Caturday: After the storms

It’s not raining right now. It’s an amazing thing. While we were safe enough, there were floods and rock slides and trees falling all over. It was a mess, to say the least. We had horizontal rain and hail thanks to high winds. Tito was NOT amused and spent a lot of time hiding as a result. He’s happier now.

Tito lurked nervously after the last storm
Miss Jenny
Meanwhile, Miss Jenny got over her fear and settled in to watch the seagulls that were taunting her.

Our thanks to for this one.


5 Replies to “Caturday: After the storms”

  1. always great to see your blog updated! i find no typos. doggies and kitties spell charmingly.Miss Annabel wants to crawl inside my head during a storm. not just next to me, and definitely not into a hidey hole, inside my head LOL. HUGS to all of them!

  2. Ouch!! I just hate big storms…. None of my kitties has ever liked them either so I can truly sympathize.Thank goodness all we’re getting ’round about my parts is butt-loads of snow at the moment… seriously annoying…. but quiet. 😉

    1. Happy New Year! I saw that your corner of the world was getting snow. 🙂 I hope you and Carolyn had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. The kitties have also recovered from New Years, which wasn’t too bad here at home for once. Lastech was at work dealing with drunks and other assorted problems. He was kind enough to call me on occasion so that I wouldn’t worry too much.

      I’m going to try to be better about posting this year. Odd shifts and job changes, etc got in the way. I’m hoping to have my JBoD year in review up today. I’m hoping. I’m slow as molasses though.

      1. Hahahaha!! I can certainly feel that vibe…. my own posting at my Blog has been somewhat slapdash the last few months too. The “Real World” certainly has a way of sucking up my personal time, that’s for sure.

        We did have a nice Christmas… and as it happens, I’m in the midst of distilling all my thoughts on it for a “Diary” post right now. Ought to be going live later this evening if I have any sort of luck… (Crossing my fingers… 😉 )

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