it’s time for our pointy eared people to shine.

Tito resting in between pigeon tauntings
Tito resting in between pigeon tauntings
Kitsy and Jenny soaking up a sunbeam
Kitsy and Jenny soaking up a sunbeam
Miss Jenny showing off her lovely blue eyes
Miss Jenny showing off her lovely blue eyes

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A Bit of Friday Absurdity

It’s Friday and the start of the weekend for most of you. I came across a couple of photos that made me laugh. My most important survival skill is my ability to laugh. Life can be a pain in the tuchus, so it’s good to be able to laugh about it whenever possible. It beats the alternative, at any rate.

Here’s a State Trooper’s nightmare.

fri a

I love this one

fri b

Last but not least is a talk given at TED by Charlie Todd, the creator of Improv Everywhere. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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Guillermo Del Toro: “H.P. Lovecraft project is back on”

Some notions, no matter how far-fetched they might appear, are simply too exciting to just whither and die.
The long rumored and awaited Guillermo Del Toro project “at the mountains of madness” based on an H.P. Lovecraft story is getting some renewed interest from a new source, Steven Spielberg.
The new production will likely rely on the motion capture technique Spielberg became familiar with in one of his most recent projects.

We can’t wait…

Tintin's Lovecraft style
A tentative movie poster generating buzz

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Caturday: lazy summer afternoons

Summer, the way it should be… Until we point the Bodmobile to points North like Mendocino county, the pointy eared folks continue to “grace” us with their homebound antics.

Nurse Jenny, taking Mazuzu’s pulse:

Jenny nursing Kitsy
His BP’s trending normal, doctor…

Mazuzu’s rear end is about to receive some ‘unwelcome’ attention, but those nether regions require regular cleaning he fails to provide for himself. Let’s just say his eyes are about to go big.

Cool Mazuzu gets a bath
Keeping it cool

Meanwhile, gentleman Tito tries to entertain Jenny with bird watching, despite his audience’s seeming lack of interest.

Tito plays the musical blinds
Tito playing “the maiden and the nightingale” on musical blinds

This summer is unfortunately a sobering time as well, with fires,  unpredictable winds and storms displacing many, destroying homes and lives. We have friends currently threading through very dire straits and they are foremost in our thoughts.

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