Typical old man Titanescu is… Typical. We knew he loved nothing like a good meal, and now that we got 40 pounds of his preferred litter, we discovered his other passion.
As soon as the litter was replaced, Titanescu camped himself in the box to release brown sewer trouts into it. The satisfied half closed eyes told the story of what the younger two take for granted. The light butt-waggle as he settled down to the business of uncoiling rope was purr gratitude.

As to Miss Nightshade Jenny, she gives me the Feliway Blues while we wait for a new cartridge from Amazon… Given her newfound relaxed state and confidence, she has given up one of her more obnoxious habits: lâcher des caisses, péter comme une vache.
So here I sits, with Neil Diamond hits running through my head.
“You don’t fart me ghost shits
You don’t belch from behind
You hardly let her rip
When you come through the door
At the end of the day
You don’t fart on me anymore”
And I miss it(?)….
As for Tito.. He’s just his normal sweet self. He plays the straight guy for Titan and Miss Jenny.