Caturday: It’s all in the eyes

Another Caturday rolls around and we’ve gone from having a heatwave to having a very cool spell. The pointy eared people are happier, at any rate.

This post is running late as Tito wanted lots of attention and it’s impossible to type around a cat with terminal elevator butt. Of course, he got a lot of scritches and pettings. As you can tell from the title, the theme is “eyes” today.

Here’s Tito looking calm and quite lovely
Miss Jenny
Lastech managed to get this photo by pretending to take pics of Tito.
Lastech took this pic of Titanescu. It’s amazing as Titan has his eyes wide open instead of half shut and looking grouchy. He really IS a handsome tyrant.

I couldn’t resist this vid by simonscat at YouTube.


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Happy Birthday Lastech!

Today he is 49, so next year he hits the half century mark.  I can’t resist a dig as I’m going to be 52 at the end of the year. 🙂

For his birthday, I decided to take some photos that he took one night and play with them. They were taken with his phone, in the dark, and without flash. He came home with the first one and wasn’t fond of it at first. I played with it and showed it to him. He liked it and came home with a few more.

For Lastech with much love from me, Tito, Miss Jenny, and Titanescu

All photos are by Lastech and I call them Carousel Dreams

Carousel Dreams

Carousel Dreams

Carousel Dreams

Carousel Dreams

Carousel Dreams

Carousel Dreams

Here is the original photo he brought home. It was taken through the plastic sheeting that covers the carousel at night.

Carousel Dreams

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Caturday: New toys

Yes, there are new toys to play with. I’m not referring to the wonderful new toys that our friend Grace sent to the fur people. I’m referring to a couple of new photo editing sites that I’ve been using to make posters for the pointy eared people.

The photos below were made using PhotoFunia, a free site that is easy to use.

Miss Nightshade Jenny
Miss Nightshade Jenny

The new banner was made using a combination of PhotoFunia, Funnywow, and photoshop. Both sites are free. 🙂

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Sunrise with a bridge and birds

Now that Lastech is working days and has to get up early, we rise before the roosters on his days off to go adventuring. Sunday was no exception. We headed out around 0530. First we went out to Treasure Island. The new east span of the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge just opened. The view from the island won’t be pretty during the day until the old span is removed, which is supposed to take about 3 years. It looks lovely in the dark though.

San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
I love it. You can just see a bit of the old span in the background.

Continue reading “Sunrise with a bridge and birds”

Caturday: Fall has arrived…sorta

Fall is here. The weather is very confused. Summers in San Francisco are generally cold and foggy. Fall is supposed to be warm and sunny. Karl the Fog can’t seem to make up his mind if he’s coming or going. The other day at the beach (previous post) it was sunny but very windy and cold. We got so sand blasted that I was pulling sand out of my ears. Tonight, Karl returns and tomorrow we may have rain.

The weather isn’t consistent, but the pointy eared people are. They’re consistently strange, sleepy, or cute. Take your pick. 🙂

Tito: I will play with you and play with you and then I will put you in the bathtub.
Miss Jenny: Sssluuuurrrrpppptttthhhhh
Titanescu: Не прикасайся ко мне!

And from ShoKo (Shorty and Koko) at Youtube, you have this video proving that cats are strange. 🙂

Kitten pffffft

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Birdy, Birdy, WTF? Birdy?

These past couple of days have been frustrating, thanks to business providers. In order to put me back in a good mood, Lastech took me to the park and then the beach. We saw many birds and here are are some of them.

I call these parking lot birds. They are either brown headed cowbirds or Brewer's blackbirds. I'm not certain. They're everywhere.
I call these parking lot birds. They are either brown headed cowbirds or Brewer’s blackbirds. I’m not certain. They’re everywhere.
Sanderlings? I'm not sure. I just know that the lead bird had the noms and the other two wanted them.
Sanderlings? I’m not sure. I just know that the lead bird had the noms and the other two wanted them.
I love empty beaches. Ok, not quite empty as there were plenty of birds. That haze is sand as it was a tad windy.
I love empty beaches. Ok, not quite empty as there were plenty of birds. That haze is sand as it was a tad windy.
These teeny weeny birds were fun to watch. Sanderlings, I think.
These teeny weeny birds were fun to watch. Sanderlings, I think.
synchronized nom hunting
synchronized nom hunting
Sea gull has noms
Sea gull has noms
WTF?? No, not even sea gull noms. These were too big. Lastech decided I needed some good Zen this morning, so we went to the Japanese Tea Garden. I love the Koi
WTF?? No, not even sea gull noms. These were too big. Lastech decided I needed some good Zen this morning, so we went to the Japanese Tea Garden. I love the Koi
Sea gulls having an argument over noms. The gull on the lower left has the crab in question
Sea gulls having an argument over noms. The gull on the lower left has the crab in question. Photo by Lastech
You got the noms? No I don't have the noms! There over there! Damn!
You got the noms? No I don’t have the noms! They’re over there! Damn! (photo by Lastech)
Ha Ha! I got the noms! Photo by Lastech
Ha Ha! I got the noms! Photo by Lastech
Bird butts in triplicate
Bird butts in triplicate
Gulls on the beach
Gulls on the beach
Synchronized bird butts
Synchronized bird butts

Note to self: Do NOT go to Ocean Beach when the wind is blowing. I’m still finding sand in my ears and other assorted nether regions. Baker Beach is safer in the wind. Yes, we knew it was bad when Lastech turned on the fan in the car and sand was blowing out of the vents.

