Klingon for cats: a “Kajagoogoo” revival of sorts…

Everyone does it. It’s only a problem when you actually do it on purpose, and a sickness when you work at making it into a language.
Baby talk. Whether with infants or pets. Maybe it starts with the ‘shorthand’ people develop when they live as a couple for a while, sharing an ever increasing frame of reference. I was reminded of this while watching “date night” with Tina Fey and Steve Carell, a pretty funny and fresh take on marriage.
Here, in the realm of jellybeansofdoom, Tito and Maz Whang do it in their own way: the cooing, meowing, purring and other vocalizations.
And I’ll confess we imitate them, only to have them both look at us as though we speak in a heavily accented version of cat. Silly humans and their funny walk…
For having led such a sheltered life (by comparison), Maz speaks in harsh tones (unless he’s cold, in which case he whimpers ‘sotto voce’). His language is positively Klingon and I’m certain I heard him more than once calling Tito a p’tahk, whatever that means.
But where it gets really questionable is when I find myself (this is hard to admit, gimme credit) pulling the covers away from Maz’ sleepy head and whispering…. Buh-ghee! Buh-ghee! Ghoo! Ghoo-ghee..?
No, I don’t even know what it means but it does make us both feel good. I think.
Oh and speaking of Kajagoogoo, this guy wouldn’t last a minute around cats with this hairdo, and that’s before he put beads in. Hey, you know, I guess I do remember the ‘80s after all…

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2 Replies to “Klingon for cats: a “Kajagoogoo” revival of sorts…”

  1. Yes!! I do this too!

    Along with the little sounds goes the body language too… Like cocking your head slightly to the side while making that lil’ cooing sound that says “Come here and let me pet you”. Or the little nod that goes with “Ok…Ok… I heard you the first time…”

    At least I’m not the only one doing this….. 😉

  2. You are certainly not the only one. LOL I’m as guilty as Lastech. BTW, if you haven’t seen our most recent post, we’re about to adopt another kitty. It will be a girl this time. Yes, we’re crazy. 🙂 We’ll make an official announcement with pics, etc.

    Speaking of which…ahem… when are you going to post a pic of your kitty? Ok, I’ll get off your back now. I know you’ll post when you can.

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