Cats in Hats

Happy Monday! I came across a few cats in hats. They were funny and I couldn’t resist. The videos all belong to shironekoshiro at YouTube. Please visit them as you find a lot more hats on cats there.
party hat

Fig hat

Leaf hat

Tulip hat

Container hats


Terrific Tuesday: Tis the Christmas Season

Yes, it’s the Christmas season. If I ever considered having a Christmas tree, these vids might make me think again. With our three cats, a Christmas tree wouldn’t last 5 minutes. Last Tuesday, I posted a video about Oskar, the Blind Kitty. Here he is again and he’s helping his human put up a small Christmas tree. You can visit Oskar’s YouTube page here.

The next video is a little ditty about kittens in the Christmas tree.

Last, but not least is a guide to mechanized holiday accessories by the guys from The Engineer’s Guide to Cats.


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Terrific Tuesday: Stories to Make You Smile

Today is terrific for several reasons. The first terrific thing is that Kitsy aka Maz Whang is almost back to normal. He’s  back to eating and plotting his next food theft (preferably Jenny’s food). Maz is also trying to be more vocal. I say trying, because he has laryngitis and it sounds comical and pathetic at the same time. We’re just happy to have the ole Maz Whang back to his mischievous self.

I feelz better and I'm cleaning mah beans
I feelz better and I’m cleaning mah beans

The next two terrific things are almost guaranteed to make your eyes water.

Oskar, the blind kitten, was born without fully formed eyes. After being adopted, his humans recorded him playing with his new toys. Oskar has a YouTube page that he shares with his buddies. Please give him a visit.

This next video comes to us by way of ARME and the Beagle Freedom Project. This story is both heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time.

There are many more stories like these out there. The economy has been especially hard on our furry friends and they need all the help they can get. If you are able to give an animal a forever home, please do. If not, please consider donating to your local shelter or rescue groups. A bit of volunteer time can make their lives even better.

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The most accurate way to describe the cats’ breakthrough is to compare it to a kind of movie trailer: the epic blockbuster.
With somber music, we are introduced to the main characters, one after the other, in slow motion, each one fading into the other before the action explodes on screen.
Yeah. It was like that. Each kittoune*  venturing further into the light until…

Miss Nightshade Jenny and papa having some quality time
Miss Nightshade Jenny and papa having some quality time

One of the funniest moments was Jenny darting in the hallway and squeezing under Maz’ gut, between his legs. She looked like an X-fighter trying to trip an All Terrain Armored Transport in “the empire strikes back”….
But perhaps the better comparison is with the “fast and the furious” movies or “Tokyo drift” (dunno, Ain’t seen it and don’t need to after what we witnessed):
It seems like, despite the now occasional hiss and (mild) slap to the head, the boys want to be friends with Ms. Jenny. I should point out that she gives as good as she gets, taking Mazuzu’s demonic impersonation down a notch to, say, “impish”. Tito’s pooped from all the playing and tentative cooing he exchanged with Jenny, and we are just astounded by the innate skills cats have to win you over. Chin rubs. Purrs (loud, too). Pettings, cooing and more of the arsenal of cuteness the furry (and naked) ones deploy to conquer us humans. From birth. Right out of the box!

Miss Nightshade Jenny beginning a romp
Miss Nightshade Jenny beginning a romp

I’ll put it this way: I’d gladly sign up to crew Jenny’s 8 sails ship across the seas of cheese.
Thank you, Raptor Jesus, I shall now read from the first book of Titus, of the LOLBible:

“Old pplz wiv tall hatz gotted to be gud, coz workin for teh Ceiling Cat. That meanz no catnipz, no fightin on teh garden fence, no scratchin other kittehs, an not pooin on teh monies, kthx.”

To add, please Jenny, quit flicking them out the box. KTHXBAI.

Kittoune:  Pronounced Kit-toon.  This word came about as a result of our kitties staring us, damaging our brain cells, and reducing us to silly mushballs. From the French suffix “toune”  (ph: toon: little, small, colloquial).

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Miss Nightshade Jenny and a Major Breakthrough

Miss Nightshade Jenny still has a long way to go, but she has made a major breakthrough. It started with the laser pointer. I managed to get her out from under the dresser to play. Then she got brave enough to stay out to eat and play some more. Once in a while, she would remember that I was there and dart back under the futon.

Last night, a minor miracle occurred. I was parked on the futon with a blanket covering me and I was reading. I was watching Jenny out of the corner of my eye, but my main goal was just getting her used to my presence. Something made me look down by my feet. Jenny was on the Futon! I left her alone to explore and relax a bit. Eventually, I worked my hand down to her and touched her cheek. Oh my. A scritching fest and a lot of purring followed. Once in a while, she would forget herself and hiss at me, followed by head bonking. She even came up to my face to butt my head and nibble on my eyebrows.

Wow! She still gets scared and dives under the futon in fear, but she’s getting better. Here are a few more photos that I managed to get. Please forgive the blurry ones. She’s not used to the camera yet and I didn’t want to use the flash.

Miss Jenny on the futon
Miss Jenny on the futon
Chin rubs
Chin rubs
Attacking the camera (play)
Attacking the camera (play)

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New Kitty Update: Kibble Tossing

As most of you know already, we have adopted a young kitty named Nightshade Jenny. It isn’t for the faint of heart. This little beauty is going to take work. She was found abandoned on the street and spent a while at the county shelter before being sent to the SFSPCA. All of this adds up to a pretty traumatic experience for a young kitty of only 4 mos. or so.

After we brought her home on Saturday, she dove under the dresser and only came out to eat and use her box…when we were out of the room.

Miss Nightshade Jenny
Miss Nightshade Jenny

Last night was a major breakthrough. She had her dinner and then I went in to keep her company. I parked myself on the futon and and teased her with the laser pointer. It worked. She would come out to chase the light. It started with her dashing out a couple of feet before realizing I was there and diving back under cover. Eventually, she started spending more and more time out on the floor playing. She even let me touch her with a finger.

The kibble tossing began when I started to suffer from terminal laser pointer thumb and had to quit. She finally got brave enough to head for her kibble dish. She was still in the mood to play. She took a bite of kibble, tossed it in the air and then batted it around the floor a bit before eating. She repeated this routine for almost an hour. Evidently, the kibble tossing got the attention of Tito. The next thing I knew he was laying at the door, snaking a paw under the door and cooing like crazy. Miss Nightshade Jenny went to the door and they kept each other company for a while.

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