Old coot blues: fat lip and foul hiss

A taciturn cypher like Lee Marvin or Jean Gabin, ‘Scu romps through the apartment like an early 70’s Pontiac with a big inch motor and skinny tires, with lots of noise and little traction. Skid-skid-skid-BAM!
And no brakes to speak of. Even the other two are just spectators, turning to us just to make sure we saw it too. Entertaining? You bet.
Yeah, but he’s dangerous all right. Tito’s found out more than once that trying to wrap a paw around Titanescu’s shoulders and trying to lick him forcefully results in a quick smack down, jiu-jitsu-like, with the old cat towering over him. There’s no viciousness though, just a quick throw down and they move on.
But even when he tries to snuggle up to the humans, the magnificent bastard is full of peril.
Partly because he likes to stretch and his claws come out as a result, Wolverine-like.

So I was getting texts at work last Sunday from Rhuda-an, lurid descriptions about severe pain on one side of her face. Talking about a possible trip to the Emergency Room, even. Something about a fat lip following a puncture.
One thing about Titanescu enjoying naps on his humans is that he sometimes will accidentally stick a claw in tender flesh. Another thing is that… Well, he’s a bit nasty. I guess that’s why Tito tries to bathe him occasionally, and he deserves mucho praise for his hygienic efforts.
Because frankly, there is no way I would ever try and bathe the Ancient One: I need my fingers and I only have one face. He could alter the course of my existence in one swipe. People just have no idea, none, about how strong he is.
But. he also is not the daintiest cat, very far from it. So when that claw went into her lip on what we guess must have been Saturday or possibly Friday, she made the oh-so-sorry mistake of waiting for it to hurt before deploying Peroxide and Neosporin.

What do I tell people at work when they ask how was my weekend? Oh, I watched a movie, pretty sure it was “Apocalypse Now”, but I think it had Edward Scissorhands in it.

Uh-huh… Yeah.

Rudha-an here. After seeing a doc and getting a scrip for an antiobiotic, my face and lip are slowly returning to normal.

I have been trying to sort some pics from our last walk in the rain and I finally got it done. Here they are. We played around with different settings on our phone (Samsung S3), which will explain why there are two pics of the bridge, etc.

Bay Bridge by Rudha-an
Bay Bridge by Rudha-an
Heavy Drizzle by Lastech
Heavy Drizzle by Lastech
San Francisco Belle by Lastech
San Francisco Belle by Lastech
The Dock by Lastech
The Dock by Lastech

From the pier, we went over to Fort Point to see the Bridge. The sun was beginning to break through the clouds.

Skyline from Fort Point by Rudha-an
Skyline from Fort Point by Rudha-an
Another view of the skyline from Fort Point by Rudha-an
Another view of the skyline from Fort Point by Rudha-an
Golden Gate Bridge by Rudha-an
Golden Gate Bridge by Rudha-an
The Bridge in B & W with only the reds and yellows coming through by Rudha-an
The Bridge in B & W with only the reds and yellows coming through by Rudha-an
Another view of the skyline in blues this time by Lastech
Another view of the skyline in blues this time by Lastech
The skyline in black & white by Lastech
The skyline in black & white by Lastech

From Fort Point we wandered over to Crissy Field.

Crissy Field by Lastech
Crissy Field by Lastech
Alcatraz (right) and Angel Island (left) by Lastech
Alcatraz (right) and Angel Island (left) by Lastech
Crissy Field by Lastech
Crissy Field by Lastech
Crissy Field and the Golden Gate Bridge by Rudha-an
Crissy Field and the Golden Gate Bridge by Rudha-an
Happy bird by Lastech
Happy bird by Lastech

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5 Replies to “Old coot blues: fat lip and foul hiss”

  1. Gorgeous gorgeous pictures! It’s just amazing what camera phones can do. I am so sorry to hear about your fat lip incident. My sister was recently bitten and scratched by a stray cat she’d been feeding and wound up having to get a tetanus shot, 2 rabies boosters, and an antibiotic. (And she felt bad about having scared the poor cat that bit her.) I’m so glad you’re already feeling better. 🙂

    1. I got the tetanus shot and antibiotics. I have four alarms set on my phone to remind me to take them. The worst part wasn’t the fat lip. It was the bizarre hypersensitivity that hit the left half of my face. I had shooting pains in my ear and around my eye. I’ll be far more careful in the future. 🙂 You inspired me to include more pics than I had intended. I wanted to show you what the phones would do. The last pic of the bird, grass, and sky was just using the normal setting.

  2. That very first picture would look so nice blown up to poster size. I just love the whole composition with the bridge and the railing with the seagull. Just beautiful.

    1. I’m fond of that one too. I just point the camera and go. I sort through them after I get home and if I’m lucky, I’ll have one or two good ones. I got lucky that day. 🙂

  3. It’s funny: I’ve never been to Brighton Beach in England, but some of the photos we’ve taken on San Francisco’s waterfront lately really bring that city to mind for me…

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