That was the pleasant part of our adventure for the day.

Caturday: Heavy equipment edition

My mad housekeeping came to a screeching halt this week. I was being careful not to terrorize the pointy eared people too much, but the addition of heavy equipment next door made that impossible.

This is the view out my kitchen window

Missing from the pic are the huge dump trucks. Due to some major water main and sewer main replacement in the area, they have been bringing dirt in and taking it back out. The dirt is full of concrete chunks and makes awfully loud crashing noises when it’s dumped in the truck. Most times, the truck is parked on the street out front for loading. That pretty much puts it under my living room window.

Miss Jenny despises the dump trucks. When they’re parked out front, she growls continually until they go away. Then she runs and hides.

After the equipment shuts down for the night, Miss Jenny tries to crash the laptop by sitting on it.
After the equipment shuts down for the night, Miss Jenny tries to crash the laptop by sitting on it.

Tito hasn’t gone to hide, but he won’t let me get more than a foot away from him.

Since Tito won't sleep while it's noisy, he makes up for it after it goes quiet.
Since Tito won’t sleep while it’s noisy, he makes up for it after it goes quiet.

Titanescu is unmoved. He just doesn’t care.

Titan didn't like the noise, but it didn't bother him too much
Titan didn’t like the noise, but it didn’t bother him too much

It wasn’t quite as musical as this.

The video above is from one of our favorite movies, The Sound of Noise.

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Tribble? In the tree?

I must apologize to anyone trying to access the blog yesterday. We ran into a memory hogging issue that shut us down for the day. It took some work with our web hosts to locate and correct the problem. People love to complain, but I will NOT complain about Hostgator. Their tech crew was very patient and helpful. 

I’m still madly thrashing around the apartment cleaning and driving the pointy eared people batty. I’m probably driving Lastech batty too, so I decided to take a break and share some non feline critter pics.

There’s a lake at Golden Gate Park where we love to take walks. We’ve seen cormorants and hawks almost every time. There are coyotes that live there too, but we haven’t come across them yet. I live in hope.  As we reached the southern end of the lake, we looked up…

What? A tribble in the tree?

I should not have been able to get these photos. It only happened because others feed them. They came out to see if we were going to feed them too. Please don’t feed the critters! It only makes them dependent on humans. When that happens, they become a nuisance. Besides, bread isn’t healthy for ducks, squirrels or any other wild creature. 

Got noms?
Sniffing and hunting for treats
I know you gotta have noms!
Shucks! No noms?

No noms. As for the tribble?

This small youngster was too sleepy to beg for noms and was napping safely in the tree

I used the zoom on my camera to get these pics. We weren’t nearly as close as it seemed. Many people dislike raccoons as they can be a nuisance. Where I grew up, there were no raccoons. As a result, I tend to take great joy in watching them do what raccoons do. I just prefer to keep my distance. 🙂

A final note: If you have a problem with mice or rats, please don’t use poison. The collateral damage can be awful. A beautiful pair of owls in a nearby park died as a result of eating mice that had been poisoned. You can lose pets the same way. It’s just not worth it.

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Caturday: Lazy critters

Before we show off the pointy eared people, we want to give a shout out to all our friends in the flood zones of Colorado. We are fervently hoping the rains end soon and that there are no more losses, human, or pets. There is a Facebook page where they are posting pets lost or found in the flooding. I’m unable to post a link, but it’s called Colorado Disaster Wildfire / Flood Lost & Found Pets.

Another Caturday has rolled around and the pointy eared people are being lazy as usual. There are times when I really envy a cat’s ability to nap all day. I’m still on a massive cleaning and reorganizing binge, so I’m not around as much these days. I’ll be back eventually.

In the meantime, I’m busily cleaning around the fur people. I’ve managed to do it without bringing out the evil sucking machine. I’ve even made it a point to move furniture in slow motion so that they don’t go deep into hiding for hours, if not days.

Tito is seen here perfecting the art of being lazy
Tito is seen here perfecting the art of being lazy
Miss Jenny: Hey! no cameras! I'm trying to be lazy here!
Miss Jenny: Hey! no cameras! I’m trying to be lazy here!
Ленивый? Я занят, наблюдая за моей территории.
Ленивый? Я занят, наблюдая за моей территории.

Some of my cleaning has resulted in scenes similar to this. 🙂

lazy lol

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The pointy eared people got gifts today!

I’ve been off doing a MAJOR cleaning and organizing of the apartment. I was doing the super boring job of sorting paperwork for filing when the mail arrived. HOLY WOW! It was gifts for Tito, Miss Jenny, and Titanescu sent by a wonderful woman named Grace.

This post is for Grace.


Titanescu helped with the opening of the box. He says the noms are wonderful.
Titanescu helped with the opening of the box. He says the noms are wonderful.
Miss Jenny is now dragging the mousie toy everywhere.
Miss Jenny is now dragging the mousie toy everywhere.
Tito loved this mousie toy too. He was also tossing the balls in the air and catching them. He stopped when I grabbed the camera.
Tito loved this mousie toy too. He was also tossing the balls in the air and catching them. He stopped when I grabbed the camera.

The pointy eared people love their wonderful goodies!

Thanks again from ALL of us. Hugs for you and scritches for your fur people. 🙂

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