A Marvelous Monday at Baker Beach

Ok, ok, maybe your Monday isn’t marvelous. You gotta give me brownie points for trying though.

Lately we’ve been exploring beaches. Our previous trip took us to Ocean Beach. This time we went to Baker Beach which is SSW of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was cold, but that didn’t stop us from walking in the surf. It was a glorious morning with porpoise and happy dogs and beach art.

Baker Beach
Early morning at Baker Beach and the Golden Gate Bridge is shrouded in fog. Barely visible is a fisherman on the rocks.

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Caturday: Cats as art…again

Another Caturday rolls around and it’s time for Tito and Jenny to look their best. Sometimes it’s fun to take a substandard photo and have a bit of fun with it. This is what I did today.

Tito as art
Tito as art
Jenny under water
Jenny under water

As a bonus, here is a owl that is so cute your head might explode.

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Traveling with pets: additional musings

Ah, San Francisco… We fancied a trip to Baker Beach yesterday and took a long walk barefoot through the edge of the surf, having the enchanting experience of watching porpoises breaching the waves just offshore.

Baker Beach, a week ago

At one point a sea lion pup watched us before slipping back under the water, while dogs chased birds and each other, a perfect jellybeansofdoom kind of day.

Continue reading “Traveling with pets: additional musings”

Beaches: Ocean Beach

I’ve lived in San Francisco for ten years. I love the beach, but I’ve spent little time there. The water here tends to be a bit cool for my taste at less than 60 degrees. Lastech and I have decided to start exploring the beaches and that means we’ll even get our feet wet when it’s safe to do so. There are one or two beaches that can be dangerous even if you’re only ankle deep.

Our first stop was Ocean Beach

Ocean Beach
Ocean Beach from Sutro Heights. The band of dark green in center left is Golden Gate Park.

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Caturday: shelf monsters and pack rats

As anyone who lives with cats knows, they are mischievous, wicked, naughty, thieving little critters. Some, will steal your food like Kitsy used to do. His preference was bacon, but he would settle for pizza. Some are paper shredders. The Boober’s favorite was the paper towel roll. We used to have to hide the rolls in the cupboard.

Tito is the shelf monster. If it’s on the shelf, it won’t be for long. He’s an expert of knocking items off one at a time. This is quite disturbing at 3am. We learned the hard way that breakable items have to be stored away.

Tito wanted poster

This is what Tito is like in action. His nickname should really be Ruprecht. The important part begins at 3:55 minutes in.

Some, like Miss Jenny, love to steal various items from around the house and hide them in bed. She’s a regular pack rat. Trust me, you don’t go to bed in this apartment without going through the bedding looking for all the stray items. A ballpoint pen in the posterior is not my idea of fun.

Jenny wanted poster

This is just a small sample of the items found in our bed.

toys in bed
Found in bed: One sock, two corks, one mechanical pencil, one screwdriver, one broken clothes hanger, one bottle cap and one black plastic doohumflicky

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Teh Woozle

Known to most of us as Teh Woozle, this handsome beast is the companion of aoeu, a friend of JBoD.  aoeu shared this photo the other day and I fell in love with it. I am using it with his permission.

Teh Woozle was rescued many moons ago on the No. California Coast. He was tired and hungry. He has been a loyal companion ever since. He is now living back East and is basking in his senior years. In his day, he was a very talented rat catcher. Those rats didn’t stand a chance. These days one of his favorite pastimes is snarfing up a piece of toast (buttered on both sides) after it has been dropped on the floor accidentally-on-purpose.

Teh Woozle
Teh Woozle

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Sometimes it’s the little things

Sometimes we get in such a hurry that we miss out on the little wonders. I mean the kind of things that you only see if you’re taking the time to really look at what is around you. I’m learning to go slower and pay attention when I’m outdoors. We have managed to find plenty of odd bits of art outdoors and I wrote about it last year in my post Art in Nature. This time, I found a few more little things, but nature made rather than man made.

Tree bark
Tree bark
Snail on succulent
Snail on succulent
Cypress bark
Cypress bark
Ripples in the water
Ripples in the water

I’ll leave you with a final thought

It’s not what you look at that matters. It’s what you see. ~Henry David Thoreau~

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Midnight Movie Madness: “The fall” (2006)

The fall” – (117 minutes, India/USA, 2006 – rated R)

In a Los Angeles hospital of the 1920s, a 5 year old Romanian girl named Alexandria (Cantinca Untaru) is recovering from a broken arm she suffered picking up oranges with her migrant workers parents. Relieving the monotony of long days in this adult world is her accidental meeting of another patient, Roy Walker (Lee Pace), a young movie stuntman.

"The fall" title
Opening title

Roy is bedridden after performing a stunt he intended to impress the film’s female lead. The opening sequence of “the fall“, a gorgeous black and white montage using Beethoven’s 7th symphony, reveals what happened after Roy plunged off a railroad bridge on horseback into the river below, killing his horse and wrenching his back.

The fall iron horse
… And the Iron Horse

As it turns out, Roy is not only just as bored as Alexandria, he is contemplating suicide, the hopeless romantic…

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Caturday on a Sunday

The kitties were about to have their moment in the sun yesterday when we learned of the passing of Neil Armstrong. As the commander of Apollo 11 and the first man to set foot on the moon, we just had to honor him instead.

Now it’s time for the kitties to shine.

Tito and his new blanket
A wonderful friend, StateOfGrace gave our kitties a couple of lovely little blankets. I was finally able to get a photo of Tito with his. Thank You StateOfGrace.
Queen Jenny
Miss Nightshade Jenny is queen of all she surveys

Who let the dogs out?

And now we leave you with a singing cockatiel.

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