Yes, it’s Caturday, but first things first. The proper pronunciation for evil in this context is the same as in the old classic horror films. Instead of pronouncing it as in the name Evel Knievel, it should be pronounced EEeee vill . The first half should be long and drawn out and the second half rhymes with bill. Got it? Good on we go.
Evil lurks in this house, erm, apartment. It has four legs and fur. It also has beautiful baby blue eyes.
Don’t let the fart monster’s beautiful blue eyes fool you into complacency. She’s evil.
Why fear? Well, he found this! [cue the theme to Psycho’s shower scene].
No wonder Tito is scared. I’m scared too. This morning I awoke to find her nibbling on my eyebrows. Then she farted.
So that you don’t have nightmares after that last photo, I’m including an adorable English bulldog named Porter. He doesn’t like his leash. It can be found on cobrakiel’s YouTube page.
LOL to having your eyebrows chewed on and then Jenny farting. The dog is hilarious.
The eyebrow nibbling isn’t too bad. It’s better than eyelid licking at any rate. I could live without the farting though.
love eeeviiilll kitties! as for the dog, those noises pretty much sum up my feelings about the world too. 🙂
I was hoping you would get a bit of a laugh out of that. 🙂