Caturday: Bed hogs…I mean cats

As anyone with cats knows, they spend most of their time sleeping followed by going berserk for about ten minutes. Sadly, their manic moments usually occur at 0400 when we’re sound asleep at which point we become trampolines. As a result, it’s usually easy to get pics of them being lazy, but not playing.

Tito is now spending more and more time on the bed, rather than hiding in the other room.
Jenny loves the big dog bed we put in front of the window
Jenny loves the big dog bed we put in front of the window
Titanescu has such a funny look on his little fur face that I giggle just looking at it.

For your amusement (or horror) I now present a video by cyriak. It begins with cobwebs, but in true cyriak fashion, it ends up with a lot more and gets very weird. 🙂

Just in case the video creeped you out, here’s some cuteness to make the “ick” factor go away.


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6 Replies to “Caturday: Bed hogs…I mean cats”

  1. Yeah… I hear you. There are times I think my sweet little Ting-Ting is auditioning for a role in “The Exorcist”. She can be completely asleep on the back of the couch while you are watching TV… and then **SPROING!!** she catapults herself into the air for no apparent reason… topples down on you if you are unlucky enough to be lying on the couch and then goes whizzing away for parts unknown making noises that convince you she’s possessed by the demon Pazuzu.

    …. and you never have a camera ready when it happens. Never. 😉

  2. Okay, now I’m afraid to watch that video.

    We’ve begun to have true fall weather – so, that means that Cora is now sleeping under the covers for the whole night and Pearl and Mabel are free to find nice quiet places to sleep without Cora interrupting them.

    I spent the whole afternoon with Pearl at the emergency vet hospital yesterday. She threw up yesterday morning and then acted like she was just not feeling well. I watched her for over 2 hours before I finally decided to take her in to have her checked out. I always worry that I’ll wait too long and make things a whole lot worse. 🙁 Anyway, blood tests and x-rays and $300 later, the vets were satisfied that there was nothing seriously wrong with her. I am still worried because she is still not acting like herself but I don’t have any other choice than to just keep a close eye on her and hope she returns to her old self soon.

    I love the pictures of your 3 cutie-pies. 🙂

    1. I hope Pearl is better today. Sometimes one of the cats will hoark up a load of food. That usually happens when they eat dry food and then drink too much water right after. I always get paranoid and watch them for signs that they don’t feel well. I’m like you that way.

      The video isn’t too bad. There are no clowns and no gore. There are only spiders and webs, though the spiders crawl out of some strange places. Any vids that might contain really awful stuff are usually trailers posted in one of hubby’s movie reviews. 🙂

  3. I did watch part of the video and the weird spiders crawling all over made my skin start to crawl so I had to stop it half-way through. 🙂 Unlike some people, I’m not afraid of clowns.

    I went home at lunch to check in on Pearl and she was just lying on the back of the couch. Normally, she would have followed me around the whole time I was home and then watched me eat but today she wasn’t interested. I know I need to be patient but I am a big worrywart when it comes to my kittehs. I know you understand about that. 🙂

    1. Yeah yeah, I’m the one who freaks over clowns. LOL One of my favorite movies has a clown theme and it almost gives me nightmares in spite of being a dark comedy. ugh!

      I hope Pearl is feeling better today. I do understand the worry. Behavior changes are something that I always pay attention to. Most times they don’t mean much, but I won’t ever ignore them. I wouldn’t ignore it humans and I certainly won’t ignore in my kitties. Especially since I prefer my cats to most humans.

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