
The most accurate way to describe the cats’ breakthrough is to compare it to a kind of movie trailer: the epic blockbuster.
With somber music, we are introduced to the main characters, one after the other, in slow motion, each one fading into the other before the action explodes on screen.
Yeah. It was like that. Each kittoune*  venturing further into the light until…

Miss Nightshade Jenny and papa having some quality time
Miss Nightshade Jenny and papa having some quality time

One of the funniest moments was Jenny darting in the hallway and squeezing under Maz’ gut, between his legs. She looked like an X-fighter trying to trip an All Terrain Armored Transport in “the empire strikes back”….
But perhaps the better comparison is with the “fast and the furious” movies or “Tokyo drift” (dunno, Ain’t seen it and don’t need to after what we witnessed):
It seems like, despite the now occasional hiss and (mild) slap to the head, the boys want to be friends with Ms. Jenny. I should point out that she gives as good as she gets, taking Mazuzu’s demonic impersonation down a notch to, say, “impish”. Tito’s pooped from all the playing and tentative cooing he exchanged with Jenny, and we are just astounded by the innate skills cats have to win you over. Chin rubs. Purrs (loud, too). Pettings, cooing and more of the arsenal of cuteness the furry (and naked) ones deploy to conquer us humans. From birth. Right out of the box!

Miss Nightshade Jenny beginning a romp
Miss Nightshade Jenny beginning a romp

I’ll put it this way: I’d gladly sign up to crew Jenny’s 8 sails ship across the seas of cheese.
Thank you, Raptor Jesus, I shall now read from the first book of Titus, of the LOLBible:

“Old pplz wiv tall hatz gotted to be gud, coz workin for teh Ceiling Cat. That meanz no catnipz, no fightin on teh garden fence, no scratchin other kittehs, an not pooin on teh monies, kthx.”

To add, please Jenny, quit flicking them out the box. KTHXBAI.

Kittoune:  Pronounced Kit-toon.  This word came about as a result of our kitties staring us, damaging our brain cells, and reducing us to silly mushballs. From the French suffix “toune”  (ph: toon: little, small, colloquial).

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