Caturday: The pointy eared people are sad

Titanescu is especially sad. His hero, Colonel Meow, has passed away. The Colonel was a rescue who was found abandoned by the side of the road. He was later adopted by Anna Marie Avey aka Slave Beast. His rise to power began when his pictures were posted to Instagram. From there, he extended his power to Facebook. On top of his rise to power, The Colonel also holds the Guinness World Record for the longest fur (9 inches). He accomplished much in his short time on this earth. We’re sure he’s finding new minions beyond the Rainbow Bridge and living by his motto:

Enjoying life, one scotch induced nap at a time.

Jarrett Bellini of CNN has written a wonderful and humorous obituary for The Colonel and you can find it here.

Colonel Meow will be missed greatly and we wish to extend our condolences to Anne Marie and ALL of his friends and minions. With much love from Titanescu, Tito, Miss Jenny Nightshade, Rudha-an and Lastech

Here are the pointy eared people.

Titanescu using Miss Jenny as a pillow
Titanescu using Miss Jenny as a pillow
Sleepy Tito
Sleepy Tito

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Caturday: Dead bug, jellybeans and a beggar

I finally got a few pics of the fur kids. Miss Jenny is learning to NOT run when she sees me with a cam. 🙂

Tito doing the dead-bug
Tito doing the dead-bug
Miss Jenny and her pretty pink jellybeans
Miss Jenny and her pretty pink jellybeans

As for Titan? Well, he’s the beggar. He’s the one who loves his mushy food. During PDT, he was fed at 5:30 am and pm. Now that it’s PST, it’s 4:30 am and pm. However, begging commences an hour ahead of time. In the wee hours of the morning he and Miss Jenny are a tag team. In the afternoon, Titan does something different.

When Titan is hungry, he sits in front of the computer monitor
When Titan is hungry, he sits in front of the computer monitor

Removing Titan from his perch is hazardous and usually results in a sound slapping session with or without hissing and biting. We both refuse to give in. I won’t feed him until the appropriate time and he doesn’t move. I sit and read my book instead. 🙂

And now for something completely adorable from WorldBirdSanctuary at Youtube.

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Caturday: Sleeping with the fishes

Not quite, but what the heck. I was bored and we haven’t gotten out much lately as our free time was taken up with a stupid phone problem. It’s fixed for the moment. Since I had no brilliant ideas, I went off to play with some photo editors.

Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny

So that we don’t ignore the doggies of the world, here is an amazing trick brought to us by nicknozzy (Nick and Ozzy) at youtube. Yes, it’s safe for work. 🙂

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Caturday: Titanescu is getting creepy

As you all know, Titanescu is grumpy. His other name is Titanus Grumpicus Bunny Butt. He’s called those names for a reason. He’s bloody grumpy!

He has lightning fast paws and he’s bitey. To date, he’s never broken the skin when he bit. It was always followed by an immediate licking of the bite area. He doesn’t smack with his claws out either. He will hiss loudly in your face and spray plenty of fishy smelling spittle if the slaps and bites don’t work though. I always thought it was funny.

Now I don’t know what to think. He hasn’t slapped or bitten me in days. He hasn’t hissed for a few weeks.

He’s plotting something. I know he is. It’s just not in his nature to go so long without one of his grumpy meltdowns. He’s been far too calm and he’s even been a tad snuggly. I’m going to be tiptoeing around the apartment waiting for the paw to drop.

Oh yeah, it’s Caturday! Here you go.

Tito and Miss Jenny enjoying the cushion together
Tito and Miss Jenny enjoying the cushion together
Here's Titanescu pretending to be lovey and using Miss Jenny for a pillow. He's plotting something I tell you.
Here’s Titanescu pretending to be lovey and using Miss Jenny for a pillow. He’s plotting something I tell you.

And now for something different. You can find more like this at zefrank1’s Youtube channel. It may be a bit too NSFW for some.

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Caturday: End of the year edition

It’s almost the end of the year and I don’t have any new pictures of the pointy eared people. Instead, I’m going to post (or re-post) some of my favorites. 🙂

Tito makes me want to bury my face in that fur. I do it often as it's safe with him. He likes it.
Tito makes me want to bury my face in that fur. I do it often as it’s safe with him. He likes it.
It's hard to get photos that show off his beautiful green eyes. I get lucky on occasion
It’s hard to get photos that show off his beautiful green eyes. I get lucky on occasion
Lastech took this one of Miss Jenny. She's looking extra cute
Lastech took this one of Miss Jenny. She’s looking extra cute
Lastech took this one as well.
Lastech took this one as well.
The look on Titan's face in this photo makes giggle.
The look on Titan’s face in this photo makes giggle.
Titan may look silly in the previous photo, but he looks quite regal here.
Titan may look silly in the previous photo, but he looks quite regal here.

