We love Strybing Arboretum in Golden Gate Park. I forgot, they changed the name. It’s now called San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum. While I’m completely unimpressed with the name change, I love to visit the Arboretum. It is free to the San Francisco residents and there is something new to see every time we go. Here are a few examples.
Yellow ProteaFuzzy seedsLeavesRed and white ProteaTree fernSeeds glowing in the sunFlower floating on waterWestern scrub jay
Winter is coming soon and with it will come the rains. I love the rain. That might be because I grew up in the desert, but no matter. Hubby and I are just as happy to walk in the rain as we are walking in the sun. Actually we prefer the rain
The cats have been feeling their oats lately, playing just a bit more vigorously than usual and sleeping just as hard…
We’ve been going out more and more ourselves, spending most of this past Saturday at Golden Gate Park, starting with grilled fish, shrimp and carne asada in the meadow across from Mallard Lake. We had marinated the shrimp in a mix of Clementine-tangerine juice mixed with lime juice, brown sugar, thinly sliced shallots and shredded ginger which all came out deliciously fresh tasting.
Filets of sole and carne asada, with blackened seasoning on the fish.
Grilled peppers and beer, dried bread crumbs for our hosts.
Three hours later, we took a stroll around Mallard Lake where we saw this beautiful Blue Heron:
Great blue heron
Looking for parking around the Arboretum, I decided to drive around Stow Lake where we saw these geese with their goslings:
Canadian Geese and goslings
Finally, the arboretum with so many flowers in bloom:
Golden Gate Park is a very wonderful place to go. One of my favorite places at this time of year is Strybing Arboretum. Here are some of the flowers we found there. Some are from this week, and some are from past visits. I hope you enjoy them.