…or at least take pictures of them. Lastech and I have been snapping pics like crazy. This year is a bit off with the drought and all, so none are wildflowers.
Flower by LastechFlower by Rudha-anFlower by LastechFlower by LastechNot a flower by Rudha-anWTF? by LastechFlowers by LastechFlowers by Rudha-anFlowers by Rudha-anFlowers by LastechFlower by Lastech
Oh, I should add that Lastech was finally awake early enough to see Titanescu at his most tyrannical when it comes to begging for his breakfast. There’s no photo evidence, but here’s a close example of what he’s like. Yeah, he’s really a grumpy ole fart. 🙂
I’m sorry Caturday is up late. We switched from graveyard shift to day shift and back again so it got awkward. We spent yesterday afternoon attending a graduation party for the son of a friend. It was lovely.
Before we get to the pointy eared people, we want to take a moment to remember and honor constables Douglas James Larche, David Ross, and Fabrice Georges Gevaudan. These three members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lost their lives much too soon. We’ll not dignify their killer by naming him. Why does it matter? Moncton, located in New Brunswick, Canada is only a wee bit bigger than my hometown and we have friends there. Those friends weren’t just there. They were in the lockdown area and much closer than we care to imagine. You can read about it here. We are happy that our friends are fine, but sad at the loss that their community must endure.
Douglas James Larche, David Ross, and Fabrice Georges Gevaudan will not be forgotten
Now it’s time for the pointy eared people
Tito playing with one of his paper toysMiss Jenny playing with a toy that was given to her by our friend Grace…and now it’s a boy toyTitanescu resting on Lastech’s lap
Another Caturday rolls around and I still have a bazillion things to get done for the blog. I’m working on it, but it’s slow and I’m slower. 🙂
Meanwhile, here are the pointy eared people.
One day, we picked up some new pillows. I placed one of the old ones on the computer chair while put pillow cases on the other. Tito adopted it immediately and now the old pillow remains on the computer chair and is his.
Tito on his throneMiss Jenny’s ear. She’s sleeping in the blanket cave.Titan is helping Lastech use the computer by napping on it.
On May 14, a friend married the love of her life. The road to get there wasn’t easy. While they were together and would remain that way, it took marriage equality to give them all the same rights and benefits that Lastech and I enjoy.
We are simply thrilled that they got to have their dream wedding. Finding your true love isn’t always easy, celebrating that true love should be.
Catgirl of Nekonecko’s Movie Litterbox and her love, Carolyn are the beautiful brides. While we weren’t there in person, our hearts were there for them. May the two of you celebrate many, many anniversaries. Pssst, as you can see, the furkids traded in their bat wings for something more appropriate. 🙂
We survived yet another internet outage this week. Harrumph! I managed to get a lot of housework done that day though. I went through boxes and boxes of books. I’m keeping very few of them. The library will get the rest. It hurts to give them up, but if I haven’t read them in the last year, then the odds are that I won’t read them this year or next either. The books I go back to read again and again will stay. I managed to do all that without putting Miss Jenny into a state of panic. The Feliway really does work.
Speaking of Miss Jenny, she posed nicely for me this week and the boys went out of their way to be cute.
Sleepy Miss JennyNapping Tito with a bit of a pink tongue showingTitan snuggling with Tito and looking quite adorable
Now for a bonus video. At Pier 39 there is a musical staircase. Viewed from below, the stairs look like piano keys. According to the Pier’s website, it is an interactive art exhibit presented by Remo Saraceni, who also created the The Big Piano used in the Tom Hanks movie Big. The other morning before the crowds arrived, Lastech found the pigeons making music. You can hear the sea lions barking in the background. 🙂
We had another heatwave this week and Southern California is again on fire. Elsewhere, I have friends who are still getting frost and snow. Here, Karl the Fog returned to the Bay chasing away the heat, thank goodness. Now we just need to get our friends warmed up and the fires put out. To top it off, we had no internet access from last night until late this morning.
We had also planned a special post for a couple of special friends of the blog who got married this last week. The heat and parental health emergencies have caused a delay. In the meantime, we want to give a shout of congratulations out to Mrs. and Mrs. Catgirl! You go girls!
Handsome TitoMiss Jenny sneaking over to dad for scritchin’sTitanescu looking especially regal
This video is a pretty darned good example of what it’s like for us every morning when Titan is begging for breakfast. 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to all. You don’t have to have children to be a mom. You don’t have to be a woman either. 🙂 There are plenty of men who are doing the jobs of both parents. Like a good girl, I called my mom this morning. She’s having a nice day and I’m glad. Daddy was in the hospital a couple of times with week with some serious health issues. He seems to have had a mini stroke. Mom said he was much better this morning and they went out to breakfast with friends.
The adventures with dad are why I totally forgot about Caturday, so I’ll try to make up for it now. Lastech and I aren’t doing anything special today. He had to work, so he’s sleeping now. I did roast a boneless pork loin though as it’s a treat for me.
Anyhow, here are the pointy eared people.
Silly TitoSlurpy JennyTitan is always watching
Ze Frank usually makes me laugh. This time he just says something that I have been able to relate to in the past.
We had a heatwave in San Francisco. The temps would be fine in most places, but no one has air conditioning. Karl The Fog went on walkabout and those days were rough. Actually, here’s a very good link describing what San Francisco is like in the heat. Yes, it’s absurd. I grew up in the desert and was used to heat that was far worse. I’m not a desert rat any more. The kitties were not amused either.
Hot kitties flopped on the cool(ish) floor
The heat was absurd and so were the pointy eared people.
Miss Jenny yawning at Tito.Tito and the big yawnSsssttttthhhhhllllllluuuuurrrrrpppppp!
And this is what I woke up to this morning, as usual.
He’s my little curmudgeon and I love him, but when he’s hungry he’s a total butthead. I sleep on my side and his favorite trick is to stand on my shoulder and slap my head with a paw. That’s followed by using my shoulder as springboard as he dives off the bed, runs around and comes back for another round. He started at 0400 hrs. He doesn’t get breakfast until 0530. I finally grabbed my squirt bottle and aimed it correctly and went back to sleep. I zapped him twice before he stopped.
Miss Jenny, while not quite a butthead, will egg Titanescu on. However yesterday, Lastech discovered her and Tito having a mutual love fest in the window.
Tito giving Miss Jenny a neck bathPlaying peek-a-boo under the shredded sheers
This video isn’t new, but it’s certainly appropriate and a perfect description of Titanescu.
It’s impossible to explore the whole of Angel Island in one trip as the various sites like Camp Reynolds, Fort McDowell and the Immigration Station require time and study. For our anniversary, we explored Camp Reynolds. This time, we went to the Immigration Station and visited the museum. We also managed to hike all the way around the island via Perimeter Road, but I’ll post those pics later.
The Immigration Station in older times: the pier and the administration building are in the foreground. Both gone now but the barracks, now the museum, can be seen just behind the admin building on the left. Perimeter road, which rims the island is visible above the station.