The joys of aging: an oral love story

Nothing like a good meal followed by a… a good proper “recycling” session, if you know what I mean… In between both, though, flossing takes longer, what with receding gum lines etc…

Your mouth becomes a Walmart with monstrosities lingering in the aisles.

I had a particularly irritating bacon bit wedged between two teeth earlier today. One of those clingy, rubbery  bits of bacon fat which seemed oddly attached to a molar, and considering how long they’d known each other I thought the relationship had a whiff of co-dependence…

Ultimately though, all good things must end, and food stuffs must separate from enamel.

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
With her first chewteeth
She gave new filling to this cavity of mine
She fills my teeth with very special things
With angels’ songs , with wild imaginings
She fills my mouth with so much flavor

Andy Williams – “Love Story”

No. No, actually it really is more like this:

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