We’ll get more active on the blog once we get past the New year. Until then, be safe everyone.

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Caturday: Warm fuzzies

While we don’t actually celebrate Christmas, we DO get into the holiday spirit. Today, I’ll be making a batch of pumpkin bread. Tomorrow, I’ll bake more. I’ll be sharing them around the neighborhood. Sometime after the 25th, I’ll post my final batch of photos from Angel Island. In the meantime, here are the wonderful, warm, and fuzzy pointy eared people.

Warm and fuzzy Tito
Warm and fuzzy Tito
Warm and fuzzy Jenny doing her helicopter imitation
Warm and fuzzy Jenny doing her helicopter imitation
Titanescu looks all warm and fuzzy, but don't touch unless you want to unleash the tyrant
Titanescu looks all warm and fuzzy, but don’t touch unless you want to unleash the tyrant

For those who may remember, back in 2008 klusmanp and his pal posted a video called “The Engineer’s Guide to Cats”. They have finally posted the sequel. I love it!

Just in case you missed the original, here it is.

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Caturday: Titanescu left a surprise

Last week I mentioned the pointy eared people plotting against me in the wee hours. They managed to have a slap fest and use me as a trampoline without waking Lastech. They did it again.

Titanescu is actually the guilty one this time. He has a habit of eating way too fast and then the food bounces up on him. I got up at 0430 and gave them their gushy food and went back to bed. 5 minutes later..



I grabbed my flashlight to see where he made his deposit. He had excellent aim. He managed to blarp it all over Lastech’s bare foot. Lastech slept through it until I woke him so I could clean it up without getting kicked. 🙂

Note: As a precaution, we give the pointy eared people hairball remedy on a regular basis.

Titanescu: The dark hoarker
Titanescu: The dark hoarker
Miss Jenny: NOT a hoarking queen
Miss Jenny: NOT a hoarking queen. In fact, we’ve never seen her hoark
Tito: The polite hoarker, he leaves his deposits on the floor for easy cleanup
Tito: The polite hoarker, he leaves his deposits on the floor for easy cleanup

Yes, they have been clawing and nomming on the drapes.

For your amusement

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Caturday: Evil cats

It began at 0412 this morning. I sleep on my side. As any cat, dog or child person knows, this position would be better called the protecting-the-bladder position. Moving objects bouncing off your bladder at a high rate of speed at that hour is nightmarish. So there I was. Sleeping. I was dreaming away and then it happened. I awoke to find Titanescu creeping from his normal spot on my hip (yes, he sleeps there) to my ribcage. Tito was perched on my hip (oh joy) and Miss Jenny was playing Queen of the Mountain and standing on my head yelling “mee ou”. Then it happened. Titanescu reverted to butthead mode and decided to have a major slappy paws moment with Tito. Biff! Bam! Smack! At that moment, Jenny hopped over to the nightstand. Just as I got the boys to quit trying to slap the crap out of each other, she jumped. She landed right in the middle of them, ricocheted off to bounce OVER Lastech and jetted off down the hallway, but only after smacking into the wall heater with a loud crash. Tito and Grumpy Butt followed. Evil buttheads!

They were hungry, of course. Lastech slept through it.

They looked guilty when I caught them. I guess Titanescu and Tito really WERE plotting.
They looked guilty when I caught them. I guess Titanescu and Tito really WERE plotting.
Definitely plotting! Miss Jenny is only pretending to sleep.
Definitely plotting! Miss Jenny is only pretending to sleep.

Yes, I fed them. The original feeding time was 0530. However only humans deal with the idiocy called Daylight Savings Time. Cats have their own clock and by their reckoning, they know that feeding time is now 0430. They’re gonna make darned sure I don’t miss it.

And now for some cute corgi puppies.

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Caturday: Post Thanksgiving edition

We hope everyone had a wonderful day. On Friday, Lastech had to work and I wasn’t going anywhere near a mall. I shopped on Black Friday once. It was before it was called Black Friday and it was an accident. While I take pride in being frugal, I’m not THAT intent on saving a dime or two. Instead, I spent the day with the pointy eared people. Lastech took these photos.

Blue-eyed Miss Jenny
Blue-eyed Miss Jenny
Titanescu: Я хочу мяса индейки сейчас!
Titanescu: Я хочу мяса индейки сейчас!

I know that most of you are familiar with the Simon’s Cat videos at Youtube. Here is a video of his real kitties who provide him with a lot of inspiration.

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