Caturday: The nervous wreck kitty

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that Miss Jenny is our nervous wreck kitty. Paranoia…she has it. We have learned that we will probably be forced to move sometime this year as the property owners want to add two more stories to our building. In preparation, we started going through everything and getting rid of stuff. We were only able to work for 20 minutes at a time as poor Miss Jenny would panic and go into hiding. It was disrupting her world and we felt awful about it.

We decided to get a Feliway diffuser and try it. According to the company:

Feliway is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone, used by cats to mark their territory as safe and secure.

Wow! Miss Jenny is much more calm. Titanescu is a wee bit more lovey too. Tito is just wonderful sweet hearted Tito. He used to be nervous, but he’s much more calm with age.

Disclaimer: We’er not paid by Feliway. We just like the product. 🙂

Jenny feeling the Feliway bliss
Jenny feeling the Feliway bliss
Jenny and Tito
Jenny and Tito
Funny Tito
Funny Tito
Titanescu looking serious
Titanescu looking serious

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4 Replies to “Caturday: The nervous wreck kitty”

  1. so happy the diffuser worked for you! didn’t do a thing for Princess Lee, of course, she’s a dog so, big difference. she does have some natural calming drops (vet recommended them so that was okay) that help, her true calming agent is one of us, although the thundershirt helped for a little while. i’m just glad that Jenny and the gang are benefiting from a natural calming agent. the Angel Ms. Dee and Thor had to have valium, that’s how bad they could get. gave it to them very very sparingly.

    1. Yeah, it really sucks when our furbabies are stressed. Since our kitties never go outdoors, I’m upending their entire world. I’m trying to make it as easy for them as I can. I’ll still do it in small spurts rather than major ones. 🙂

  2. My goodness, it sounds like there will be quite a bit of change coming up for everyone! I’m glad you tried the Feliway and that it worked. I’ve been using it for several months and I love it. I prefer the spray but I use the diffuser too. The spray is good for when you want them to quit scratching a specific thing. Pearl used to scratch the back of the couch until I sprayed it with the Feliway. She lies on the couch but she won’t scratch it anymore. (I also like to spray their pet carriers when I take them to the vet.)

    So, will you be moving out of your building permanently or just until they do the renovations? I sure hope everything goes well for all of you! 🙂

  3. So sorry to hear the fuzzy ones are so stressed, but I can certainly sympathize with them…. I hate the idea of moving too. There are just soooo many things I’d rather do than have to do that. Root canal… pap test… you name it. 😉

    I just get too attached to living somewhere and once I’m comfy I start settling in to the point where I can’t imagine living somewheres else. I was sooooo darn glad that Carolyn decided she needed to move in with me when we became a couple. Luckily for me… I had Goober at the time and her place didn’t allow pets. Sweetie that she is, she never even considered asking me to give away my fuzzy lil’ “baby”….

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