Caturday: go figure…

Note from Rudha-an: Lastech wrote most of this post. I wrote the bit about Titanescu. It was a joint effort, but he did most of the work. ๐Ÿ™‚

Miss Jenny has been picking up an annoying habit lately. Some time at night, she’ll pick up one of her balls with her front paws then toss it or just drop it.ย  The sound of her hard plastic toy with the pieces of tin inside hitting the floor wakes me instantly.

I now hide the toy in question every evening. But that got me thinking about all the odd stuff the pointy eared ones do. Once in a while I’ll find a present on the bed near my pillow. Nothing gross, just odd… Jenny leaves me the occasional wine cork or curiouser yet, the odd potato.

Miss Jenny: Dreaming of taters, birdies and mayhem
Miss Jenny: Dreaming of taters, birdies and mayhem

Why? What goes on behind those blue peepers? The Boober had his own eccentricities. Like loving my singing Corsican songs to him. From across the room he’d look up wide eyed then amble over to sit on my chest purring. I couldn’t begin to tell you how we started this routine, he and I, let alone why he only reacted to this particular type of song.

Kitsy the Space Oddity rabbit kicked me the first time I blew raspberries on his gut, but he grew to enjoy the attention. With him, it wasn’t just one odd thing. The way he did everything was strange and entertaining.

Rest in peace our babies. We miss you

Tito likes to spoon water off the fountain with his paw to drink it. And when he begs for food it’s usually for another cat. Go figure…

Tito's big yawn
Tito’s big yawn

Rudha-an: Titanescu is still showing us who he really is. His real oddities will shine through at some point.

Titanescu having a nap with dad. This is very dangerous. If Lastech wishes to move, he must do so VERY slowly or risk multiple lightning fast paw strikes. Titanescu does NOT like to be disturbed
Titanescu having a nap with dad. This is very dangerous. If Lastech wishes to move, he must do so VERY slowly or risk multiple lightning fast paw strikes. Titanescu does NOT like to be disturbed

Why are the pointy eared people so weird at times? The video says it all. ๐Ÿ™‚

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One Reply to “Caturday: go figure…”

  1. it’s always so calming to read your blog. you truly put so much work in it and it’s also always appreciated. you are the best!

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